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Liddell's Questions!

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I apologize if this is the wrong section. I didn't see any other section that quite fit the bill of asking RP questions.


Well, instead of making several threads, I wanted to just lump my RP questions into one thread. I thank you for your time in reading them, and even moreso for answering them!



1. Backgrounds: What's the "limit" so to speak? I bring this up because with 2.0, I've been planning my male miq'ote character a bit early, so I'm more prepared to RP him when I can actually make him. I am very intrigued by the type of characters in the game [NPC-wise], such as E-Sumi-Yan in Gridania's storyline. I wondered, are such characters okay to make for roleplay? Not necessarily with that kind of influence, but more so, a conjurer who can "hear" spirits and such. Even further, to prevent any suspicion of godmodding and to help other players feel at ease about it, perhaps he's not the best at it, either. I by no means want to have some super powerful character! I enjoy playing characters who seem a little lacking in knowing what they're doing in a lot of areas, truthfully. They're fun! I just thoroughly enjoyed the idea of being able to hear the unheard spirits and what not.


2. IC = IG?: I am pretty sure I asked about this in my old, old account on here, but I don't think I ever got to see (or at least remember) the answer. I know that IG, things such as appearances are limited. How can people go about doing anything about this in an RP? Do you all stick pretty firmly to what is available as in-game clothing/armor/hairstyles/etc. Or do you embellish a bit and simply write it out in your post? What if I wanted Mnemosyne, in my mind, to have long wavy hair, but the game limits me to the few options of the character creation? What if she wears a frilly dress and not a Dodoskin Subligar? Are things like that okay to change about, or no?


3. Roles/Jobs: I mainly ask this because I really wanted to dabble in making Mnem some sort of songstress. I know that there is an NPC Songstress as part of the story of Ul'dah, but not necessarily playable as a job (unless you count BRD? It's...kind of close. Sans dancing. And stuff.) --- Are jobs that aren't actual playable jobs okay to have? Pirates? Dancers? Drunken Hobos shouting from a sandwich sign about Dalamund?


4. Posting: I'm not new to RPing, but am a little rusty. Majority of my time in RP was spent in a chatroom or a forum, where my posting limit was more or less infinite. I know FFXIV has a text limit in-game, though. I just wanted some advice on how to condense down my writing, but still getting my bit across, without seeming "lazy," if that makes any sense.


5. Icebreakers: I wanted to ask, is it acceptable not to have a heavily in-depth background for a character? Not out of laziness or mystique, to be honest, but more because despite playing FFXIV at launch, I left until this Welcome Back Campaign. I'm not entirely familiar with too much of the lore, storylines, setting, etc. Sometimes it is easier for me to play a character as a bit of a newblet to whatever their role may be, that way, as they learn- I learn! Is this acceptable etiquette? ;; [As a sub-question; As a player who is new to RPing in the FFXIV world, how can I really break the ice? Introduce myself? I am terribly shy/afraid of judgement, but still I find that no excuse! I'd really like to start diving into all this without making an absolute fool of myself.]


6. Consistancy: How closely do people (though I know this varies between linkshells) stick to the FFXIV storylines? Do you make up your own mini stories to roleplay, or do some people stick to stories such as the ones you play when starting out in either of the three city-states? [i figure this might be difficult? Using Gridania as an example, I know the main storyline puts you as a "super special person" who knows mooglespeak and was summoned by the elementals. So I know that in RP, it would be difficult to apply this to every player who started in Gridania, yes? However, I wanted to ask, to know where things stood!]




I...am fairly sure I'll have more questions as time goes on and I actually get into RPing more actively, instead of hiding in my little hovel of shyness. As for now, these are all! Thank you so much.

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Can't wait to respond to this when I get home from work! :) I love it when people aren't afraid to ask these questions. You should get a variety of opinions too!

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I can kind of try to answer each of these in turn, but not everyone is going to be of exactly the same opinion so please take these suggestions as nothing official but more of a guideline that I've found to be kind of a roadmap to satisfying RP.



