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Greetings one and all.

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--MMORPG background

Well, i started my journey in Star Wars galaxies post NGE. From there, after spending a few years roleplaying as a mandalorian merc, i shifted over to SWTOR on release. Been RPing there since launch on the Ebon Hawk server. Star Trek online held my attention for awhile, as did the Secret world.

--RP experience

Been RPing now for nearly ten years in various games and tabletop scenarios. Now its time to add FF14 to the list.

--Character ideas/info

Well, i don't have a fully fleshed out character as of yet, but i do have the basic's down. Name, age, and personality. As for his past, i was thinking something along the lines of amnesia, but havent gotten far in it yet.

--How did you learn about the coalition?

Google, just went up in there and searched for FFXIV roleplay servers, and this site was second on the list for me.

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Heavy, always heavy. I enjoy immersing myself in the lore of a game, as well as building great stories with other like minded individuals. 

--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

Hmm, lets see. I'm from Scotland, but mostly play in the us time zone due to being unable to sleep more than a few hours a day. Father of two, mostly responsible but prone to some sort of practical joke every now and then.

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