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Wedding crashers wanted!


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*stuffed in random mailboxes*


[align=center]“Hey, you. You got plans this <<Sunday, September 27th at 8 pm Central>>? If you do, cancel them. Come to my eternal bonding instead. My adopted sister and I are having a sibling bonding ceremony at the Sanctum of the Twelve and it’d be deadly boring if we just stood there solemnly making serious oaths of sibling blah blah blah’s with no one there to see. Aside from that? The people running the affair are acting like we’re trying to scam them for free stuff or something. Prove them wrong by showing up in whatever ridiculous costume you want and cheering really loud for us since this definitely is not a scam. Free food. –[/align]

[align=center]Malika ”[/align]





[align=center]OOC Information:[/align]



This definitely is a scam. Malika and Maeryn unofficially declared themselves sisters long ago and never felt any need to make it official… until they noticed all the pretty party favors and services that the Sanctum of the Twelve provided to those who did. They have no intention of filling out important paperwork after the service and they’re not about to take this whole thing seriously.


But they need friends to come and prove how ‘real’ it is. Problem? Friends are sort of in short order when you’ve made scam-artist/thief your career of choice.


They’ll be outside the Sanctum of the Twelve at 8 pm on Sunday handing out extra invitations to anyone who’d like to come and crash their wedding. Wear your snowman hats. Wear your most garish costume with ridiculous face paint. Look as ridiculous as possible if you like—come and make this event absurdly ridiculous and memorable!

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Aww, my highlander would love to have crashed a wedding...  but I just noticed you are on Gilgamesh.  :(


This one is one Balmung! I have characters on both servers. @_@ But you can totally come to this wedding. ^__^


That awkward moment she was only using that for an excuse....



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Aww, my highlander would love to have crashed a wedding...  but I just noticed you are on Gilgamesh.  :(


This one is one Balmung! I have characters on both servers. @_@ But you can totally come to this wedding. ^__^


That awkward moment she was only using that for an excuse....



HAHAH. Yeah. That's OK today. ^_~

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