1. Backgrounds:

[spoil]What's the "limit" so to speak? I bring this up because with 2.0, I've been planning my male miq'ote character a bit early, so I'm more prepared to RP him when I can actually make him. I am very intrigued by the type of characters in the game [NPC-wise], such as E-Sumi-Yan in Gridania's storyline. I wondered, are such characters okay to make for roleplay? Not necessarily with that kind of influence, but more so, a conjurer who can "hear" spirits and such. Even further, to prevent any suspicion of godmodding and to help other players feel at ease about it, perhaps he's not the best at it, either. I by no means want to have some super powerful character! I enjoy playing characters who seem a little lacking in knowing what they're doing in a lot of areas, truthfully. They're fun! I just thoroughly enjoyed the idea of being able to hear the unheard spirits and what not.[/spoil]


The sky's the limit for backgrounds. You'll just want to keep in mind that certain RPers are more tolerant than others depending on how far things reach. I don't think a conjurer that can hear elementals strays much from the lore, based on a number of the cutscenes and dialogue from that particular story line in-game. If that's what you were wanting to do I don't think that's much of a stretch at all. I've known a couple of other RPers who RP being able to hear them. As far as RPing a male miqo'te prior to 2.0, you're probably going to received a mixed reaction. Will touch upon this a bit more in point #2.




2. IC = IG?:

[spoil]I am pretty sure I asked about this in my old, old account on here, but I don't think I ever got to see (or at least remember) the answer. I know that IG, things such as appearances are limited. How can people go about doing anything about this in an RP? Do you all stick pretty firmly to what is available as in-game clothing/armor/hairstyles/etc. Or do you embellish a bit and simply write it out in your post? What if I wanted Mnemosyne, in my mind, to have long wavy hair, but the game limits me to the few options of the character creation? What if she wears a frilly dress and not a Dodoskin Subligar? Are things like that okay to change about, or no?[/spoil]


Again you're going to get mixed reactions to this one, but I think the large majority is in favor of the fact that their characters do not look exactly like the game model. My own character is shorter than the game model, more buxom, and has longer hair which is sometimes wavy when it's humid out. These aren't things most other characters are really going to concern themselves very heavily with though so it seldom becomes much of an issue unless such deviations from the IG character model are somehow important enough that they would influence the way others interact with your character. To have long, wavy hair though seems fine. If you wanted to assert this somehow in-game, perhaps creative use of emotes may be used to make other RPers around you aware of that variation. More stark contrasts (such as being a male miqo'te when the character model is pretty obviously female) may be met with a little more reservation. Again, this all depends on the people with whom you're interacting and how open-minded they are to that sort of thing.




3. Roles/Jobs:

[spoil]I mainly ask this because I really wanted to dabble in making Mnem some sort of songstress. I know that there is an NPC Songstress as part of the story of Ul'dah, but not necessarily playable as a job (unless you count BRD? It's...kind of close. Sans dancing. And stuff.) --- Are jobs that aren't actual playable jobs okay to have? Pirates? Dancers? Drunken Hobos shouting from a sandwich sign about Dalamund?[/spoil]


In short, yes. Again the sky's the limit. I would go so far as to say even that it's better to deviate from the set list of jobs we're given at the onset of the game since not every character should fall into one of these cookie-cutter molds. Characters who are engineers, researchers, guards, etc. and don't necessarily allow themselves to be classified into one set "game class" tend to be a little more unique and interesting. That's only my opinion though, but I suspect it's a shared one.




4. Posting:

[spoil]I'm not new to RPing, but am a little rusty. Majority of my time in RP was spent in a chatroom or a forum, where my posting limit was more or less infinite. I know FFXIV has a text limit in-game, though. I just wanted some advice on how to condense down my writing, but still getting my bit across, without seeming "lazy," if that makes any sense.[/spoil]


The text limit in game is pretty long now. I'm not too sure of your style, but for the purposes of dialogue unless you're going on some longwinded tangent you can usually say what needs to be said within one "line" of text. These may often be coupled with emotes as well. There are a lot of creative ways that this can be done and I think once you begin RPing with others and see how they talk and emote in the setting of FFXIV you'll probably feel a lot more comfortable about it.




5. Icebreakers:

[spoil]I wanted to ask, is it acceptable not to have a heavily in-depth background for a character? Not out of laziness or mystique, to be honest, but more because despite playing FFXIV at launch, I left until this Welcome Back Campaign. I'm not entirely familiar with too much of the lore, storylines, setting, etc. Sometimes it is easier for me to play a character as a bit of a newblet to whatever their role may be, that way, as they learn- I learn! Is this acceptable etiquette? ;; [As a sub-question; As a player who is new to RPing in the FFXIV world, how can I really break the ice? Introduce myself? I am terribly shy/afraid of judgement, but still I find that no excuse! I'd really like to start diving into all this without making an absolute fool of myself.][/spoil]


Not having an in-depth background for a character at first is fine. The lore has been known to shift a bit and it's entirely possible that the floor may be removed from under us at any time with regard to backstory. There is no expectation in my mind that a character must have a fully fleshed-out backhistory. This can be made up as you go along.


