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Looking for the Story

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Heya, all


"Tynik Zahnn, a little Lalafell Scholar, has recently made it so far as to be included in the Alliance's battle plans against the Empire.  Currently, he is preparing for his first assault against Camp Westwind…"



Not an RP request, but a request to help enjoy the story and end fights…  I hear that a lot of Duty Finder groups are anti-cutscene, and I don't really want to get left behind…  Ideally, I'd like to be able to enjoy the end of the main story and the fights.


Are there any Free Companies that are willing to help a guy out?  I play very casually, so any time in the next week or so, probably.


Or, if anyone has suggestions on how I can get the most out of the end of the first story while still using Duty Finder, I'm open to input



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You can always poke me. My WHM is 60 and I'm done with brunt of the MSQ (just level 60 dungeons to unlock). I don't mind waiting for people in cut scenes and I'm sure I could help find a few people to help us out.


My in game name is Addison Stone. Feel free to poke me :)

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I'll be glad to help you out: i've a lvl 60 warrior and a level 50 scholar that could help you through these.  I'll be on a little later this afternoon. Poke either Fyrilsunn Fiandoensyn (WAR) or Jujuwai Totowai (Sch)


Worst case scenario, we get a pair of level 60's and run it with an incomplete party. Shouldnt be too bad.

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