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We're the bad guys!

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Greetings my fellow citizens, despite my absence in-game, does not prevent me from knowing the intelligence within the Magistra Empire. And this is regarding about the meeting with Intermission that I sent Empress Arturia Saber as our acting ambassador to the Role-playing Coalition.


Original Message from Empress Arturia Saber to Whispering Wind and Anna Volfield.


Nanase has said that I am to report the following to Whispering Wind and Anna Volfield.


I met with Endricane and 5 other prominent rp ls leaders this evening over skype. The discussion was to revolve around 2.0, how our role players can benefit through making events for them, the coming of free companies, etc.


HOWEVER, little did I know that this friendly ooc discussion was to take a turn that would make even me feel downright uncomfortable as endricane called me out about the post about him on the forums and then everyone "discussed" and laughed at me for not wanting our ls to be involved in intermission. they literally laughed at me, and made fun of me. I felt disgusted and at the mercy of how they were treating me.


They told me that Magistra would not have a place on RPC if we continued.


After tonight's events, Nanase and I are both fine in not including Magistra long with RPC. RPC is dying anyway, and we have done wonderfully over the past few months.


Aside from being slandered and ganged up on my 6 other ls leaders, I can recall that endricane told all of the ls leaders to hand out link pearls of the Intermission to everyone they can meet. That is bad news for us. Endricane seeks to make The Magistra a laughing stock just as he made me a laughing stock tonight. He will have everyone included in Intermission before we know it.


He also plans on making an ls that revolves around the story that is centered around Garleans who no longer live in the Garlean Empire and is strongly working against them. Does that not sound as though he is trying to steal Nanase's story. They also plan on setting up a monarchy of sorts, such as we have. Just seems like they are trying to steal our ideas.


Tonight was not fun for me. I am glad that neither of you were there; though I took the brunt of it as any paladin should.


I told Endricane that I thought this was to be a nice meeting when everyone was ganging up on me.


To which he replied "I asked that everyone be respectful, not nice." But I would not even say that is was respectful. They were downright rude and laughed in my face. I felt as though that the whole entire purpose of the meeting was to subject me to that because after that happened, the chat was disbanded.


Nanase has stated that we don't need RPC, and we will, in fact, bring them to their knees.


I agree with him. I will never forgive the treatment they gave me tonight.





And my verdict is this: We will NOT affiliate ourselves with Intermission, nor RPC (Role-Play Coalitions), we have been very successful under my leadership and the alliance we have formed to advance ourselves. They can stick with their gracious little inner circle until they fall. However, I will tell you all this as much. The reason why we are very successful, and there is a secret behind it, and that secret has not been shared within neither Whisper, Arturia, Anna, Christina, nor any of my officers. And I tend to keep it that way. They will fall, and we will be there to smile upon their failure.


I have pretended to be neutral in order to find out Endricane's true intentions, as his petty little officers sent me tells in regarding of us spreading false rumors about them. First of, it was not a false rumor. Endricane personally wanted the Magistra Empire to be apart of RPC, and encouraged us in doing so. However, he made a very stupid mistake of trying to buy Arturia, and Whisper, and knowing them, I chuckled, because their loyalty remained with me, and the Magistra. And now, because of his offer, now he uses RPC to threaten us to get out of his way of recruitment. Let me tell you something, we needn't to venture out and recruit people. They come to us out of goodwill after a little directions we gave them. We have established a well known reputations about us as a community, not some random guild where you come and go. I have taken care of heretics that tried to destroy the Magistra, and spy amongst us that does Endricane bidding to bring us down. I now have confirmed his plan, and there is no reason for Arturia to lie me, and I know that she never once had regarding to these matters. Besides, we literally had survived without RPC, or Intermission in the first place, why not? It doesn't make sense to me. We have established an incomparable system where no one could come up with, nor even keep track of it even if they tried. And a community where it is hard for us to break apart. My conclusion is that we will absolutely nothing. They can go out there and recruit, we continue our routine of helping people, eliminating spies now that Square Enix systematically permit us to do so, and continue to keep the great reputation and power we have established for ourselves, and the community that we all loved so much as a whole.


What say you?


