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Celebration of the Warden


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[align=center]The skies above Drybone were a bright blue, a few clouds breaking up the ocean above. People welcomed one another and newcomers with a warmth akin to the events of the day until the bells began to ring.[/align]


[align=center]Jancis Milburga waves a hand bell in the air, ringing cheerfully. "Welcome Pilgrims! Welcome!"[/align]

[align=center]Chachanji rushes in, panting a bit. "M-made it..." Mina quirks a brow, but  then fall silent, her attention shifting. Bexy gives a faint smile. She pivots on her heel, to rest against the wall. "I.. Oversee relief operations on various parts of Eorzea, from my company. Such work is enj--- Hm?" Her ears flick, attention turned to the voice. Y'uraq lets out a whistle. "Damn... quite a crowd."[/align]


[align=center]"Today we come together, from all corners of the land, in celebration of Azeyma!"[/align]


[align=center]"On such a day, as the leaves change to reflect the brilliant colors of the sun, we are reminded by the changes we have had to make in our lives. As we learn and discover, we ask questions. We seek the truth around us, to be trusted, and to be sought after ourselves."[/align]


[align=center]"From tribe to tribe, city to city, and friend to friend, we all strive to not simply know things, but act on it. Think about those who have come with you this day. What has brought you here. Who you protect and why you do."[/align]

[align=center]Chachanji casts a brief, worried glance Flower's way, but then turns his full attentions back to Jancis as she speaks.[/align]


[align=center]"To what has driven you. What you hunt for be it food, knowledge, support, or courage for your kin. As we start the last trek through these plains, let your thoughts reach to the sun for why you are here."[/align]


[align=center]Aiswynd nods his head a bit as he listens to Jancis, a rolled up parchment sticking out of one of his pouches. Jancis raises her hand once more, signaling the start of the pilgrimage![/align]




[align=center]"If you tell the truth, you do not have to remember anything."[/align]


[align=center]"There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting."[/align]


[align=center]"There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting."[/align]


[align=center]"Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and choice, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim."[/align]


[align=center]"The sun is new each day."[/align]


[align=center]"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it is not going away."[/align]


[align=center]"Remember even though the outside world might be raining, if you keep on smiling the sun will soon show its face and smile back at you."[/align]


[align=center]Chachanji exclaims as he walks, "Yay sun!"[/align]


[align=center]"Careful here Pilgrims" The pilgrims continued past the Amalj'aa, as they looked on quietly.[/align]




[align=center]"When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome."[/align]


[align=center]"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."[/align]


[align=center]"Doubt is the incentive to truth and inquiry leads the way."[/align]


[align=center]"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you."[/align]


[align=center]Jancis beams and beckons everyone to gather close. The stone was shining in a multitude of colors from the sky. Bottles of wine were left along with a pile of fans. Though the area had been prepared, weeds popped up along the canyon cliff. Blankets and umbrellas were set up by those who brought them as everyone settled down. Jancis bows to a band that comes, taking up the corner by the stone. Patting the drums a few times, they start up with a festive melody.[/align]

[align=center]5ZJ27HfN5Nk [/align]


[align=center]"To start, with this music. And as the sun shines high in the sky for us now. I would ask everyone to put your hands up and wave to the sun. That we can soak in its warmth and feel inspiration for our celebration!" Jancis starts, waving her arm in the sky. "For what rain may come upon the land, we will keep this sunshine."[/align]




[align=center]"I like th' sun... so this should be a good pilly grammage!"[/align]


[align=center]The sun became shy, clouds gathering around its warm glow as a light sprinkle of rain started. Regardless, the group was in good spirits, waving their hands, and the celebration to the Warden began![/align]

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[align=center]"And now! To start our celebration with appropriate flair. Master Telluride we are delighted to have you here performing this sun."[/align]


[align=center]The crowd of pilgrims applaud as Nathan Telluride steps up front and center.[/align]



