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Simply making connections(Deleted changed Servers)

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I heard there was an rp group extending out to Jenova, due to Balmung and Gilgamesh being locked for creation. I have an alt on there currently just scouting to see how the scene is going to be and to hopefully help out the best I can. If you want contact info for my character over there, just pm me and we can set up something. Until then, best of luck.

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My apologies, I've been sick lately, so I haven't been active in recruiting/advertisement. I'm the lead of the free company Exiled Legionnaires on the Jenova server. You can either contact me at lgpultz on skype, or in-game, usually on the character Black Morgause. Failing that, shoot a /tell to Miette Estienne or Corvo Bacardi, who are officers.

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