As far as breaking the ice, most every other RPer I've interacted with is friendly and open and very few are judgmental. I think you should just dive right in, but perhaps watch how other RPers interact with each other for awhile and observe for a little while before you start adding too many dimensions to your own character. I've seen some really amazing characters start out rather two-dimensional and after soaking in what others are doing they've been able to find a niche or otherwise adapt themselves into becoming a unique and intriguing character.




6. Consistancy:

[spoil]How closely do people (though I know this varies between linkshells) stick to the FFXIV storylines? Do you make up your own mini stories to roleplay, or do some people stick to stories such as the ones you play when starting out in either of the three city-states? [i figure this might be difficult? Using Gridania as an example, I know the main storyline puts you as a "super special person" who knows mooglespeak and was summoned by the elementals. So I know that in RP, it would be difficult to apply this to every player who started in Gridania, yes? However, I wanted to ask, to know where things stood!][/spoil]


This does vary greatly between linkshells. I can't speak to all RPers, but I know some avoid the "super special" elements of the actual storyline, can't interpret mooglespeak, etc. Just because something's happened in the actual storyline doesn't necessarily mean that your character needed to be a part of it. Everyone is going to have differing opinions. It's like [if you're familiar with FFXI] how not everyone could have defeated the one and only Shadowlord, for instance. Some things, while they may have happened in-game, we almost have to keep quiet about so as to avoid spoiling things for those who may not yet have gotten to that point.




I know this became a rather lengthy response but I hope it answered at least some of your questions. If you want to bounce any more ideas off of me, please feel free to ask them here, or shoot me a PM or my name in-game is Eva Ianeira - I don't bite.

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Another thing about consistancy are the jobs.


Take Dragoon for instance. In the questline, it's like "you are the chosen one!" but I know for sure there are multiple RPers RPing as a Dragoon, so things like jobs we can variate from, so long as it's not too much. I for one still consider Dragoons as chosen elites, but they're somewhat more common than the storyline has us believe. I personlly feel a bit unsure over characters who RP having too many jobs though. A Paladin who also gets tought to be a Bard, fair enough, because by definition, bards are nothing special beyond being minstrels. Being a bard itself isn't what you would be remembered for, it's how good a bard you are. But with jobs like Paladin and Dragoon, they're more sort of full-time things, especially the Dragoons, given they're supposed to be chosen warriors who fight dragons. If you want a character who is adept at different weapon types, just use the classes, because they're very broad.


And yes, there are parts of the storyline you can ignore if you want. For instance, not all RPers have the power of the Echo, and even then, from those that do, few characters realise it, thus they only get the bonus of understanding languages (which allows players to be foreigners yet still understand Eorzean language), and are as of yet unable to look into peoples' pasts. It's your choice really.


Now, I'm going to touch on posting before I stop.


From my experience, as long as people know where you are and what you're doing, it's fine. For instance "/em walks into the room". If you walk in without a similar emote, people are going to get confused. You need to let others know where you are and what you are doing as the minimum. If you do that, then nobody would see you as lazy.


Now another problem is saying too much. Because people generally don't like the huge wall-o-text. Generally speaking, this is not a novel. Unlike a forum post, eloquence isn't important. What is important is that people understand you and can read through your message as quickly as possible. But don't go too far. Abbreviations and slang sort of ruin the mood. But think of it like this. Your character is eating a sandwich, they find it to be delicious but don't know whether to ask for another.


This is how it should be done:


"/em eats the sandwich and finds it to be delicious. However, they don't know whether to ask for another."


These are examples of how it should not be done:


"/em devours the delicious sandwich, a look of pure pleasure on their face at the magnificent taste. Unfortunately, despite the brilliance of this particular item of food, they are unable to decide whether it would be proper to request another one."


That one sounds pretty, but at the end of the day, takes up too much space and takes longer to read.


"/em eats sandwich + likes it. But they dunno whether 2 ask 4 another"


That example completely spoils the mood.


Finally, I want to pick up on tense because it's a thing that nobody really talks about. Generally, it's present tense. That creates most immersion. You're there as your character right now. You are one with your character. And your character is going about their life simultanious to you playing them. However, some players like to use past tense, like they're telling a story about their character and looking back at it. Now, that's ok, because there's no rule against that, and it's perfectly correct english and still gets the message across, but the best thing to do is stick to present tense, unless you really want to do it in past tense. That way, there's no chance of confusing people with multiple tenses occuring in the same RP.

