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Looking for an abject ishgardian mother

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Hello there,


I was wondering if anyone would be interested in playing my character's mother, a highborn ishgardian elezen from a minor House called Hildegarde. 


Here is the story mainlines, the rest would be up to your imagination and preferences:


She married the head of house Hildegarde and gave birth to 3 sons, Alderic, Judicael and Gabriel, and a daughter, Melisande.


Her 3 sons were raised and trained to be knights. They all fought against the dravanians but never came back.


She raised her daughter as a devot, she wanted her to be an example of piety and devotion to the Holy See. She was proud to teach her daughter how to question and hunt heretics. Her education was strict and she never gave a choice to her daughter. NEVER. Not at least one. Absolutly ne-ver. Thus, she commanded her to marry a lord from another minor House for political reasons. The lord is said to have perish in the war (though this is not true) and her daughter never got married - she always blame her for it.


The loss of her 3 sons was the greatest shock of her life. She can't find the strenght to mourn them and she suffers from their death every second of her existence.


As a matter of fact, she despises her daughter for being alive and keep on telling her she wishes that she was the one dying there instead of her sons. A daughter as no power as an heir and the House is doomed - she will always blame her daughter for having survived, will make her feel ashamed and useless. In other words, she will always blame her no matter what she do. She will be literally abject, aweful and cruel to her. 


She can't stand the lowborns, the strangers and anything related more or less to dragons. 


After the war, she has spent all her days alone in her appartments and no one ever saw her in public. The servants seem to have clear instructions from Melisande to "convince" her to stay away from the "society" and "rest". Untill now?



I am also interested if you wish to play her father. The only thing that would be important for this character is that he would never want to have another child, as he still mourn the loss of his 3 sons. 


Do not hesitate to PM me or whisp me in game. If you would like any more information or would be interested but have other propositions of background, I'm open to discussion =D 

I think that these NPCs would be more fun to take into consideration if they are played by actual rper, and I believe it could lead to very interesting situations = )


Please note that my time zone is UTC+2. 


Thank you!

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