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Midlander Freelancer looking for Friends, Connections, and many other things.

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Due to my craving to experiment with the races, I created a Hyur character by the name of Daurion Vaulgard. He is a young man who comes from a small town in Othard (since I know not the names of places over there I have left the town nameless). He is the son of a Garlean soldier and a Doman woman. He was originally scouted out, along with other young men and women of his home town, to serve in the Garlean Empire thus he was sent to a training facility/academy. Before he could become a member of the Empire his father and several others secretly plotted an escape plan. Due to a another member revealing the plan only Daurion, his father and mother, and a few others managed to escape.

Would also like to point out that I am in the EST timezone, but I am on frequently due to having a rather free schedule. 


Daurion is a freelancer and often travels from one city state to the other, as well as places in between, if it catches his interest. So it is possible for him to have met one or two if  not more individuals along his travels. He is also an oddjobber and is willing to help out people if they are willing to pay, with a few exceptions. 


As the name of the thread says, I'm looking for pretty much anything from friends to people who he could either worked or have worked for, and even an enemy. I was thinking of plot where the individual, who ratted out Daurion's fathers plan of fleeing Othard, was sent to Eorzea to search for survivors or something along those lines, but I'm open to anything.


((I'm a little under the weather so I was doing my best to get this out of the way))


Daurion Vaulgard

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I believe we may be able to set something up! A good old fashioned joint mission handed out by the Adventurer's Guild, perhaps? My own character has Garlean blood in his veins so if that ever comes up as a plot point then they may be able to bond over it and form a friendship.


I'm around fairly often so feel free to poke me in-game sometime and we can begin plotting if you'd like!

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I think that a joint mission would be a fine idea for our two characters to meet. Daurion has no problems with working with others if it means that the job will get done. On top of that, I think he will be a bit happy to meet another person who is half Garlean since he only known himself to actually be such. They may get along just fine. ^-^


I'll be sure to contact you when I'm on.

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I have a few Doman/Garlean characters. One is a magitek mechanic out of the lavander beds, another an ex spy currently wandering thanalan and the last is an ex prisoner of war. The last two don't have wiki pages but the spy is just kinda on a classic redemption arch and the prisoner is an au ra seer who just kinda scutters around doing nonsensical stuff.

They all sound like interesting character especially the spy and the prisoner. He's always happy to see someone turn away from the empire, and may even be willing to help the spy with their redemption. As for the prisoner of war, he'd probably be curious as to what they did to become so.

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