I have been kind,graceful, and fair to everyone. But do not make me play your dirty game, Endricane. Because I will not. You will fall, and I will make sure that you will. Also, I do NOT tolerate you people go about and slander us when we spoke truth to turn the table. We know your intentions, and we know what you are up to. Assaulting any of our members is the greatest mistake you'll ever make. And also, go ahead and recruit people, they'll end up leaving anyway. Good luck trying to establish a Monarchy, or copy pasta our ideas. Believe me, I know how my shit work and can keep track of it. You nor any of your petty little effort won't even compare to our might, Endricane, and this is a fact.


As an aside, when is the recording of the LS leader meeting being posted up?


source: (I can't make this up if I tried)



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I still fail to see what the issue has ever been. Every single post I've seen appears to have been blown entirely out of proportion. Mountains of of mole hills. No less, I also saw plenty of slandering slung out towards members of the RPC, Intermission, and Endricane. I have seen nothing of the sort coming from RPC members towards them. Only justified (in my opinion) confrontation against their attempts to attack and slander our members, which has been wholly inappropriate.


While I don't condone their actions, after a bit of thought I've come to the conclusion that this is something that should most likely just be ignored. At first I thought perhaps they ought to simply be banned from participation within the RPC, but in reality they wouldn't really be accepted unless they apologized anyways. I do stand by the idea that the RPC should be a privilege though, not a right.


I won't even begin to list why they are setting themselves up for failure. However, I hope they come to realize how childish they're acting. Such delusions of grandeur are just.. ...I don't have words. That display is just ridiculous. I can think of no other word to portray the amount of immaturity they have shown in all this.


Regardless, I would ask that we keep things civil - even if they cannot. Please leave their linkpearl alone and don't stir the pot on this one.

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Nanase has stated that we don't need RPC, and we will, in fact, bring them to their knees.


I wasn't present at the leaders meeting, due to the fact I'm not a leader, so I don't know what happened. However, this one statement concerns me a little.


Everything else aside, this to me is somewhat worrying. If indeed they have the means to back up this statement, harming the RPC will effectively damage to whole RP community on the server.


Other than that concern, I'm also quite disturbed by the level of hostility. Hostility like this will NOT help secure the future of RP on FFXIV, nor will it help us build upon our community, not just within the RPC, but of roleplayers in general.


I personally do not care what happens between the two groups, so long as some sort of action can be reached to cease hostilities in some way that doesn't damage RPers in general.


Edit: After following Mtoto's link, I can't help but notice there are other threads that attack us, and more specifically Endricane. This is something that definately needs to be worked out. Peacefully.

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This was why they were brought to the linkshell leader meeting, we spoke very peacefully and when I turned the topic on their attacks, this person obviously thought it was an attack against them and their linkshell, I asked for them to stop the attacks and slander. I want nothing more than to welcome them to the community and to enjoy it (because it's for everyone), but it's simply not possible on their end. I am an adult I can handle all these attacks and such, it's no matter to me, what they choose to do is their choice, I am not forcing them or anybody to join the RPC or Intermission.


For those of you that are friends with both groups, I am extremely sorry about all this, I've done my best to try to keep things civil but everything is twisted into some ridiculous conspiracy. In the end, The Magistra Empire is filled with good people just wanting to have fun and enjoy the game, just because of the actions of two of their leaders, do not treat them any differently. Be respectable and nothing else, maybe they will see that myself and the RPC aren't the villains that we are being made to look like. It's a big enough sand box to play in, so let's play and forget this mess.


To The Magistra Empire, I wish you all nothing but the best of luck in all your affairs and wherever your path takes you, I admire your dedication and the love you have for your members. Regardless of all that has happened I hope to see you all in game and to have a good time. Take care.

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Oh. My. God.



Are they serious!?

I know for a FACT that Endri didn't even MENTION the incident on their website until an hour and a half into the conversation...and that it only lasted about 15 minutes more.

And EVERYONE ganged up on them? Really?


They are severely delusional. And I don't like to talk badly about anyone. But now I feel as if they are dragging my name through the dirt as I was one of the people present at that meeting. The most I said to that person was to try to explain how Intermission worked. That is ALL. I didn't even say anything over voice chat concerning them, even though I really wanted to. Now they have basically said that they are against us all...and that's not okay.


