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Coeurl RP FC/Linkshell looking to spark up interest

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Hello friends. First timer here, so I hope I haven't screwed up and put this in the wrong spot.


To cut right to the chase, I've started up a Free Company - as well as Linkshell for any that'd like to remain loyal to their FC but still RP - on the Coeurl server. As the RP scene is nigh non-existant here, I thought the best idea would be to post something here.


We're looking to be a simple group sharing stories of travels, coming together for cooperative events or even roleplaying out some of the dungeon content. On the side, there would be strong consideration of the traditional aspects of the game if there's interest among members, but we'll cross that bridge when it comes.


If there's anyone out there on Coeurl that's interested, don't hesitate to get in contact for more information (Sofiya Glaston is who I'll be on).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Hello! I'm a fellow (relatively new) member on Coeurl! When I first started I was more absorbed in finishing the storyline so I didn't notice the how nonexistant the RP-scene was in our server, but now that I'm done with the story the lack of an RPC is rather disappointing.


 I couldn't get myself to transfer out of the server because of the friends I'd made in my FC though. So your post about starting up an RP-focused FC makes me happy! If you're still looking for members for your linkshell, I'd love to join! :')

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