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A Selarian draws near! Command?

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--MMORPG background

I started playing MMRPGs before they were even called that. Meridian 59, UO, Everquest, all the way up the line I have played them. Ever since there have been games you could play on the internet with other people, I have done so.

--RP experience

I have been RPing almost as long as I have played on the internet. I started getting serious in it about 16 years ago.

--Character ideas/info

Right now I only have one fully fleshed Character. Selarian (Bet you didn't see that coming) a young magic user that is trying to master Thaumatergy and Conjuration. He is currently traveling with his sister, and his best friend. 

--How did you learn about the coalition?

Google: FF14 Roleplayers

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy? 

Heavy. We RP during questing, and also tend to walk everywhere. We are not in a hurry.

--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

Well, I play mostly with my RL Sister, Calliope, and also am running a free company with her. We have played most of the above listed MMOs together.

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