I still think they don't understand what the RPC is, or what Intermission is. The fact that they think that Endri is stealing their ideas, is ridiculous. They're not the first people to RP here. They're not the first people to come up with the idea of a monarchy. They're to the only ones to think of a group of Garleans...as a matter of fact, most of us have been here MUCH longer than they have, and those storylines had been established way before then.


In all honesty, it makes me sad. I would never tell my ls mates to completely boycott a group of people in game. I would never expect anyone to ask that of me. I will not ignore them in game, nor will I tell anyone else to do so, as it would only bring me down to their level. I hope that they don't try to escalate this situation more...but if they do, they will have to realize that it will only look bad on them. I hope that they clear their heads soon. And I hope that there can be some way to reconcile this so that we can all co-habitate at least semi peacefully. Here's to wishful thinking.

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I was posting up a very long and hostile response to this, as I wasn't too pleased to see things like "the RPC is dying" or "we're gonna bring them to their knees!" But I decided it was probably best to not say everything I was thinking. Anyone with any common sense will read the original message and hopefully see through all the absolute craziness in it all.


However, I will say this. I don't take kindly to people threatening to bring a site I helped form to "its knees." I'm removing this linkshell's ads from this site in their entirety, as it makes no sense to advertise a group who outright states that they want to see our downfall (plus, they already seem to have edited their original ad and removed everything anyway). Hopefully sometime later down the line, the Magistra Empire's leaders will be more open to adult conversations and cease hurtling conspiracy theories everywhere.


It's a shame things have gotten so far out of control like this. The RP community is small enough as is and doesn't need these types of divisions, especially over such petty things. Just reading over that whole first post has me shaking my head, laughing to myself, and frustrates me all at the same time. The sheer ignorance is astounding. But whatever. I've never even heard of this linkshell until it started up all this drama so if it wants to fade back into obscurity, I'm fine with that. The RPC survived without it for two years now. Their support, or lack thereof, isn't going to kill us like they seem to think it will.


PS: I find it humorous that certain people think Endricane has all this "power." People really need to do their homework. Endri must be flattered though :P


Edit: They also seem to be IC at all times, even when discussing OOC concepts. IC and OOC should not cross like that...ever >.>;. The end result is stuff like this.

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Oh indeed, it does seem as if they think we're Endricane's army of evil or something. Maybe they're mistaking the RPC for the Dodo Empire :P


Also, them saying the RPC is dying just seems like propaganda... we're not dying... we're getting new members every couple of days. Intermission has over 80 members in it, which true is less than it has been, we did have that repearling recently. And as well as that, we have multiple IC linkshells associated with the RPC.


Magistra, meanwhile, is but one LS (and going by the name of some of the characters in there, it appears as though not all of them RP, at least in a serious manner). They may have a larger number than intermission has, but intermission does not count for all RPC members.


I would advise that the best course of action would be to:


- Act cautiously but peacefully. Don't rise to their hostility.


- Keep out of their way in terms of LS politics. Don't let the situation damage any friendship between individual players, however.


- Naturally, if the RPC is attacked in any way, we should defend ourselves, so long as we do it in a mature manner. Going from what I've seen on the forums, we don't have any hostile posts about them. We should keep it that way. Naturally, we should prove false any rumours they spread about us as this thread has practically done.


I certainly plan to try to keep the peace in any way I can. I'm not going to alter my treatment of Magistra - I'm going to continue to view them as just another RP linkshell rather than the enemy or something like that. If something bad happens, I will defend the RPC, within reason. And I suggest that's the stance we all take. If we attack Magistra, it would only damage our reputation. And if we stand tall and hold the line, either they'll give up attacking us, they'll come to a truce, or their constant offensives would eat away at their own reputation.


I have a lot of respect for our community already. Our forum community, at least, is polite and friendly. I don't believe we'd ever attack Magistra the way they attacked us.

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As an aside, when is the recording of the LS leader meeting being posted up?


I was under the impression that it wasn't to be posted up, but kept as a back up in case... well this happens. I'll get on it, but should I try to isolate the part where we discussed this or post the entire thing? It will be up on Sunday for sure, and maybe earlier if I have spare time, which I will try to make due to the sensitive nature of this post.


