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New to RP.


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A good reference on RPing is [The Role-Play Handbook] a great resource.


There are some RPers here sorting out RP on Jenova as you have seen. I don't know how active they have managed to make it so far. Balmung is quite active but you probably noticed a challenge to create a character there.

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I transferred over to Balmung not long ago.  Transfers are $18.  You can transfer all characters you have on the source server to the destination server for one $18 transfer fee.  All characters transferred must be at least three days old and have completed the very first tutorial quest the game forces you into taking.  You can find more info on Square's site.  There are also gil restrictions but it sounds like you're new enough that those won't be an issue.  It has been well worth the transfer money to me.  Am very happy here!

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