[align=center]"Friends, revelers, pilgrims, wards of the Warden! You've come from near and far to pay your respects to Azeyma, and today, I wish to pay respects in turn to someone whom we all can recognize as one of her greatest, and most devoted servants."[/align]


[align=center]"Were we all as dedicated as this individual, we could have a world of truth and justice, one in which the sun chases away the darkness from every secret corner and hidden crag!"[/align]


[align=center]"So, I come to pay tribute to this devoted servant, this model of truth, this most excellent gentleman..."[/align]




[align=center]"That smile is as bright as the sun!" A myriad of smiles, smirks, straight faces, and looks of confusion are given to the bard. John tilts his head a little at Nathan. Nene blinks a few times...[/align]


[align=center]"...and as I sing of his devotion to the Azeyma's ways, please feel free to dance, and thus share in the glory! In the light of justice, you ARE, rather than do!"[/align]




[align=center]♪ I'm a story that's spreadin' out across the land, last name Manderville, first name Hildibrand ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ I'm workin' for the goddess of inquiry; All the dastardly villains got the fear o' me ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ No case is too great, no case is too small; meetin' damsels in distress, and I'm saving 'em all ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ Might stumble and tumble while I bumble to the facts, but I'm always showin' off how a Gentleman acts ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ Spread the message near and far, I'm the Warden's most handsome Avatar. I'm the gentleman caller that the lady has trusted to see truth come to light and every evil plot busted. ♪[/align]




[align=center]♪ Even though I take a dirt nap now and then, I'll be posin' and exposin' evil right to the end ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ I'm a gent in the service of the lady Azeyma, and if you're a villain, I'll find ya and shame ya ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ Got the Mythril Eye generatin' all o' my buzz: a Gentleman IS, boy, rather than does! ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ Crackin' cases every day, and not just for fun; gonna bring every truth into the light of the sun ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ Spread the message near and far, I'm the Warden's most handsome Avatar. I'm the gentleman caller that the lady has trusted to see truth come to light and  every evil plot busted. ♪[/align]




[align=center]♪ Confess all your crimes and she just might forgive ya; it's a much better chance than Hildibrand's gonna give ya. ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ Even if though you might give me the slip today, I got some firesand bombs; gonna blow you away ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ Got my trusted firecracka, Nashu Mhakaracca, if you're makin' evil plans, then she's coming to whack ya ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ But I don't like killing, if I can avoid it; I have a Gentleman's charm and I've always employed it. ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ Spread the message near and far, I'm the Warden's most handsome Avatar. I'm the gentleman caller that the lady has trusted to see truth come to light and  every evil plot busted. ♪[/align]




[align=center]♪ Of all of the twelve, I'm standin' up for the Warden, 'cause she's all about truth, and that's forever important ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ I've given up a life of easy riches, and I'm scratchin' at crime wherever it itches ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ So come out and confess, all you criminal minds, when I come to hunt down your criminal kind ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ With a physique so sleek you'll be shoutin' out Wowzers, just like my old man, when he drops his trousers ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ Spread the message near and far, I'm the Warden's most handsome Avatar ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪ I'm the gentleman caller that the lady has trusted to see truth come to light and  every evil plot busted. ♪[/align]


♪ Now I'm endin' this song, like only Mandervilles can, come on and dance for truth like a Manderville man! ♪




[align=center]Leih'a starts to slow clap which is followed with others growing in strength. Leanne snorts before clapping. R'shesha laughs and claps for Nathan. Vaughn hesitantly claps because...at least she's showing support for her friend. J'azhar claps? Uncertainly? Um. An'nai blinks, holding his hands up with either palm facing the other as though uncertain whether or not to clap. Tausenadel cheers, clapping loudly. Locke slaps his hands together, "Impressive as always, Nate."[/align]


[align=center]Nathan bows to the lady Milburga, and sets the rose from his lapel at her feet before returning to his place. [/align]