Going to read the replies now and then maybe post something else... we'll see. lol




EDIT: Meh, as I saw before, they really don't know IC from OOC, and have a tendancy to think they have a copy right on certain ideas and plots that have been around, not only in the past but this game specifically for a lot longer than they have been playing. The monarchy idea? That's me, not Edricane. I've been around since beta, and had that idea on the backburner for a lot longer than that. I can understand your surprise, Magistra peeps, since Oskar doesn't go around talking with strangers about these plans, as I regard the setting differently than Nana-something (sorry I forget the leader's name). When we RPed that one time, he basically told Oskar /everything/, the fact that he was in fact Garlean, and he wanted to make an Empire, and then how he didn't want to make an Empire... the whole thing was very very confusing and while I at first thought this would be fun- as I do not regard any idea as original and welcomed 'competition' in that regard, at the end I concluded that I would not be RPing with him and possibly the group anyway, as it would be too frustrating, because of different RP styles/views of the setting. I just kind of went OOC and /didn't/ have Oskar take him out for a long walk in the rain, into a cave, where a Duskwight would be the only one leaving it... because you know, I was super-scared of his army stationed in Thanalan, of Eorzeans /and/ Vanadelians. :approve:


I guess what I mean to say is, while it would be nice for the RPC to be a hub for every RPer... I am personally not going to suffer either way, since I wouldn't really RP with them (as a linkshell, not individuals) regardless of their membership in the RPC.

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I want this to end, really. You can edit and post the recording if you wish, but do it for the RPC and what thoughts we discussed. Not this non-sense, this doesn't need to turn into a he said she said thing, we know what happened, that's all that matters.


Also I hate you for that video. -.-

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My thoughts are pretty much what Alothia said. The 'stealing our ideas' thing is equally ridiculous, because I seriously doubt many people even know what their 'stories' are.


They do not seem to be able to distinguish between ic and ooc, and Arturia herself stated that they do not need any form of ooc pearl or interaction, because all of their members are always in character. The worst I could see being stated as a 'gang up' was when we tried to explain to them that we're not always in character, nor is Endricane's pearl. Alothia was trying to explain the purpose of the Intermission pearl, essentially explaining how it's an 'rp hookup' ls, that's completely ooc.


Saber: "I can rp by myself... I don't need someone else to suck a story off of."

Alothia: "No, not to suck a story off of. Like Alothia wanders around and will run into people and talk to them."

S: "That is fine. That is Alothia's choice."

A: "If there isn't anyone that she sees in the city, sometimes I'll use it to find out where people are. So she can "wander" to where they are to talk to them."

S: "But would Alothia, if Alothia were real, use the ls in that way?"

A: "No. Because it's not a LS she'd have. Because it's not an IC shell."

S: "Of course. So heavy rpers have no use for it because they do not go out of character."


Diyne: "It's not healthy to stay ic 100%. But that's just me."

Saber: "I am an actress irl. I can handle it lol."


If that's a slight, I don't even know. And then Endricane just tried to negotiate with the person, in a calm manner. Which, they took as some kind of attack.


They did not seem to care, nor simply understand the basic idea and difference between ic and ooc. Nor have a desire to do so. The were just absolutely serious, and looking for a reason to create conflict. A game of pretend should be a game of pretend, but this is being taken far, far too seriously, and does not keep in mind the difference between other players, and their 'pretend' characters. (Because that's really all we're doing, in the end. And that's supposed to be FUN.)


I kinda feel like they're super trolling, considering half of their members (including their 'empress') are named after anime characters. (Arturia Saber being a character from Fate/Stay Night, an H Game and later anime.) Their behaviour is almost cult-like in its presentation. I'm going to just step back, and walk away, shake my head, and not give these people anymore thought, personally. I've dealt with similar behaviour from "cults" in other games, and there will likely be no reasoning with them, nor will they come to an understanding. Especially if they're just super trolls. I don't even understand why they originally took Endricane's invitation as a slight.


TLDR: It's like a trainwreck full of cult weeaboos, and I think I threw up a little in my mouth. Disturbingly overdone and ridiculous.

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"He also plans on making an ls that revolves around the story that is centered around Garleans who no longer live in the Garlean Empire and is strongly working against them. Does that not sound as though he is trying to steal Nanase's story. They also plan on setting up a monarchy of sorts, such as we have. Just seems like they are trying to steal our ideas."


