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Seeking an active Rp FC

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I've been trying to find one for a bit now and I seem to be failing at it. Seems as when I join an FC they say they are active and turns out... They are not. So thought I might try my luck here.

The things I am looking for. 1. Active members who are willing to accept someone who is different. (I've had alot of problems here. I tend to play darker toons and tend to get pushed away because I am not happy joy joy and warm fuzzies and hugs icly.) 2. One that is willing to step out of bars and their FC hosue and do open world rp. (FF14 has some beautiful maps areas and its a shame that people seem to be too scared to go out in the world and enjoy it.). 3. Willing to understand I am a pve as much as I am rper. (Sadly had problems here again from both sides. Being told I am a horried pve because I rp and being told I am a bad rper because I pve. I play this game to pve as much as I rp. I enjoy both factors of it. And hell would love others to come with me when I pve as well).

Not the biggest of requirements but they are kinda important to me. If your FC is looking for more members let me know. Just tell me a bit about your FC or send me to a website to read about it. Thank ya for taking the time to check my post and hope ya have a great day ^_^

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Hey there,


I saw you mention the open-world thing, so just have to mention the Wayfinders. We do a ton of RP out and about and have a travel schedule. We just finished a big three part event out in Coerthas. IC wise, we're a caravan - which is a wonderful excuse to get out of the cities and see the world.


We're not the largest (up until a few days ago we were just going by word of mouth and not doing any active recruitment), but we have a close knit and active player base. We have a few members like you who balance PvE and RP, even though we classify ourselves as med/heavy RP.


If you would like to check us out our RPC post is here and, though you won't be able to see everything on it unless you register, this is our enjin.


Best of luck either way,


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We're not the largest


We're not small, either. A casual event tonight gathered about 18 people, so we definitely hold our own. We are selective also, and I'll vouch for the quality of every one of our members. If you're interested, definitely look us up! We also allow randoms to enjoy rp with us, and have an OOC linkshell for our friends, so you could try that also. 


If you want to look into our events more, check my sig. xD

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Hello! I am not recruiting for any FC or anything as my own is OOC. I just wanted to let you know that there are others out there in the same boat as you. I love to PVE and RP. I love going to open world and finding RP there...just wish I would find it more!


If you ever want to just rp don't be afraid to hit me up or if you want to do a dungeon!

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