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Looking for RP

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Hello all. I've been playing for about a month, and really enjoying the game but finding the lack of community to engage with is starting to bother me. I'm currently on Jenova, I joined because that's the server I have a friend on. However I'm looking for RP and it's not there (or I've been looking in the wrong places).


Considering re rolling or server swapping. From what I understand the two big hubs of RP are on Gilgamesh and Balmung. I was lucky enough to be able to make a character on Gilgamesh, but no such luck for Balmung.


If I'm looking for active RP communities is it best advised I switch to one of those two servers?


I'd really like some feed back. Game is great but I feel like I'm playing it solo.

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If it can help, I was on cerberus and had that same feeling. I've transfered to Balmung and I don't regret it at all. There are always people to open rp freely in the cities, a lot of RP FCs and it's really easy to make connections and have rps focused on whatever theme you most like.



It seems totaly worth it to me, as I'm a heavy rper. So if you want an active rp community, I'd clearly advise you to come to Balmung. As for gilgamesh, I don't know (I should probably create a reroll there and see how it looks like ^^).

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I transferred from Ultros a bit less than a week ago and it was easily worth the money based on my short time here. PF is about four times as active during peak time, way deeper market, and RP FC tickers everywhere.


If you already have a Gilgamesh character, you may want to explore there and see how involved you can get in RP. If that doesn't pan out, you can always transfer your Jenova main to Balmung. At least, that's probably how I'd go about it.

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Actually, I happen to run a RP free company on Jenova. If you're interested, I can invite you to our linkshell, and we can talk about getting you into the weekly events we run. ^^


You can /tell me on Black Morgause, as I'm (almost) always on him.


More info: About 50 people in our FC, 90 in our Linkshell, and even more in various affiliated FC's and groups that RP and interact. I think our numbers are somewhere around 100-130 members total, perhaps a bit lower.

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