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A Sad Place To Die. (A Short Story.)

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A Sad Place To Die.  (AShort Story.)


   Sparks of damaged machinery filled the air, Twelve Garlean soldiers lay dead around the room. War Bear rested against one of the empty glass tubes clutching the shoulder wound he received during the fight. His breathing was heavy; the last few months have been too soft he was out of shape, out of practice. He allowed himself to get like this and that pissed him off.  Blood smeared across the tube as he moved fromit.  Maybe he should have brought back up;maybe he shouldn’t have lied to his friends about not hearing the location that insane Garlean told him. No he knew he had made the right choice, they all had to much to live for and this for all purposes was a suicide mission, so much could go wrong. Not to say that he didn’t he thought of Ivy, and his friends as he skulked down the halls to the next room. He was coming back from this and not a damn thing would stop him he assured himself.


   As he entered the room there was a small force of guards waiting for him. He counted six total, they had their gun blades pointed at him in formation as one yelled out for the others to fire, War Bear instinctively raised his Giant axe to shield as much of himself as he could, for all the good it did, he still took a slug to the thigh, and another did a ripping graze to his side. He cringed but he didn’t have time to let the pain get to him. War Bear let out a roar and leaped at the Garleans as they charged him, his with one swing the axe blade savagely ripped apart two of the soldiers, while knocking over three more. One of the guards avoided his attack, and Bear’s reward for his error was a biting pain to his back as the gunblade sliced through the flesh on his back.  Bear whipped around with a vicious backhand, sending the guard flying crashing into machinery.  Sparks erupted from the Machinery; War Bear’s massive Axe came crashing down onto the guards head hammer side first. He turned and sneered at the three other guards who were just making it to their feet. He swung around letting the axe handle flow through his grip until it was at the end of the haft before he re-tightened his grasp. The sound of metal tearing through metal and flesh would be enough to give lesser experienced men nightmares for months. War Bear was used to this though, this wasn’t his first battle. He didn’t plan for it to be his last.


   His gaze blurred for a second, he had lost a good deal of blood. He regained his focus on a Tube in the back of the room; it had an occupant in it. The liquid was thick it was hard to see through from this distance. He made his way to the Tube hooked up to machines he’d never seen before. His eyes grew wide and a single word escaped his lips. “Siren” it was her, he was sure of it, even though she had looked almost as if she had barely aged.  He looked over the machinery for away to drain the tube and open it, but none of the infernal Garlean designs made any sense to him. War Bear didn’t have time for this, any minute more guards would pour in, and he wasn’t sure how many more he could take in his current condition. War Bear took a step back using the Hammer side of his axe shattered to tube and stepped into the rushing liquid to catch his sister. As he pulled her out and removed the wires and tubes from her. Siren was out cold, he quickly reached for his pack, and he still had the smelling salts Ivy had given him. He pulled them from the tightly sealed leather pouch from his bag.  He gave a thankful expression when he discovered they were still dry.  He placed them under Siren’s nose and muttered “C’mon, c’mon wake up Syree. Wake up girl.” Siren let out a vicious cough as she spit up some liquid like substances. Her eyes slowly opened “W..were..am I?” Bear smiled and placed his hand on his sister’s face. “It’s okay Syree I got ya.” Bear Held up Siren’s head. “B..Bear?” Siren muttered weakly.  “Yeah it’s me sis. Can you stand?” Siren still trying to adjust her vision weakly muttered “I..I don’t know.” Bear looked over his shoulder worried; so far there was no sign of any more guards. Bear didn’t know whether to take it as a worriment or relief. This was a lightly guarded facility but only with only the eighteen guards he had dealt with and the two he hadn’t by the Train rails, seemed thinner than he expected.


   War Siren tried to stand but quickly went back down, she sighed in frustration.  War Bear stood up and motioned for Siren to give him her hands. War Bear helped her up and heaved her over his shoulder. He almost buckled from the wound to his leg but caught himself, and shrugged off the pain. He knew that if he couldn’t get her to the train they were both finished. He wasn’t dying here he told himself. He was getting home to Ivy, he was getting home to his friends, with his sister in tow. War Bear started down the hall he came from his pace quickly picking up with each thought of home, and a better life. His concentration focused on getting to the rails he didn’t notice the shadow following them.  War Bear busted out of the door, his pace almost at full run, wincing through the exhaustion and pain. He charged towards the train. To his surprise there were no guards. He came to a halt, almost stumbling in front of the train. Placing his sister down he looked around. The faint sound of the air tearing as six needles rippled through the sky and found themselves buried deep into Bear’s back the needles didn’t cause much pain, but Bear felt a heavy weight of a feeling hit his head. War Bear quickly looked around but there was no one in sight. He cringed as he tried to pull out the needles he could. From his back his head feeling heavier by the second. He quickly buried his axe into the train and used it as leverage to throw Siren into the engine car of the train. He picked himself up and placed his bag next to Siren and started the engine. The design wasn’t much different than ones in Eorzea. As the engine fired up the train refused to move. Realizing it was locked in War Bear Jumped out to try to release the engine car from the rest of the train. As he bent over to unlatch the train he felt the air ripple near his throat and the touch of steel caressing it quickly, he then felt warmth running down his neck onto his chest. With on of his large hands he touched his throat his eyes grew wise in terror as it came back covered in crimson.  He heard a high pitches squeal, before an almost mechanical, yet feminine voice called from the shadows. “I expected more from you the way Liana spoke of you.”  War Bear tried to turn around but fell onto the train latch. The cruel cold voice laughed and chattered on. “You know we don’t need you alive, I have no idea why Laurentia insisted on keeping the female alive for so long.” War Bear struggled desperately to unlatch the train. Get it unhooked turn beat her, you can still survive this, You are The War Bear You can Survive.  His train of thought ended as a Magiteck Dagger plunged into his skull. The train unlatched and the engine started to take off. The Woman decked out in Magitek armor looked to the engine speeding away to see Siren looking out of it in terror as her brother laid there dead a dagger in his skull.



   The Canary sighed to herself in the cold cruel metallic voice, and touched her linkpearl. “Banshee Command this is the Canary, the female escaped, but the male is dead, we can harvest him for samples. Do you wish for me to follow the female.” A voice on the other end muttered “no.” The Canary looked at the speeding Train Engine her eyes narrowed under her mask she hated loose ends, but orders were orders. This would be a matter settled another day.

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