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Finally took the time to register!


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Greetings fellow adventurers,


I am glad to finally get a chance to join in the fun, I just recently returned to FFXIV from a 3 month break and have been around catching the cool stories and RP that has been goin on around Eorzea. I was a long time FFXI player and made the jump to ffxiv during beta but got stuck on another server rather than besaid, I remember all the fun scenarios from FFXI and am looking forward to jumping into the new ones on XIV. I role a couple of chars. Tallusia Winter being my main(it's somethin a lil different for me as I have always run male chars.which are much easier for me to relate to, lol) I am the leader of a small ls called The Light Legion, it's a new shell that i grouped with the intention of a few friends of mine who RP, but I am looking to further my horizons and making new friends, The Light Legion is looking to be a collaborative group with the other ls's in the world of FFXIV. Well, that is enough from me as I could write for hours.I am looking forward to being in touch with everyone.

See ya around.

Fox Winter

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