I have to shake my head on this part, it's funny how this group believes that Nanase is the only one who came up with the idea to be a Garlean who left his home to fight against the Empire and think people are copying from him.


Character created: (Nanase) 2/21/2012 vs. (Zenge) 1/12/2011


There are many of us in the RPC who plays as a Ex-Garlean already have this type of arc-story way before this person even enters the RP world and we don't really care if another RPer have a similar story. These people need to chill.


It's just sad that they have to act so immature. It's all about having fun with people who enjoy the same hobbies not beat each other with a wet noodle.

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I told Endricane my thoughts on all of this last night, and everyone else has pretty much said anything I could think of. It's pretty pathetic how the react to us. I recall seeing a shout for their LS in Gridania one night, and considered joining their LS. But that was before I knew everything about... well, this. If they want to act like this, fine. I'll still interact as normal and should I ever RP with them as long as they aren't insistent on trying to be in-character with me about something that's specifically OOC-only I have no problems. But should they attack me or anyone I know directly then I'm taking action on my own. I don't have time for this and quite frankly I know none of us do. We're here to RP, enjoy ourselves, and hopefully make new friends. Trying to create rifts in the community is the last thing any of us should be trying to do.

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Just a general heads-up:


I've just been contacted in game by Lunos Lupus with word that he and his LS have also been targetted by an attack from Magistra Empire.


Whilst I don't know the full details, I do feel somewhat concerned that we're not the only ones targetted.


Lunos and his LS I believe are going to be taking any evidence of hostility to GMs and SE.

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Bit of an update here - I'm going to quote over a discussion from the FFXIV forum:


It's sad that it's getting to this.


Fighting one another will not help the RP community on Balmung. Nor will it display us in good light to the rest of the server.


From what I can tell, a lot of the arguments here are based on events blown way out of preportion. The RPC shows no ill will toward Magistra, and I'm sure prior to these hostilities, it used to be the same vice versa. I have seen no evidence of slander from the RPC aimed toward the Empire (although I'm not going to comment on what has been said in the other direction), nor is the RPC itself copying any system produced by the Magistra Empire as the Coalition is an OOC community, and thus any role-played systems within the community are property of the individual role-players involved and their respective linkshells (barring Intermission, which is strictly out-of-character only). The RPC in no way intends to copy or steal any ideas from other linkshells, and any system similarities are purely coincidental.


If we can't be friendly with one-another, can we at least stay out of each other's way? As much as I hate the idea of a division in the RP community, it's far better than the community being "brought to its knees".


I would like you to know that I don't think any less of the members of the Magistra Empire over these hostilities. In fact I respect you as fellow RPers. However, attacks on other members of the role-playing community is not going to help your image. Thus I request that any outward hostilities stop, not just for the sake of our linkshells, but the entire RP community in general.


Disclaimer: Any and all views displayed in this post are not necissarily shared with the RPC in general. I am but a member of the community and have no real authority, and thus any opinions stated are purely my own.


To which Nanase replied with:


^ This, I agreed upon. However, the attack of my ambassador during the meeting because we were trying to justify Intermission's action, was definitely not a fine light to start off with. But I am more than happy to once again mention that we are separating my community with RPC, and Intermission. As I clearly stated before. We bear no ill will either, unless we are attacked for no apparent reason.
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To each their own. But disappointing she has to call it "her" community. It's a linkshell, not a community as the RPC nor Intermission are communities either. Sorry, just that one comment in her post irked me a bit. But I guess we'll see if it simply ends there or if we continue to face slander. That said maybe this topic should be locked now that it's served its purpose. We don't need them accusing us of trying to slander them either by keeping the discussion going.

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The sheer amount of hypocrisy pushed out by their leaders will see to it things spiral out of control, if I've seen anything in my years of MMO gaming. I mean, just the other day I heard from one of their former officers that they were kicked because they suspected of being a "spy". I can understand why some of our members might be concerned, but I really don't think it's necessary. The fact that our community at one point had over one thousand registered members speaks enough. We are in no threat of being "brought to our knees", and the fact that they seek to do so shows just how immature their leadership truly is. It might be a light thorn in our side, but anyone worth having in our community will not pass judgement on us just because some random linkshell says we're bad guys.


