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L'leon Ember - Lf - New contacts/Adventuring/RP

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Hey everyone.


 Im pretty new to  RP . Still learning the ropes but getting better. :)  I have joined up with a nice Ls and had the opportunity to learn from a couple members. With the new Exp, I decided to make some changes to Ember.


Something about Ember: 


1. He can be very reserved at first meeting but tends to warm up after getting to know you.


2. He is very loyal and goes out of his way to support his comrades.


3. Very interested in the arts of Magic and learning all he can ( for story reasons)


4.  Can be very forgetful at times and he is scared of lalafell.


I'll stop there for now. :) Ne ways. I am looking to generate more opportunities to build his character through  experiences with others and also help others do the same. A long term connect would be awesome. if anyone is interested plz Pm me.


{Ember is in Gridania right now and is in a bit of trouble. Of recent, he has been investigating the disappearance of his sister ( not actually blood related - she raised him ) and digging up information about his family's past. After questioning an odd looking elderly Elzen man in Old Gridania, he was led to an area in the Black Shroud where he was met by a group Miqot'e who immediately attacked him. Ember is currently on the run and is nursing an injury to his right shoulder.}


  So I am looking for anyone or more who are to jump in at this point. rescue Ember and hopefully forge a lasting friendship. :)    ( because I haven't yet thought  up of what happens next in terms of his investigation and story beyond his rescue, I was thinking to have ember taking out of gridania or somewhere safe while he  recovers physically and mentally from the incident. This would be a  great time to get to know his new friends and learn about their story.) 


I do hope to catch the eye of someone out there.  

ohh a bit about me personally:  A bit shy - but like Ember I warm up, I get rather anxious when rping which tends to slow me down a bit so bear with( new rper), big FF fan and love me some cut scenes  ( don't you dear rush me i am watching this), and love love helping out folks with Pve so feel free to ask.


anyways thanks for reading hope it wasn't too long :)

more about ember can be found on his Wiki. Laters!!

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Hey everyone.


 Im pretty new to  RP . Still learning the ropes but getting better. :)  I have joined up with a nice Ls and had the opportunity to learn from a couple members. With the new Exp, I decided to make some changes to Ember.



I would be happy to join you on an adventure sometime.

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Rini to the rescue! But really, we kept missing each other's playtimes the last time we tried, but I'll be available tonight if you would like him to bump into Rini. Too many things are drawing her toward the shroud anyway. :3

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Well Ember, Hello first.


I run a company of Witchhunters, while that does sound a smidgen scary towards people getting into magic, the main premise of the group is to protect people with, and from the dangers of forbidden magic, and magical threats. Including and especially mages. 


The company is well known enough as is Reiner in headcannon-y lore. So if you'd like to make some bridges the folks at FF14's version of the hellboy bureau for paranormal research and defense are always happy to link up and hand out. 


Hit me up here, in a PM, or on Reiner Dorn in game and we can set up something if you'd like us to either swoop in and help you or simple make some friends

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Thank you all for replying. :)

Rini yeeah i know!! :) .  we haven't had a chance to chat  other than that one brief time before the big maintenance / update.  Ill be on tonight around 9.30 today and  for the most part tomorrow. i'll keep an eye out for you. 



Hello Mr Dorn, I must say   I do like  the sound of your Witch hunter company. I could definitely see Embers story blending nicely with them included. We must chat. Ill look out for you in game. when are you on?




E'ratika! yes please! I would also like to meet you and learn  a bit more about about you character. What is your full name!.



Well  Lady Krist , Rini , Mr Dorn and E'ratika  , I do hope we all meet up soon and use this chance to forge some new contacts and friendships!.. wahoo  cant wait.. see yall online!!!

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