[align=center]"Master Telluride everyone! Oh! Azeyma's rose!" Jancis smiles and kneels down to pick it up, placing it close to the stone.[/align]


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[align=center]"I am very happy to introduce Master Aiswynd. In his kindness, he has offered to share some personal stories and feelings about the Warden."[/align]

[align=center]Aiswynd Drakareus bows to Jancis then to the Warden stone, speaking a soft prayer first.[/align]




[align=center]"As Jancis said, I am Aiswynd, as I am sure you can see, I am Xaela, which means I grew up in a place where Azeyma is foreign to us."[/align]


[align=center]"My first encounter with her was before I had ever arrived in Eorzea. An inter-tribal conflict occurred, and before I was knocked out, the rays of the sun setting fanned out. This caused me curiosity...because the light shone in a way it never did before."[/align]


[align=center]"Prior to my arrival in Eorzea, I had searched through Othard"[/align]


[align=center]"Going as far to leave the steps to find information about the sun shining like a fan. This ultimately lead me to a quayside tavern and being recruited by some Limsa Sailors that lead me to Eorzea, and discovering Azeyma."[/align]


[align=center]"While the Xaela as a majority believe in the Dusk Mother, not every tribe follows that through, the tribe I came from, the answering of questions, and learning of truths and knowledge was always paramount. In a way we were already worshiping Azeyma without knowing it."[/align]


[align=center]"I feel this is important because, Azeyma, may come to you in many forms, or ways, but will always be the same in a way, the quest for, or seeking of the truth. The light that always shines upon that which is. Although at the moment, it's a bit of a wet truth it seems."[/align]




[align=center]"Thank you for listening to me." Aiswynd bows.[/align]


[align=center]"Thank you, Master Aiswynd. So much."[/align]



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[align=center]"Tausen! Were you trying to reach the sun before? You are already quite tall."[/align]

[align=center]Tausenadel Geispyrsyn wanders off the rock he had perched on, grinning at the crowd. "I can't help me height, lass! But I do have a tale to tell."[/align]

[align=center]"Mayhaps not as tall as some of those true tales. Pilgrims, please welcome Tausen who is going to a bright one with us!"[/align]




[align=center]"Ahoy, folks. Those who know me know I stick to Llymlaen an' her shiny sextant but I've been 'cross the map o' this land an' I've met many a lad an' lass what pray to many a god. As we're here 'bout Azeyma today, I figured I'd tell ye o' a lad what adored the sun."[/align]




[align=center]I was wand'rin' 'round some o' the old ruins in Thanalan, mostly lookin' for soil for a new crop o' cactuar, when I spotted this miqo'te. Clad full in armor, he stood 'mongst the ruins without a care, simply 'njoyin' the blaze that must o' been makin' him sweat the Rhotano.[/align]


[align=center]As I 'pproached, he turned to me an' I'll nev'r forget his eyes. Mostly 'cause they were all I could see o' his face. Bright, wide, like he was always smilin'. "What ho, good sir! Are you here to bask in the light, same as myself?" Truth be told, I nev'r cared for Thanalan. Far too hot for my tastes but his enthusiasm was infectious.[/align]


[align=center]I explained my task, to which he seemed most taken. With a proud stance, he nodded once. "A noble deed indeed! Haha, a joke! I am searching for my goddess in this land, She hangs above all but I am sure She can be found amongst us. I was just about to begin my search elsewhere. So, what do you say? Why not help one another on this lonely journey?"[/align]


[align=center]Having someone around to keep an eye out for imps and antlings would really help out and he looked to be an alright sort. I agreed and he took that same proud stance. "Aha! What wonderous news! Let us depart!" Our trek lasted the rest of the day and despite never finding what he was looking for, the man's spirits didn't waver an ilm, still quick to laugh and be merry.[/align]


