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Looking for some RP partners

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Just looking for some people who don't mind doing some online RP fun on the forums.  As I seem to be stuck on Cactuar (for now) seems my only outlet for RP are these forums. 


Some casting ideas would be:


1.  A brother (or sister)

2.  A long time friend

3.  As always complete utter strangers are cool too. 


I usually like : as the wind takes you RP, but of course if people want to push a particular story arc, I am more than willing to participate.

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Unfortunately I dont really forum RP, however, my character Kiht'a might be interested in a brother. I've left his background open for a brother or sister, if someone wanted to play as one. Hes of course Miqo'te, wasn't sure if you want to play as a Miqo'te, but figured I'd offer in case!

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well, in my mind, I was thinking she is the younger (or youngest) of her family, and follows around her older brother (or sister) completely intent upon keeping themselves, as their older sibling ( a tanky type I was envisioning, but it doesn't have to be) tends to run headlong into battle.  My character is constantly trying to be the voice of reason and getting dragged into dangerous types of situation just to keep their older sibling from getting killed.


I was thinking the older sibling would have a fondness for their younger sister, being the big brotherly type who also seeks to protect their sister both from harm and from undesirable male attention.  They may be opposites (in appearance or just attitudes) but they are close in the familial ties. 


My character's gentle nature lends a large degree to naivety, and again, when hurt on a personal level is cut deep and feels a lot.  Despite this, she devotes a large amount of attention to her craft, to mastering it, even if she struggles a lot (magic is not innate within her, so she studies harder to learn to harness  the powers of the elementals).


This has probably been overdone, but I have never done it and was looking to try it.

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Going off of the big brother idea I was beginning to flesh out some ideas!  I like where it is going.  I am liking where she is going. 


I won't be able to transfer to Balmung until Oct 21st, so if anyone is interested in being her older brother (tanky/knighty type of person preferably) we could hash out some character ideas.   Since their backstory would ideally be pretty close, I'd like to go over it with any potential RP partner, that could possibly take time until I am able to transfer my character/s.


Anyone :):moogle:

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*rubs chin thoughtfully*


What race are we talking here?

 I have not settled on a race simply so that I don't limit my RP partner into playing something they'd rather not.  I am willing to play any race, again, as to not be limiting.  Since this endeavor with my character would be closely  tied to another character.

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