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Lonely Miqo'te looking for contacts

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So, after a few months away from the game I find my friends list depleted and myself and poor Nhia here a tad lost. I've never had the best of luck finding long lasting contacts from the Quicksand and all so I thought I'd try my luck here (again). 


Nhia is based in Ul'dah most of the time although she'd love to be dragged pretty much anywhere in search of adventure and interesting/pretty things. I'm not at all fussy about the kind of contacts made although I'd prefer to avoid the whole maiming/death thing if at all possible. She will interact with pretty much anybody, if they have a story to tell all the better.


She is pretty sociable and easy to get along with, although infuriatingly curious at times. She is quite a traditional Keeper by upbringing so any new experiences for her are most welcome!


So, if anybody fancies rping with a sometimes slightly annoying Miqo please do poke me.

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I do not mean to criticize, but there are hordes of RPers wishing to be dragged somewhere on an adventure, and have a story presented to them.


I think you would have better luck if you created your own stories, and invited others to partake in them. It makes deeper connections, and makes people keep coming back.


What is your character's goal? Their mission? Why are they hanging around the quicksand? Why do they need contacts?


Sorry for a bit of a rant, but at any time in the Quicksand there is one person with a story to tell, and 9 people waiting for a story to happen to them. It's no surprise people have trouble finding contacts and RP.


If you have any questions or would like any help developing stories, I'd be happy to give whatever inexpert advice I may.

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Thank you for the input Natalie, I don't think I necessarily worded my original post so well. I'm not looking to be spoon-fed story or roleplay, just trying to say that although Nhia is technically based in Ul'dah, for the purposes of roleplay I am happy to move her wherever and whenever and that she is open to interaction with any kind of character because her gullibility means she is likely to believe any story she is spun, initially at least.


I am looking to make contacts and thus hopefully collaboratively create stories together in the future, not to shoehorn myself into peoples stories as is.


To elaborate on Nhia's goals. At present she is mostly trying to acclimatize herself with the world outside her very limited, traditional upbringing. Her social circle before leaving the Shroud was literally a handful of people so I am looking to introduce her to as wide a variety of people and experiences as possible and see what effect that has on her. Other Keeper roleplayers would be a bonus, I really don't know where they are hiding right now! 


Hopefully that has cleared things up a l'il.

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My Au Ra wouldn't mind the interaction if you are up for it. (Trying to character develop him) He usually stands around the Quicksand huffing, though will be traveling very very soon after realizing he had the map upside down and is in the wrong meeting place.


Perhaps if you are in Gridania or on the way (since he and a few others maybe on foot), we can bump. Hope to see you around! Best of luck.

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