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Looking for Ul'dah based mercenary RP! Brass Blades stuff would be fab.

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Hello, Hydaelyn Roleplayers!


I very (very, very) recently moved to Balmung, and am really overhelmed at the amount of open-world RP and how easy it is to interact with everyone. It really is super awesome. However! I'm also after some more organised RP, an FC or linkshell or even just a frequent group of people. I have looked at the linkshell hall, of course, but I figured it doesn't account for everything out there and that this post would give me a better idea of who/what is active at the moment!


Jash is a Miqo'te gladiator looking for work in and around Ul'dah. The plan I'm set on really is having her be a more moral member of the Brass Blades, but I don't know how possible it would be to do that without being a lone wolf. Brass Blade RP come at me! Seeing as I'm new to FF RP, I really wanted to immerse myself in an already existing community, so I'm pretty flexible with what I can do with her.


Thanks in advance for all your replies/recommendations! I apologise if there is something perfect for me in the linkshell hall that I should have addressed this at, but I did kinda want to get the opinions of the wider community before diving in to something.

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Hello! I have a Brass Blade Alt, and run a (very) small Brass Blade LS and (technically) FC.


R'elend is a huge jerk, and the captain of their unit is one too. However I'd be more than happy to do introductory RP with you. I'm not on R'elend as much as I should be, but he's really fun to play as.


LS is here!



I did see you guys in the linkshell hall! It makes me super happy to know that it is still an active thing, no matter how small. I'd love to RP with you sometime, feel free to poke me in-game whenever, on J'rashien Qhet (I don't think I'll be playing any alts anytime soon, so I should be on her pretty persistently).

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