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In need of a Villain .. or two or three.

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To further progress a current storyline, I am in the need of possibly three villains who may be working together in a bigger network that spans all three cities. 


These can be individual players, or someone who would like to RP all three of them.  You don't even have to use your current character, it can be someone you make up on the sly and just RP with us. (I know character creation is hard on Balmung)


If you think this is something you may be interested in, then send me a message on here and I can talk to you more about the current storyline.


Also of note, the characters would need to be showing up within the next week.

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I've gotten some 'bites', but nothing clear cut as of yet.. so still on the search. 


To give you an idea of what I am actually looking for, let me tell you a bit about what is going on with the story arc.




Some time ago, Tika received word that a dear, close friend had gone missing.  The missing girl is 12 years old, and a refugee orphan who was living off the streets in Ul'dah.  Upon the initial investigation, Tika learns that her friend is not the only child to go missing in recent months. 


After questioning several people in Ul'dah; Tika and her companion Sai learn that the children were first taken to Halatali. There, they found their first initial clues.. a journal and a ragdoll. The journal appeared to be scientific data about aether, as well as the use of harvesting aethercrystals through nefarious means.  As for the ragdoll, Tika recognizes the type which an older woman who is known as The Crone would sew for the orphans living in Ul'dah. 


When returning to Ul'dah, Tika goes in search of the old woman to find that she has not been seen for some time.  


Their next lead takes them to Copperbell Mines, where yet again they are one step behind the perpetrators. However, more journals are found, along with a second ragdoll.  They find a note stuck inside one of the journals about a late night meeting near Thal's Respite.  The journals themselves are a bit more graphic with experimental data, though most of it is encrypted.  Sai and Tika travel to Thal's Respite, where they find.. what they think is a payoff, a large sum of gil and the third ragdoll hidden in a hollowed out space behind a statue.


With no more leads, they return back to Limsa Lominsa and while at the Drowning Wench they overhear a woman asking for help in finding four children that have gone missing. After questioning the woman, they come to believe that the disappearances are connected and eventually find themselves at Sastasha Seagrot. 


This time, they find a fourth ragdoll but no other evidence that the children had been there. 


Several weeks pass with no new leads, until they visit Gridania and learn that once again, more children have gone missing there.  Their search takes them to Haukke Manor where they find their biggest lead yet.  A small, sickly boy trapped inside a box in one of the cells. 

From him, they learn that masked men have been transporting the children every couple weeks from place to place. Tika also learns that her 12 year old friend was alive the last time the boy seen her. 


However, Tika and Sai have no real idea about why or how the children are being experimented on.. 


This is where we currently are.. 


So this is what I need:


The Crone-  You can decide whether your part is good or bad- perhaps the dolls were bread crumbs? 


Mastermind- Someone who is probably working for the Syndicate, as the entire operation would need to be funded by those with an abundance of Gil.  You can choose what the entire purpose is for taking the children and what experiments were actually being done.  


As I said in the previous post, you don't need to actually play your main character, you would just be playing another RP role.. I hope that is clear enough?  


If you have questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with me in-game or through message here. Thank you!

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