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[Balmung] Looking to buy a Free Company with Large Size Estate

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UPDATE: Considering the recent developments concerning SE's policy on housing/FC trading, we have decided to take down the offer. We will simply continue to gather gil and wait for a Large plot to open up to be claimed (we're at 60M anyway, that's not too far from being able to afford a fresh new lowest class large plot, yay! That took only a year and a half!).


If you see a large plot available and would like to let us know, that would be great, of course, and we are also open to donations should you feel your pockets too heavy.


However, keep in mind that when we get wind of a new large plot available, our current FC house will simply be relinquished and free for anyone to take it, so please don't ask us to "reserve" it (I've been getting a lot of those whispers, sadly). It wouldn't be fair for us to reserve it for anyone, considering all the requests we've been getting.


Seen how the focus of the thread is over with, I will not mind if the mods decided to delete it. Thanks a lot everyone for your time and care!


- The Rose of Sharon



Hello all,


Those few of you who know me well in-game are aware that for the past year (more or less. I started after 2.3's patch) I have been working tirelessly to get the Free Company I am a part of a Large house, for a variety of reasons that go from plot purposes to making my comrades happier. I don't have star-crafting classes, I don't do raids, and I don't have the RL riches to sell wedding bangles or dyes, so my gain in this year has not been extraordinary high. By crafting HQ low/mid level gear almost everyday (I had to take a break for my finals), and with some help from another FC member here and there, I was able up to this point to gather about 45M gil.


In my naivety I thought that would be the amount I should look for, as that is the price Large plots reach after a full devaluation. However, it has come to my attention that the server has gotten richer, and as such when the next (if?) batch of wards will come, we will likely not be able to see Large plots devaluate low enough to buy them. They start somewhere between 70-90M, and I'm not sure that at my pace I will make it in time to reach that much gil.


Needless to say, I can't even turn to pay people to relinquish a large house. Even if I was able to pay them to relinquish, I'd never have the gil to then buy the plot (since it'd start from 70-90M again) before someone else snatches it.


So here I am now. After hearing that the option to change name to free companies is in the works, I'd like to turn to Free Company owners who for whatever reason may want to give up their FC with large house. It's a rare occurrence, but it is there.


Our current offer is of 58M + a completely free relinquish of our small plot in the Mist, ward 7 plot 17. You do what you want with that.


I will update this as I manage to rack up more gil, but for now this is what it is. I am well aware of the unlikelyhood of this kind of trade, so I'd appreciate if comments of the sort were kept elsewhere. I have been working hard (and am approaching mental exhaustion after a year of crafting) and I am doing this for my free company as much as I am for myself. Please respect this feeling and modulate any discussion you may desire to begin in this thread.


Thank you,


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I know it is not an FC estate, but you should talk to Reiner, I know he was trying to sell his Large House in the goblet, and was looking for a mist house as well.


That would be great...! But, unfortunately, right now we don't have enough to pay a relinquished plot (once relinquished, they go up to 70M or more depending on the plot's class). So even if he relinquished it for free, our 55M would not be enough to reclaim the plot, and someone else would likely get it before it devalues low enough for us to do it.. That's why we're looking at FC sellers, as passing over an FC requires no relinquishment.


The only solution would be for someone to offer a mortgauge (sp?), but we don't really know anyone that rich in-game, nevermind one willing to do so.

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I sometimes see people selling FCs in party finder. You could try putting something in party finder saying "Want to buy FC with large house"...


Good luck!


Yes, we have been doing this every couple days for the past month. Only got some pretty negative whispers so far, but we'll keep trying!

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Update: offer has raised to 58M.


Also, as a side-note..


I have been receiving several whispers from people who saw this thread and wanted to buy our current FC house... I am truly sorry, but we cannot do that.


We have taken a vote among our FC members, and it was decided to not give away our current home without first finding a new one (the large one, in fact). Our members do not wish to stay homeless.


So an apology again, but the Small plot we have is a part of the bargain. If we happen to find a new, large home without having to give away our small one (for example, if we magically found an empty large plot), our small plot will be simply relinquished without fee asked. Being paid to relinquish a plot is against our policies, and as such, we do not plan to sell our small plot. We will just leave it, for free, when we find a new home.

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UPDATE: Considering the recent developments concerning SE's policy on housing/FC trading, we have decided to take down the offer. We will simply continue to gather gil and wait for a Large plot to open up to be claimed (we're at 60M anyway, that's not too far from being able to afford a fresh new lowest class large plot, yay! That took only a year and a half!).


If you see a large plot available and would like to let us know, that would be great, of course, and we are also open to donations should you feel your pockets too heavy.


However, keep in mind that when we get wind of a new large plot available, our current FC house will simply be relinquished and free for anyone to take it, so please don't ask us to "reserve" it (I've been getting a lot of those whispers, sadly). It wouldn't be fair for us to reserve it for anyone, considering all the requests we've been getting.


Seen how the focus of the thread is over with, I will not mind if the mods decided to delete it. Thanks a lot everyone for your time and care!


- The Rose of Sharon

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