[align=center]But ev'n his pow'rful positivity had its limits. As I found what I needed, the sun had finally begun its slow descent. I welcomed the cooler temperature, but now it seemed my companion was slightly upset. His shoulders were tense, I could tell even through his armor. Cresting a dune, the sun boiled before us and his voice echoed from within his helm. He looked at me, as if ashamed to be caught speaking to himself.[/align]


[align=center]"Forgive me, I was just pondering… about my poor fortune. I did not find my own sun, not in Black Bush, nor in the Invisible City. Where else might my sun be? Crescent Cove, or Bluefog…?" He struggled for a moment. I began to place a hand on his shoulder to comfort him as best I could, but a'fore I could ev'n do that, he burst out laughing. "But I wonder. I traveled far to pursue this! And yet..."[/align]




[align=center]We both turned to the sun, well, more him than myself, as that shite was burnin' holes in me eyes. But he stared Her down. "Azeyma. You travel high above all, warming us and caring for us. Banishing the cruel nights. You've always listened to my pleas with nothing but radiant love in return." He was...talking to the sun at this point. I clutched my jar of dirt, peerin' at him strangely before speakin' up. "Do ye think She's yers to have, though?"[/align]


[align=center]This stopped him. "You have always been there, You listen to all without tiring. For me to think I would find You for myself...how callous! You are there for all and yet You listen to each of us. Humbled, am I...ah, my friend!" Turnin' to me, I could see that smile in his eyes again. "Thank you for joining me in this quest! I feel I have found my answer." His tail swished back an' forth as he struck his proud pose again, arms up in a Y, feet tight together.[/align]


[align=center]"We must part ways here, I'm afraid. I will stay behind, to gaze at my goddess. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent mother! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"[/align]


[align=center]Holdin' the pose a moment, he eventually took my hand in a hearty shake. "Again, thank you for your jolly cooperation, friend. As you walk beneath her, remember to praise the sun!" With an exclaimation of joy, he took off down the dune, chasing after his Azeyma. I called after him but he merely waved, content to run just to have a few more moments with Her.[/align]


[align=center]I watched him 'til he was a speck in the distance. I nev'r did see him again but iffin' any'un could find answ'rs by starin' into the damned sun, it'd be that lad. That day, I 'nd'rstood what sunstroke really did to a p'rson. But he was a fine friend an' to this day, each mornin', I find meself praisin' the sun as he did. Jus' seems right. Thank ye for lis'nin'! An' thank ye Jancis, for havin' me.[/align]


[align=center]J'azhar claps in firm approval, the crowd joining in. "Thank you Tausen!"[/align]



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[align=center]"And to bring an end to our celebration with bright fanfare, is only appropriate that Lady Leanne fills such a shining role." Leih'a gives a rousing bout of applause.[/align]




[align=center]Leanne Delphium smiles as she walks out of the crowd, being followed by a moogle carrying a sizable backpack. There was a dozen instruments protruding out of it! "Hmm...the Warden...keeper of the sun, goddess of inquiry. Connected to truth as whole. Guardian deity for most seekers of the sun..."[/align]


[align=center]She snickers. "Most...ah, my guardian deity is bearer of a cane and a bow yew. But that's another story." she clears her throat and continues. "Silly, and obvious as it perhaps be...it is not always a comfortable thing to do, or hear...but to me, the truth is a very important thing to say and have...for example." she looks up to the sky, bearing a mildly bemused smirk. "I was really hoping today to be a sunny day." Aris laughs.[/align]


[align=center]"It is your day, Warden...could be sunnier! I will have to wash my new clothes already...!"[/align]


[align=center]Leanne shakes her head. "Another example is...saying thanks. A thanks to Ms. Jancis, for letting me join her pilgrimages. For meet more, marvelous people, other bards to idolize and aspire for. And maybe perhaps surpass." she looks at Nathan with a cheeky grin. "Thanks to all of those who came here, to the pilgrimage, paying homage for the one that my dad and mom are devoted to." she laughs. "And sorry for anyone that does not like my singing. I...will try better next time, I promise."[/align]


