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Entertainer looking for clients to humor.

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Well, I've been horribly bored with roleplay recently, so I'm going to advertise my snobby little character here. As an entertainer, Flynt's essentially your court fool, offering sound advice in the form of hyperbole and assorted other over exaggerated methods. Morally grey, he goes where the entertainment is and would not conflict much in either a good or evil aligned affiliation. He needs no pay, though that doesn't factor employment out of the equation.


What he's got:

  • An approximate knowledge on just about anything, save for intricate specialties. (Aether, class-specific intricacies.)
  • All the time in the world. Really, just call the guy and he'd be thrilled to know you need him.
  • An assortment of means to entertain, verbal comedy, slight of hand, and mild musical prowess. Has a secret hobby of tailoring fine clothes (Can be known through off-screen hearsay.)
  • He loves to spar, but not all that good at it.

What I'm looking for:

  • No particular demographic.
  • Any form of relations to expand my variety in RP partners, business, platonic, etc.
  • I'm willing to join linkshells for FCs that offer 'honorary' positions. 

Everything you're going to want for detail about Flynt is in my signature, which links to his RPC wiki page, which I just updated to current events (As of 9/30/2015).  Looking forward to meeting some new faces!




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How interesting, I've not run into a character with Flynt's repertoire before now. I'm personally looking for someone worldly and knowledgeable about any corner of the realm (aside from Ul'dah). Bahati is a foreigner learning by exposure and socialization with those she meets, I'm hoping to expand her horizons.


As a personal plus, Bahati is quite taken with fashion and passionately studies weaving from some more experienced friends!

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