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Oh yes, great point about the DRG storyline! You are constantly told how awesome and unique you are and it's sort of ironic when you run around and see a hundred other people running around looking like spiky black hedgemoles. :)


One thing I did want to point out though, with regard to your example:


This is how it should be done:


"/em eats the sandwich and finds it to be delicious. However, they don't know whether to ask for another."


I agree that overly flowery and longwinded emotes can get tiresome when done in abundance. Once in awhile when there's something important to convey I can understand it. But in the example above there are some assumptions made. As a personal preference, I'm not a fan of emotes where thoughts and opinions are directly conveyed rather than done through the physical "act" itself. Reason being, as a third party observer I am not a mind-reader and don't know that you find that sandwich delicious. I think that style is great for writing - "omniscient reader" if memory serves - but it's just a preference of mine for RP. I know a lot of people RP in past-tense too and that's their preference, but like you I prefer present tense for my emotes as well. My own way of handling such an emote would look more like the following:


"/em eats the sandwich quickly and pats her belly with a look of contentment upon her face. A moment later she eyes the menu apprehensively."


I'm not opposed to the mindreader type of RP and I would never say outright "this is wrong" because everyone has a different style and different preferences. I just wanted to kind of illustrate this point. There's really no 'wrong' here. And it's easy enough to interact with people who do have different styles and ways of conducting their RP.


There is no real "standard" way to RP. :)

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The main reason I sometimes use emotes that contain my character's thoughts are more for story-telling purposes. I don't try to come across as giving others the ability to read minds, I just like to show players what's going on inside my character's head for the sake of adding to the story. It doesn't really please me when someone acts as if they can read my mind from such an emote, but then if they're acting on one of my emotes, it's my own fault. I've actually considered putting such thoughts in brackets alongside the emote to show it's OOC information, but I'm a bit hesitant of using such a structure in case it confuses anyone. But that would change the example to:


"/em eats the sandwich and finds it to be delicious. (However, they don't know whether to ask for another.)"


As for the example, I was only really pointing out the action in terms of how it is written rather than its content.


But then to each their own.

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Oh, I know! And I didn't mean to target you or anything like that. After re-reading my post I can see how it may have sounded somewhat offputting. Please don't think that. I just wanted to kind of point out how two different RPers can do the same thing in two different ways. Personally my preference is to illustrate my character's thoughts and feelings as conveyed through her actions and expressions. And yours is to convey those thoughts and feelings more directly.


Both ways are perfectly acceptable and I think it can translate well in either direction. If we were to interact and you RPed the sandwich remark, I would probably assume your character wore a facial expression that kind of gave that conclusion anyway. Just as you might assume from my character's expression or actions that she enjoyed the sandwich but wasn't sure she wanted another or not.


Kind of getting off point here but just wanted to clarify that a bit. :love:

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Eva answered most of the questions the way I would have so I'll leave that alone.


The game while being an MMO does tend to play, with regards to the official storyline, like a single player RPG. I really hated that in XI and hate that in XIV. It's jarring, the single player storyline and the multiplayer everything else. That's why I mostly ignore the storyline, save for the lore we learn from it.


As far as emote, I personal dislike when people put their characters thoughts in their emote. I understand how it may be more fun for them, or as Riik said it feels more like storytelling... however it really cheapens my experience, and I think that's a little selfish on the other player's end. I do it sometimes to, just for funzies, but yeah... it's kind of like spoiling something before I can figure it out myself, or- not even giving the other RPer a chance to figure it out. It's putting words in my mind that I may not have used/concluded, it's making me react a certain way - question metagaming in such moments, and thus make it more of a burden when responding because I have to double check IF I had not seen those thoughts, would my character respond this way. It's annoying. Personal opinion.

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Wonderful answers! Thank you all, so far. <3



I do want to clear up, though, I don't play on playing the male miq'ote until I can actually make him in the game. [Though, if I did, I might just have him crossdress in public, lol. I seem to recall that it was written that while the males did exist, only the females went and ventured out for whatever reason. It crossed my mind to have him cross dress so that he could explore without 'issue'...but I'm still unsure of it, lol.]

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I prefer simple backgrounds that are adequate to provide reasons for why the character is the way they are. Every reaction should be explainable, even if it is that the character has unexplainable fits of rage (due to ___ in childhood, or something). This creates a character who feels more real and reacts consistently. A simpler background gives a lot of room for growth and development (positive or negative), too. Why have a ton of stuff happen in your character's past, when you can RP stuff and actually work through it IC?