[align=center]Leanne pulls a guitar from her back. "Little examples, perhaps meaningless, yet heartfelt...and most important of all, truthful. As much truth has my heart can pour..." the moogle drops the backpack on the floor, taking a instrument or two out of it.[/align]

[align=center]Tempo and rhythm based on [/align]

[align=center]hEkw7D40Yhg [/align]


[align=center]Leanne does not start playing the guitar. Rather, it is the moogle who starts the melody. A series of slow, rather peaceful, apparently tribalistic sounds. Leanne keeps herself silent for a couple of seconds. Until the sounds abruptly stops. Just as suddenly, Leanne starts playing with the guitar, putting as much energy and vigor into it's sound as she could. ♪Aaah, araya, araya...arayayayaya! ♪[/align]

[align=center]♪As I sing under this beautiful sky, rays of light points towards the future...♪[/align]

[align=center]♪Readily embracing her gift of warmth, I scream on top of my lungs...♪[/align]


[align=center]Leanne grins and yells. ♪Thank you!! For this warming suun! ♪ she looks over the shoulder, grinning at the brief passage of light. ♪For another day so full of light, that just begun!!♪[/align]

[align=center]♪As your light illuminate my eyes and of my tribe...♪[/align]

[align=center]♪I smile with utter satisfaction...♪[/align]

[align=center]♪Working hard for the survival of all my kin...!♪[/align]

[align=center]♪Being truthful as you had taught me!♪[/align]


[align=center]Leanne yells! ♪Thank you! For this golden sun! For another day so full of light, compared to noone! Aaah, araya, araya...arayayayaya!♪ she momentarily flinches as a strident, but well put harmonica is heard. She giggles.[/align]

[align=center]♪A sibling of mine goes out to hunt...♪[/align]

[align=center]♪And they say, thank you Ms. Sun...♪[/align]

[align=center]♪While another one simply goes to cook...♪[/align]

[align=center]♪They also say, a very warm thank you...♪[/align]


[align=center]Leanne smirks. ♪One seeker simply wanders the road...♪[/align]

[align=center]♪She sings a thank you to the light of sun...♪[/align]

[align=center]♪All of my tribe goes through their lives...♪[/align]

[align=center]♪And all of them, have this to say..!♪[/align]

[align=center]♪Thank you!! For this glorious sun!!♪[/align]

[align=center]♪For another day so full of light, to your daughter and soons...!" she closes her eyes. ♪Aaah, araya, araya...arayayayaya!♪ she finishes the song with flourish of her head over the chords. Briefly, what only remain is the tribal sounds of the moogle, held in the background for the entirety of the music. Eventually, they as well fade.[/align]




[align=center]Leanne Delphium grins cheekily.and bows.  "Thank you, Ms. Jancis."[/align]

[align=center]"Thank you! Lady Leanne! Clearly the sky weeps with joy over your song." Leanne snickers.[/align]

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Jancis beams at Cliodhna, offering her a basket full of different toned golden and metalic paper fans. "Pilgrims!" 

Cliodhna Eoghan smiles and holds the basket.

"Praise the Sun!" "Praise the Sun! Praise be Azeyma!"

"At this time Lady Cliodhna and I have fans for you. They are for your confessions. For your inquiries, for what you seek in your life. Pray ask her or I for as many as you wish to take home to those who could not come. Or if you wish, you may share your thoughts at Azeyma's stone."

Jancis beams brightly and raises up the hand bell, heralding the end of the celebration!

Cliodhna holds up the rather large basket. "Yes, there should be more than enough!"




Cliodhna Eoghan "Would you like a fan?" Holds out the basket

R'shesha Otharn smiles up at Clio "Could I get two of the fans?"

