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Hello!~ (Jenova)


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Not new to the game, but new to the RP scene, as I have never RPed before while in an MMO lol. Also it's been a while since I have RPed so I'm probably a little rusty xD (so I am sorry for that in advance :P )


Anyways looking for others on the Jenova Server to RP with ouo


Character Name: R'yuuki Khet


Brief Personality: Quiet, withdrawn, likes to observe the situation before making any hasty decisions, snide/snarky, not a people person lol, studious.


I'm still working out all of the kinks in her backstory as well as small personality bits :P but I'll have a wiki page up for her here soon (I hope lol.)


I also have Skype if anyone wanted to RP that way as well. If you happen to see me in game feel free to send me a whisper/tell ouo


Looking forward to meeting you all!~

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Welcome to the RPC and to the world of roleplaying! If you ever have any questions about lore or general roleplaying stuff always feel free to ask. This community is full of knowledgeable people and helpful resources.



Thank you so much!! I'll be sure to keep that all in mind :D

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Soo close to being a Kett : ). Welcome! As stated the community is very helpful and welcoming, for the most part, and will help you with any questions you have. Feel free to add me in game if you would like.

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Soo close to being a Kett : ). Welcome! As stated the community is very helpful and welcoming, for the most part, and will help you with any questions you have. Feel free to add me in game if you would like.



Thank you >w> and haha yea xD very close to that last name xD I'd totally add you if I was on the Balmung server D: unless you have a character on Jenova?

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