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Want the same as all here!


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Hello everyone! I'm known as Sarstan. Looking for RPing on FF14. Give me something to do on the side while playing the game.


--MMORPG background

I've played a lot of video games and MMOs. My most recent notable game experience was with Guild Wars 2. Did light roleplaying on that game (a somewhat mentally challenged brute, just for fun), but mostly focused on the gameplay

--RP experience

I've RPed for many years, across many areas. Adult and non, serious and very casual. I've RPed outside of games quite a bit, but I like the idea of including it all in a preexisting world and having characters that can really interact in the game.

--Character ideas/info

I might discuss that more later. As it stands I play as a Roegadyn mauler and would love to RP him as such.

--How did you learn about the coalition?

Searching for FF14 RPing! COmes up pretty high on a google search

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Middle ground. I would love to do light, but as it stands I'm not terribly familiar with the lore of the game (this is my second week playing as I type this) and can't get too serious because of this.

--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I'm currently a full time student in a local university. Classes take up mid-September and until then I've got a lot of time on my hands. After I start classes, we'll see how things change.


Edit: I state I'm on Behemoth. I have a new character on Gilgamesh. Same name.

For the record, I'm currently on Behemoth and would ideally like to stay there. I know that it's not one of the two big ones, but I've already done two server hops as it is (Excalibur and Leviathon as well), and would ideally avoid doing another. I MIGHT under the right circumstances and a promise of a very active partner or three, but that's to discuss later.

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