Cliodhna Eoghan Passes over two gold fans to R'shesha

R'shesha Otharn smiles and reaches into the basked for two of them "Thank you"


Chachanji Gegenji: "S-so... what do we do wit th' fans?"

Cliodhna Eoghan: They're for writing confessions or secrets on Chahan

Cliodhna Eoghan Hands him a brighter gold fan.

Chachanji Gegenji: "... Confessions like what?"

Cliodhna Eoghan: Well...If you have a secret about yourself, or something you wanted to share with someone but you were too shy to. Things like that

Chachanji Gegenji: "Um... hm... I'll hafta think, then. I'll let ya hand out fans ta others while I does!"

Cliodhna Eoghan: Of course


Nathan Telluride winks at Cliodhna. "Have you a fan as shiny as you yourself are today?"

Cliodhna Eoghan Chuckles, passing Nathan a gold one and a metallic pink one for Lottie. "All of them are shiny, moreso than my dress..."

Nathan Telluride accepts them, and stows the fans within the coat. "I doubt that, but I accept them nonetheless. Keep shining, my dear!"

Cliodhna Eoghan: Always with the flattery Nathan...


John Waterstrike raise his hand. "Cliodhna, if I can get five fans from you?"

Cliodhna Eoghan Glances to her left. "Of course John, " Rummages and finds five, managing to get them in different colors, red, pink, gold, orange, yellow and a more silver tint, all metallic.

John Waterstrike takes them. "Thank you, Cliodhna." He smiles. "How was the honeymoon with Sir Erik?"


Bexy Amalaryssia: "Ah... Excuse me? May i have Three fans...?"

Cliodhna Eoghan Turns her attention to Bexy. "Of course" Smiles and pases over a gold, silver and yellow fan

Bexy Amalaryssia dips her head in thanks. "Thankyou, Miss." She smiles faintly, turning on her heel.


Cliodhna Eoghan Cups a hand around her mouth, the older still holding the basket. "I still have more than enough fans for those that would like one! Don't be shy!"

Cliodhna Eoghan Makes her way to the group, "Did everyone here get a fan already?"

Leanne Delphium shakes her head. "I didn't..!"

Leih'a Relanah looks to Clio, fan-less. "Might as well have one to bring home to 'Rala."

Locke Fairwind: "No, I haven't yet. Good to see ya by the way, Clio."

Cliodhna Eoghan Grins and digs out three fans. Red for Lock, Pink for leanne and gold for Leih'a; all metallic. "Here you go!"

Leih'a Relanah folds it, carefully packing the frail, yet vibrant looking object in his pouch. "Much obliged."

Cliodhna Eoghan Grins. "They're all pretty, arent' they?"

Locke Fairwind took and fan as he held it out, glancing over it with a grin. "Just my color. Aye, very. Am I supposed to write that confession onto these?"

Cliodhna Eoghan Glance over to Asmoden. "Would you like a fan?"

Asmodean Gaidin: "Um... A pair of fans please.... One blue and one sliver if possible." He ask with a small bow of his head.

Cliodhna Eoghan "Yes Locke, write down a confession on it. " Replies over her shoulder, searching the basket for the requested colors. Finding at last a blue fan dusted in gold and a silver metallic one. "Ah, here we go!" Passes them over to Asmodean with a smile.


Cliodhna Eoghan Scoots to another group of people. "Hope I'm not interrupting but would anyone like a fan?"

Rubisie Grandsalle: "I would, if you're offering, miss."

Barengar Armsbreaker glances over toward Cliodhna, his hand and shaking his head slowly, "I ain't got anythin' ta confess."

Barengar Armsbreaker: Make it a point not ta find myself livin' with that sorta feelin'.

Ghalleon Helseth: "I too need no confession, but I'll take a fan for Her Grace's honor nevertheless."

Cliodhna Eoghan Smiles at Barengar. "You could always take one as a keepsake if you like as well, but that's up to you." Pauses. "It's a good way to live but not everyone is has that much resolve."