Suffice it to say, even if these bullies choose to target you - as they have us, among other linkshells, I would suggest you take the moral high road and turn a deaf ear to them. The fact that they are discouraging drama on one end, and forcing it out the other says enough that attempting to resolve this just won't work until they realize what they are actually doing. I think it would be best to just let them do whatever they want, and to leave ourselves out of the equation.


If no one else has anything to add, I suppose this can be locked and removed - barring approval from the other mods. I don't want to pluck this out if the others feel there's more discussion to be had, or if this is something that should be open for all to see.

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At this point I'd encourage people to simply ignore any ill comments they make about the RPC, Intermission, or any other RP shell. Let them do their own thing and further isolate themselves on their own, because that's exactly what they're doing. It's a waste of energy to give them any further attention. I'm beginning to think that's all this ever was to begin with--a grab for attention in an attempt to gain more members. In my 7+ years of RPing in MMO's, I have never encountered anything quite like this. Just let them do their thing, even if it does involve slandering us. Any individual with common sense will forge their own opinion based on their own experience, rather than allow someone to tell them how to feel about someone/something. Their linkshell is quite young in comparison to some here, and FAR younger than the RPC as a whole. They have much to learn still, and at this point they're on their own in doing so.


Long story short, don't feed the trolls anymore >.>. Clearly their leaders are just fishing for attention...made clear by the fact that their linkshell was practically unheard of by most prior to all of these bizarre events.

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I really, really think in addition to just not responding to any further posts by them (because our responses do nothing but fan the flames), we should just lock, possibly even just delete these threads and not bring it up anymore. There's a post on the official forums that has degraded into more of this, and no matter how logical our reasoning with them is, every response we give just makes things worse.


Like you said Kylin, this has been GREAT publicity for them. Don't let them continue to use us like that. We shouldn't let them bother us. We tried to reach out to them, it didn't work, they want to isolate themselves. That's their choice, and those who join their shell agree to it too. Let's move on. :)

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This makes me sad' date=' really sad. I made some friends over there recently and now I'm worried when I come back from my trip that I won't be allowed to talk to them anymore because of this. I really hope this blows over quickly and we can all go back to having fun playing with each other.[/quote']


According to a post response Nanamix (Did I get that right?) made in his recruitment thread there won't be actions preventing player interaction between their members and non-members belonging to other shells. I've been reacted to twice by a member of theirs, (A brief RP twice and I helped heal them as they did leves.) and there was no hostility at all. Hopefully we can all get along and just bury this whole thing forever. I'm going to myself make an effort to restrain from any comments and I hope everyone else will too. But you should be able to hang out with those friends Nel, and if you can't because of this, it's really messed up. :?

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Simply put, so long as everyone is mature there should be no issues about playing with members of the community. If people are quick to refuse to play or talk to you based on hearsay, are they people you really want to be hanging out with in the first place? We're all (mostly all) adults here. I'd imagine that this can be buried and allowed to fade back into obscurity. If members still have problems with the RPC or Intermission, it's not our problem, it's their own. Anyways, my two cents.

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Disclaimer: I stalk everyone's forums. None of you are safe from me!


Not to drag about and beat a dead horse buuuut, they've issued an apology.


Dear Role Players of Balmung,


I, Arturia Saber, come to you speaking on behalf of myself and several other invaluable leaders to our link shell The Magistra. We four have come to the notion that our exclusivity has caused much drama within the role playing community of our server. It has come to the point where we have held a meeting and have decided that it would be best for us to separate ourselves from our current shell and begin anew under a different leadership. We would like to create a shell that encourages role playing with others, and multiple shell ownership will be acceptable. I, personally, apologize profusely to those who we have outright rejected from our social circle within FFXIV. I do not expect forgiveness, but I would like you to know that I am sorry, and was always acting under orders. I believe our actions have put me to shame concerning our exclusivity, I do not desire this, which is why I, have decided that it would be best to join under a new name along with Kurisutina Rintarou, Anna Volfield, and Whispering Wind of Balmung. We will be the new leaders of a great community that encourages regular activity, friendship, working together, role playing, and participating on friendly terms with others in the role playing community of Balmung. Any members that come into our new link shell will be welcome to join other link shells, and even keep The Magistra under their names, but that is their choice. I simply wish for happiness and peace for all of us, and to begin anew on friendly terms for the benefit of each other. Again, I, Arturia Saber of the Balmung Server apologize, and I hope that this new step will help to amend those grievances that we may have brought upon the role playing community.




