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An Au Ra looking for a home.....

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Hello my friends!

I'm considering on transferring my alt to Balmung! I think it is about time I return home for a little while. I've got my main situated in a nice FC but my alt who is a level 19 THM/13 GSM/8 WVR, I'm wanting to get some RP experience again under my belt and since I'm still trying to write my fanfiction I think coming back to the server that started it all will be a good move. Let's get some introductions started!


Meet: Althena Aurora Serenity Lightdragon


Isn't she gorgeous? I fell in love right after I made her. I felt compelled to play her! The most I know about her just from playing is that she is a really sweet and kind character. She loves nature and rather enjoys visiting Gridania when not being called to help in Ul'dah.


Ok, got off topic! :P LOL. I was wondering if there are any FCs who might want to take me in? I've not RPed in a LONG TIME and rather nervous about starting as I'm not as sure of the lore and I am scared of saying something that might be wrong. >< I would love a FC who is helpful not only with dungeons/quests/raiding but with the game's lore. PLUS being social would be nice too!


I live in the CST and I'm on pretty much all the time but during the week I work. Full time department head at Hobby Lobby. I can't wait to read what everyone suggests and hopefully be on the server soon.

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Ok, 2 good choices so far! Yay! I'm becoming unsure as I remembered that Balmung was known for having HIGH wait times, is that still the case? I want to be sure of my choice before I make a move. :)


Thank you so much everyone. Keep those suggestions coming.

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