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Attica Vinsteppe - Smuggler for Hire (Reliable Service, Negotiable Rates)

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This is an RP ad for Attica Vinsteppe on the Balmung server. I'm currently looking for RP contacts as well as an RP-centered Free Company. If you'd like more information, message me here or in-game or simply reply to the post.


Here is a bit of a vignette I wrote while thinking up the character. If there are any lore discrepancies please point them out. This is my first time Role-playing on Final Fantasy 14 and I'm a little shaky on the lore.


An early life spent scraping through deep shadows of Ala Mhigo taught Attica and her caregiving sister Quin a fine lesson in the mechanics of the world. It taught them that food and moments of peace were things best stolen at dawn. It taught them that supposedly kind men didn't need to have wandering eyes to demand certain payment for the room and board they provided. Attica learned too, not ask her sister what had happened to their parents or why they spent their lives moving and running and stealing. The questions eventually shriveled in the shadow of necessity, their minds, the both of them, focused solely on the impossible task of survival. The years moved on meaningless, measured by the slow dawning of the harvest festival and the looming threat of blossoming beauty on their bodies. Disguising themselves as urchin boys, for some years more they evaded the new threats of hungering noblemen and pimps until everything changed.


Ala Mhigo was burning. Fear and terror. Tears of frustration to have survived so long only to be shot or enslaved by ... who? Garleans? It didn't matter. They were marching through the streets, a thunderstorm of boot heels and black powder. They were showing their strength to anyone that still had fight in their arms and 'Ala Mhigan' in their hearts. The time had come that being a boy was more dangerous than being a girl. So they changed themselves again. Attica took her skills at people to the new Masters-of-the-House. The tavern halls were filled with them. Black coats with gunblades on their hips. It didn't matter how they dressed or how their swords worked. They were men. That meant they liked to drink and it meant that they liked when Attica flirted with them. Ala Mhigans were all trash under Garlemald's boot. For once Attica and Quin could bathe in the delicious feel of equality, if in bondage. It was a hellish occupation for most citizens of Ala Mhigo, but for those two sisters it was a chance at ascension. It was the chance they'd been waiting for.


With a few Garlean coins, they two began a small industry amongst the chaos of New Ala Mhigo's burgeoning black market for fresh water and medical supplies. Those few coins became pockets full. Those pockets became chests. The resistance died a slow, agonized death that still gasps, groping blindly at an empty bedside that Attica and Quin have long since abandoned. There was more money to be made. A new audience had introduced itself. Refugees. Those same wealthy faces that had sneered at them were now mottled in shit and humility in equal doses. How perfect was this? Yes. We'll help you get through the Black Shroud. We'll help you get down to Thanalan.


A girl could make a good living moving people across that fluctuating border. A girl could make a good living indeed.





Attica is a Coyotaje. She's a human smuggler specializing in the movement of refugees and rebels in and out of Garlean controlled territory. She has contacts in the black markets of Occupied Ala Mhigo, Gridania and Ul'dah: specifically those involved with refugee camps and resistance movements. She cares little for the fate of Ala Mhigans however, still cynical and bitter despite her paradoxical empathy for the oppressed. She's not a stranger to smuggling contraband to or from the conquered territories as well, and often does it as a means of making quick (if risky) money. She has contacts on the Garlean side of the border as well as the Eorzean, corrupt officers and soldiers alike.

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Awesome, Jade. Maybe we could collaborate on something... like a heist!


Yes. We should rob someone.


We should rob a train! Omg, Jade... LET'S ROB A TRAIN!

Well that escalated quickly. I've been thinking of ideas for future characters, one of which being a producer of illegal substances, banned poisens etc who might be of interest when I get round to making him or her.

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