I see nothing wrong with your character having that special relationship with the elementals. When I was introducing the white mage deal into Aysun's story I made her think she was just 'hearing things.'


IC = IG?

I personally try to RP IG = IC as much as possible as far as physical appearance for my own character. I can't remember all the uniqueness of people I RP with, and I'm sure they'd get tired of typing it up, though I do try. Just try to get as close to what you'd want them to look like as possible (use a longer hair model, even if it's in a pony tail or braids, if you want a long haired character, that sort of thing) so it makes it easier on us to remember that 'hey, this person looks different.' Gear is an exception usually in IC battle situations because your gear does effect your performance (and I will never wear those bard tights IC). Bottom line: if you look different and want people to know it, get used to typing it up for us, and don't expect people to remember! Especially if you play a male miqo'te before 2.0 (which there are some, and most people hopefully accept them by now...). Just make him look as manly as you can and role with it. Just avoid wearing gear that is revealing on female models ICly..


Of course, not being able to change our physical appearance at all makes it kind of hard. Hair grows, people get hurt, scarred.. so yea. It's certainly acceptable that IC =/= IG.



You could think of it like this: Class/Jobs we level are your roles in combat situations, and crafts can be just trade life skills learned. You can have an occupation outside of your leveled classes.


Applying game classes to a character is fun: Aysun was an archer due to upbringing (I started as archer), and it helped her survive for hunting and defense. She had certain crafts that would make sense also due to her upbringing (she is weaver, leatherworker, and carpenter IC, dabbling in alchemy and a poor cook). She applied her knowledge to leves to make gil. Conjurer/white mage she learned out of necessity to deal with injuries, and she does not fully understand it. Bard came naturally IC; due to her love of dancing she was able to understand the concept of a bard as more than just a performer.


People are liberal and creative with their walks of life and I encourage it!



It's style. Be flexible. I have always adapted my play style to who I am playing with. If they make short posts, I do too, so I don't bore them. If they gave me thought-out long posts, I try to return the same amount of effort in mine.


In combat, I don't expect posts other than the occasional order or shout or something. I think we're all pretty realistic that it's hard to fight Ifrit and post about it. If your character walks and draws his bow, you don't need to type that up, I just saw him do it! That part applies in normal RP too, for me. What your character does on screen is what I accept as their motions (so be careful with /emotes! xD)


Some people have commented about placing thoughts and feelings in posts. I do that. I enjoy it, because I enjoy writing. It had never offended anyone before, so I was unaware that people didn't like it. So when I play with the person who has informed me that he doesn't like it, I try to limit it. :P



Acceptable yes of course, but just remember that your character had to have grown up somewhere and should have a grasp on certain things they grew up with. As long as there's a reason that they don't know about x or y, then it's fine. (Amnesia gets really old, though...). Some reasons: sheltered as a child; raised in Ul'dah and never had left; raised in a hamlet; raised at sea (mine :P); and of course many people say their characters were raised in some of the inaccessible areas. They take a risk with this, as the lore of those areas may change and suddenly their back story is invalid.. I would hate for that to happen!



Many people make their own story lines, using the lore discovered from the main story as a base to start from. They invent their own NPCs and create story RP for their linkpearl to participate in, with it's own conspiracy and battles.


The Echo is something we all start with in this game. Whether you chose to have your character have it is your choice. Aysun has the Echo, as I began her story when she took the chocobo-cart into the city of Ul'dah. The parade happened, for her, she heard the voice. The fact that she knows this skill is not a normal one to have and shouldn't be something she brings up or uses, implies that I have taken some of the main storyline ICly. Will it ever come up in RP? Doubtful. I have only used it for the language aspect, and even that Aysun will not admit to understanding generally, because she doesn't wish to be exposed as having the Echo.


The job storylines complicated all this too. From the sounds of things, DRG was kind of bad for soloing you out as special, like WHM was. Be creative, try to think of another reason your character could be that desired job, or use the storyline and modify it a little to make it fit reasonably. I would never bring up the fact that there should be only 'one' of anything in RP. Or something else I've seen, just ignore it. Maybe you can become a white mage the same way you can anything else, by learning it and practicing it. You don't have to work for the little horned child to be deemed 'white mage.' :P


Also, just because you're rank 50, doesn't mean you're a master. It simply means you have nothing else they can teach you at the moment. You're not good enough to learn the next, more complicated step... This prepares us for the inevitable raise of the level cap.