A personal message from Kurisutina Rintarou:


I, Kurisutina Rintarou, have decided to leave The Magistra. I believe that the community that I once knew and loved is not the same as it once was. I feel that The Magistra is trying too hard to become a well known link shell as opposed to the family environment where we all loved and knew each other. I used to sign on and know every person that was in the link shell, and now I only know about 20 out of 90, and only talk to about 10 of them. I do not like the turn that The Magistra has taken. All of this drama has gotten way out of hand, and I apologize profusely for it.~ I do not believe that anything that I can do personally will help to fix everything, but I hope that time will heal all wounds so that we can more actively participate in the role playing communities of Balmung and not be so exclusive from other link shells. I have felt for some time that The Magistra literally goes out of its way to attack other link shells, and I do not believe this is right. V_V I only want people to be happy, and right now, the people I love most are not happy. Which is why I would like to start this new link shell along with Arturia Saber, Anna Volfield, and Whispering Wind of the Balmung server.~ I think this is a turn for the better. I hope that the role playing communities of Balmung will accept us and role play with us. ^^




A personal message from Anna Volfield:


^^ This. Also.

I think The Magistra has gotten way out of hand. We work so hard to build something up under a leadership we think is great, and for what? To be hated by other link shells? I think it's time that we STOP all of this drama and make a new link shell. This is getting to be ridiculous, and I personally apologize for any attacks we have made against anyone. (Not saying names, but you know who you are.) After the meeting with Saber, Kuris, and Wind, I think it's time we build a new link shell under a new leadership that is based off of more acceptable rules. We don't want to be under a dictatorship. This is just a game, and we have offended so many for being so exclusive, and I apologize for that. I apologize to everyone. I apologize to The Magistra, to other link shells we may have offended, to my friends, my family, and anyone else in Balmung. I apologize to those people who have just read this entire wall of text and have no idea what is going on and is not even included in this! I apologize... I have only ever acted under the directions of authority. Perhaps I should have done a little more and stepped up a little sooner before this got out of hand. But we will fix it NOW. I am the kind of person who goes out of my way to help others. I don't want people to hate us anymore. Please forgive us. We hope to make this new link shell a place that people have good images about mentally, and that people WANT to join. That's all I have to say.




A personal message from Whispering Wind:


I am writing this formal letter of apology for not seeing with eyes unclouded and for not leaving sooner, before things got so out of hand. I have grown close to some of the individuals and have considered them as close as a real family. Things have happened or supposedly happened and it has started a feud of sorts. What has transpired is petty, unnecessary, and childish. It should not have even come to this. If two people have a disagreement, fine, deal with it between yourselves. There is no need to drag others into it, much less entire link shells. I am leaving Magistra Empire as it has become a link shell I am not proud to be in any longer. I have extremely high standards of honor and I believe that there are things that should not be said in public chat or link shell chat, as we don't know anyone's age, beliefs, or customs and certain things are considered offensive to others and some should not be spoken of in front of children. I treat others as I want to be treated- with honor and respect. However, the rules that were laid out about respecting others has been made a joke and I can't abide by that, nor can I tolerate it. The link shell I cared for is no longer the link shell I helped create. It has become a degradation and more closely resembles a brothel. I will not be a part of this, nor will I associate with such. People are free to live their lives as they wish, but subjecting others to this type of lifestyle in link shell chat which is against the rules, and being asked repeatedly to refrain from such behavior in link shell chat shows those individuals have no respect for others or whether there are children present. I have no wish nor desire to be in a link shell of that nature, nor around those individuals.


source: http://anime-faction.umforum.net/t431-apologies-to-the-role-playing-community


That said and done, can we lock this and put this behind us now?

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I can't say that I'm pleased to have seen this happen and for a linkshell to lose so many people over such a silly thing. However I am glad that everyone has let cooler heads prevail and apologized, I personally have no hard feelings and would like to see everyone get along. Now, please lock this thread.

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