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Cheftender and wannabe healer LFW/LFC!

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Hi. I'm Anton. More commonly known as, "Hey you", or "That guy over there". Equally known as "Banana". I've noticed that I've not really been able to get out as much as I'd like lately, as far as RP goes, and it's starting to scare me just how intense I focus on getting certain plotlines fixed up properly when I have nothing else to do! As a result, I'd like to see about finding some new contacts to pal around with. I do all sorts of PvE content, never really invested in the PvP yet, though I've been meaning to [ just haven't had a reason to! ] and.. Yeah. Ideally, I'm looking for someone who tends to be more active later in the evening for me, as I tend to wake up around noon PST, and tend to not fall asleep until 5-7AM PST. This is for work, and I generally don't get home on work days until about 8PM PST.


That's.. Uh.. That's about it, actually! Feel free to find me on either of these characters when I'm online! I certainly won't turn down a /tell. That is, unless I'm in a duty... In which case, I'd kinda have to. Game won't let me accept collect calls while beating things up.


I'm available to talk/rp by skype as well as in-game, especially during such times as.. Maintenance. Evil, evil maintenance. That is, when I'm not off playing League as a result of said maintenance. And always open to PMs! I love that little alert thing that makes me feel that senpai's noticed me.


[align=center]Anton Borneheld - Wiki[/align]


Hyuran misfit, grown up to be an upstanding citizen of Limsa, Anton's been a part of the Radical Dreamers for what feels like forever. Initially, he joined as means of following an old friend, but he's since put his talents to use keeping people alive, healthy, and happy. With few close friends, he survives by putting himself into his work, to avoid making a mess of things, letting stress get to him. The company is predominantly miqo'te, and while he's not got a problem with them, it's a little lonesome being one of very few midlanders in the house.


First and foremost, he's a survivalist. Trained in the wilds of La Noscea, he's a formidable combat artist that tends to fight in a much more mobile and flashy manner, compared to others using similar weaponry. He works to improve these abilities constantly, and pass them on to those he deems capable--Rarely taking personal adventuring contracts anymore, instead choosing to stay at the estate and teach those he can. Due to a surprising lack of eagerness to learn more melee-oriented combat skills, Anton only has one real student at the moment, and as a result has time to do.. Entirely too much. He creates the various rations used around the house, helps tend the wounds the house doctor, Kiipa, has no time for or need to see. He helps mend armor, too, but his favorite side-job is to simply practice his old street-performing ways... Behind a bar counter. He flips, he mixes, he jokes... But, nonetheless, more and more lately, he's simply a butler for the estate--One not afraid to throw out an unruly member or guest. Funnily enough, the one student he does have seems just as eager to learn these skills as well, and is taught them as a result.


He has, of note, been working on creating a recipe book that he's debating on whether or not he wants to publish. Apparently his food is /really/ good, as are his drinks. No, really--He's been asked for a recipe book four times now.


Really, I'm looking for just about anything with this guy. Past contacts, long-lost family, old friends from the streets of Ul'dah, new friends... I'd especially love a new student or two.


[align=center]Leth Zelada - nowikibecauseimlazyoops[/align]


Leth is.. A work in progress. She was originally a bouncing, hyperactive little Keeper miqo'te woman with a penchant for trickery, thievery, and jokes.. But now, she's a more sedate medical assistant to the house doctor--Or, at least, she calls herself that. She joined up with the Radical Dreamers as a side-job, but has found very little reason to stay behind teasing her so-called sister. The only problem to that, is that of late, she is a he--Drugged without her knowing of a mysterious concoction found hidden behind closed doors, in the dark, dirty, and definitely dangerous back rooms of the prestigious old estate that the RD company is founded on, she was rather awkwardly turned into a male miqo'te. One of her friends, an astrologian of no big name, told her the name "Fantasia"..And also pointed out that she no longer had to wear shirts in polite company.


She abuses that last fact to no end, and travels with her staff, Mr. Stick, to find a way to go back to being female.


Mostly a comedic value character. For all intents and purposes at this time, Leth is a guy. A guy who has minimal knowledge on how the new parts of his body works, and who I can never remember the correct gender for when typing out 'he' or 'she'. Bah. As far as 'looking for'.. I tend to only play this character for RP purposes at the moment, but I'd be happy with any sort of new contacts, ranging from romance, enmity, or aid in her quest for womanhood.

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I like friends, Ceillet likes friends. what a win win situation! Feel free to ping me anytime for rp, Im usually free to do so :) Im online most days after 4 pm PST (west coast best coast)




Aha, but I just looked for you, and you do not exist! Clearly, not always after 4pm.. Or, is this like the gremlin situation. No feeding after midnight, online after 4 being a general relative term until midnight..?


[ I joke. I probably just missed you. ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cae works out of Ul'dah, usually (she's currently in Ishgard now hating life because it's cold and while the pay is good, the climate is not,) as do Rivienne and Lune. Could have likely heard varying rumours on them around the city itself, or seen them around. However floats your boat, and that can be worked out, of course.


...I'll eventually have their wikis up, but I'm usually on with either Caelia Silverarch or Alair Valaias, if you ping either of those. :D I can give more info on any of the characters, of course, depending on interest!

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