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Also, just because you're rank 50, doesn't mean you're a master. It simply means you have nothing else they can teach you at the moment. You're not good enough to learn the next, more complicated step... This prepares us for the inevitable raise of the level cap.

^ This! A hundred thousand times over!


With it becoming increasingly easier to level several jobs to 50 I've been noticing a growing number of RPers that seem to feel compelled to link that mastery to their character's story. This often comes across as being somewhat Mary Sue and can be construed as somewhat off-putting when a character is more or less a prodigy at everything. I dare say it hedges a bit on godmode even. While some may argue that it may fall within the constraints of the game's mechanics, I personally feel it makes for shoddy RP. It makes a good deal more sense for a character to specialize in one or two fields and perhaps dabble in the rest.


Aysun's example above was great! And I think the most "real" characters have this kind of combination of specialized jobs, areas of mediocrity, and things they're just bad at.


I can explain a little about Eva to kind of paint a clearer picture of what I'm describing here. I apologize if this is somewhat longwinded and strays from the point but I thought it might help. I'm going to put it under a spoiler tag though, just since it is rather lengthy:


[spoil]Eva was 30 when the game was launched (she's 32 now) and had spent the 13 years prior working front desk as assistant manager of a book shop in Gridania. She spent a lot of time reading and is well-versed in geography/history but is much more sheltered and not nearly as "streety savvy" as most her age would be. As a little girl she had an extremely strong affinity to white magic but there was an incident that caused her to give up its use entirely. She had dabbled with knitting and weaving throughout her twenties as a hobby. She is a skilled harper from lessons she took as a young girl, but has no singing voice nor any aspirations of becoming a 'bard' in the sense. That is - and likely will remain - simply a hobby she practices in the privacy of her own home. Her father was a skilled lancer and tried to get her to train when she was younger but she never really had any interest in that during that stage of her life. She also discovered a natural talent for ballroom dance when she and her fiancé took lessons prior to what would have been their wedding.


So after the game's launch she moved to Ul'dah and worked for Sunsilks Tapestries. If asked she would have declared herself a seamstress by profession - and probably still would to this day. Combat training didn't really come until much later. When Eva joined the Eorzean Guard it became necessary to take up some sort of weapons training and she began to discover some talent with polearms. She lacks the strength to be "top notch" but she is quick, agile, and graceful - maybe from ballroom dancing? She has no affiliation with the Wood Wailers nor the Dragoons of Ishgard (not directly anyway).


Somewhere along the lines it became necessary to use white magic again, though the potency she once possessed as a child had atrophied with disuse and that has been a point of frustration for her. She took up training as a nurse (not an official job of course) in order to try and compensate for her shortcomings with aetherial healing techniques. So she can set a broken bone, make a splint, change a bandage, and make/administer certain types of medicine. I have known RPers that played doctors and she doesn't have this degree of competency with it. She is more of a caretaker than a skilled healer.


Sunsilks has wanted her to gain some skill with leathercutting to help support her garment making, and while the trade has always frustrated her, she gave in and took some lessons. While she is rank 50 with leatherworking, I will never RP her as being an expert at it. When the level caps go up I may not even take it any further.


I have also leveled other jobs up - perhaps not to 50 - but I've made no mention of any of it from any sort of in-character perspective. I don't RP her as having had any experience with hand-to-hand combat in spite of having leveled it. She has NO experience with an axe, even though the job is leveled beyond rank 1.[/spoil]


TLDR: I am rank 50 Lancer/Dragoon, Conjurer/WhiteMage, Weaver, and Leatherworker. But of these the only one I would really RP her as being something of an expert at would be Weaver. I think she has the capacity to be a skilled White Mage as well, but... well... life's about the journey, not the destination.


Sorry if this comes across as rambling... it's a slow day at work. :| I also think this post should be moved over to the RP discussion forum but do not seem to have the mod rights to perform that so maybe Kylin will~

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Oh, no worries on the job front, there! When I roleplayed on a Ragnarok Online server, this was a well established rule of sorts. Just because I was a level 80 Warlock that could nuke everything on the screen by batting an eyelash, didn't mean I could do it as a character [9 times out of 10, my character's job title was not that of the games job classes. I know most RP settings work like this, but I still wanted to ask for sure on here. <3]


I can't thank you all enough for answering my questions so far. I'm fairly sure I'll have more soon, but so far, these have helped a great deal! [i can't wait until 2.0. I really, really want to play my male miq'ote. For some strange reason, ideas for him have been flowing in my head like a river, whilst ideas for Mnemosyne are a little lacking. e ne]

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