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Hello everyone.  I am a 1.0 player who had returned during 2.0 but went to one of the beginning servers as during 1.0 I did not remain long and returned to XI.  I came to 2.0 with many friends but I'm afraid that number dwindled before Heavensward.  However, I find it is only myself left and I've become quite a vagabond upon moving from FC to FC.  Trying to find a home but not never really fitting into the scheme of things.


I've been a long time RP but however I did not think to look up about any such information on FFXIV having a RP community but I knew there had to be one out there.  That's how I found this website.  Now I am currently on the Coeurl server but am willing to move as I've noticed a lot of the FC and LS are located on other servers.  Even willing to start a new character as it may be.  I want to return to the world of RP and in the environment of FFXIV.


*Courteous bow.*

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