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Round Two. Let's go.

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Hello there, strangers!


I'm assuming most of you are strangers by now, at any rate. My name's Wren, though I played as Elaander in the beta and also when the game first released. Returning for this welcome back campaign, and I have to say that I am very impressed with a lot of the changes they've implemented so far. The overall quality of life aspect of the game seems to have improved vastly. So, with that in mind, and with the excitement of even more changes coming in the future, I do believe I'm ready to give this game its due and proper.


Here we go with all the neat little bits of information:


--MMORPG background

I've played MMO's ranging from EQ/FFXI to WoW/Rift/SW:TOR, and a few that are in-between.


--RP experience

I've been involved in a wide variety of RP in my years on the MMO scene. A lot of it took place in FFXI with the Crystalline linkshell, but also in WoW, a bit in TOR. Of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't include my time with the Order of the Stormguard back when Keir was running that show. It was a lot of fun, though short-lived. I've done some forum RP, and even participated in some private server RP. I'm also just an enthusiastic writer and happen to be an actor, so it kind of fits.


--Character ideas/info

I generally play characters whose strengths are their biggest weaknesses. I enjoy the duality in it, and it gives you a strong foundation from which to develop organically without having to force much. Reactionary development rather than tediously planning out each moment. It's just my preferred style. I know some people are much better with the opposite or a happy medium.


--How did you learn about the coalition?

Well, I was part of it back in the day when all those heated server votes were going on. As I recall, the server was called Besaid then. I've also known Kylin for a while through previous RP interaction, so that's mainly what got me on board. That man, and anyone who has helped (don't want to go excluding anyone), sure can get a message out to role-players.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Heavy role-play is probably the most likely way I'll go if I can find it. I imagine I'll spend enough time doing solo content that when I am around folks, it will be nice to weave some stories together. This is assuming that there is still a fair amount of RP happening?


--Anything from real life youâre comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I don't really like to go into too much detail about my life, but I can say that I am an actor and a singer.


If there is anything else anyone would like to know, or anything anyone needs that I can provide (which isn't much for now), just send me a message or look me up in the game itself as: Wren Raenoux

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Oh woah, totally threw me off as I had thought this was another Wren I know. In anycase, welcome to the RPC! Good to see another face around. Hope to see you around in-game and looking forward to any potential RP. Feel free to send me a /tell or a PM if you ever need help!

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Hello there and welcome!! Sorry it's a little late. We've been away - just got back from honeymoon~


Just a quick question - in FFXI were you Itsuke? Or someone else? That is all. :D

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Oohhhh yeah!! I remember now! You were around back when we were wrestling with Lionard (or maybe it was Leo-something... that was quite a few years ago)


And thanks!! Sorry for the confusion with that, and last night. Shoot me a /tell tonight if you're around. :)

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