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Seeking Antagonist

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Hi folks! Never made a post like this before so... here we go.



Im looking for someone to play an antagonist. He's not a villain in the traditional sense, since he's not actively trying to cause trouble but his presence is in and of itself a danger and quite upsetting to the characters this one is connected to. I don't have him fleshed out because I want room for whoever ends up playing him to be able to flesh him out themselves but I have some basic framework for him.


Sex: M

Age: (late 30s to early 40s)

nationality: Garlean

Allignment: lawful evil

Occupation: Ex- Garlean military officer; currently a drifter

This character was an officer in charge of a jail of prisoners of war. He's the main antagonist for Toorime Hoshiko.



Toorime was taken from her family at 17 when word of her abilities as a 'seer' was picked up by near by troops. She was taken for her abilities but quickly those around her saw why her village had so willingly given her away. Some believed she was truly gifted while others were more convinced she was completely insane. This particular character believed in her abilities. The two were amicable for a time, he might have even loved her to an extent but he's a jealous man and was quick to break the trust he'd gained from her. After that she became incredibly un-cooperative with him to the point she was not worth keeping around, draining resources. So the two made a bet. If she won, she'd win her freedom, if she lost she'd loose her life. She won their bet and he let her leave with a great deal of his money, his name, and the promise that she'd never see him again.


So why is he looking for her now? Though he was always a pretty strict man of his word, after learning her family was gone, he didn't trust she was safe on her own. Pretty much, he's obsessed with her.


Where is this character going? I'm not sure! Im leaving that for the player to decide mostly. But his obsession is what has brought him to Eorzea and to be in contact with the characters connected to Toorime and Toorime herself.


If you're interested in playing him, feel free to send me a message or to leave a comment here.

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