Cliodhna Eoghan Turns back to Ghalleon. "Any specific color?"

Ghalleon Helseth: "No. Thank you."

Barengar Armsbreaker lifts his chin slightly before glancing over his shoulder briefly. Once his attention had returned to Cliodhna he gave a low grunt and nodded, hand extending outward.

Rubisie Grandsalle: "If you've any gold, red, or yellow left, I won't mind one of those."

Cliodhna Eoghan Grins and passes a gold fan with silver dusting to Barengar and fishes out a metallic red with gold dust to Rubisie. "I do and here you are."

Cliodhna Eoghan Grabs another gold and silver one and passes it to Ghalleon. "And here you go, I'll leave you back to your conversation, thank you for indulging my interruption." Smiles and gives them all a small wave before looking for the next group to approach

Rubisie Grandsalle: "Thank you."

Ghalleon Helseth: "You're very kind. Thank you."


Cliodhna Eoghan Shuffles through the basket, picking out two red ones dusted in gold. May as well grab one for herself and Erik. After a pause, grabs two pink as well....The girls coming to mind after a moment.

Cliodhna Eoghan Passes over a folding fan to Vanya, the color metallic pink dusted with gold."Thought you'd like one. You can write a confession on it and leave it by the rock or you can take it home as a keepsake."

Vanya Caladhiel looks up to Cliodhna and reaches up to take it. she loos to the fan front and back, examining it completly. "A confession..?"

Cliodhna Eoghan Nods lightly. "A secret you wish not to keep secret anymore is another way of thinking it."












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Nathan Telluride: "By the gods! A figure of inquiry... Oh. It's you, sir!" He smiles pleasantly at Locke.

Vaughn Antain: "Fine. Been busy to say the least."

Nathan Telluride looks at his hat, which rests in his lap. "I dare say strange can be quite normal sometimes."

Vaughn Antain: "I doubt it could get stranger."

J'azhar Tia isn't used to arriving early to these things. Aioux has a way about him, of arriving at precisely the right time for this and that, neither too early nor too late. Glancing around a little uncertainly, he spots at least a few familiar faces, and gives Vaughn a slight wave before making his way over to find a spot to sit upon the steps, heedless of the Thanalan dust.

R'shesha Otharn: "Well that's good. Otherwise you'd get bored and then strange things would happen"

Vaughn Antain catches J'azhar from the corner of her eye and tries to beckon him over. She says to Shesha, "Strange things already happen, sweetie." She smirks.

R'shesha Otharn: "Stranger"

R'shesha Otharn: "That's exactly when it happens"

Vaughn Antain: "Good to see you, Sir J'azhar. Travel safe, I hope?"

R'shesha Otharn looks up at J'azhar "Hi there. I'm R'shesha"

J'azhar Tia: "M..iss Vaughn," he says, with a courteous bow. It still catches him out a little, unsure how he ought to be addressing her now, but he smooths it over well enough. "And Miss R'shesha. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Not I am glad a very arduous journey, despite the night before."

Nathan Telluride: "I see someone has not lost touch in the ways of garnering attention." He leans back again, and sets his hat back upon his head.

Vaughn Antain tilts her head. "Oh? What happened?" She looks around a bit before returning her attention to J'azhar. "Where is your...partner?"

Vaughn Antain glances to Nathan with a smirk and a slight shake of her head.

J'azhar Tia makes a slight face, somewhere between embarrassed and amused. "Aioux had invited me to a contest of..." he makes a brief motion with his hand, as though knocking back a shot. "When I departed from the Still Shore, he alas was still abed." J'azhar himself looks admittedly a little worse for the wear, slightly wan and tired.

Vaughn Antain frowns slightly. "I'm sorry to hear that. I can go back with you to help out a bit if you like."

J'azhar Tia dismisses the offer with a wave of his hand and a grateful duck of his head, grinning crookedly. "You are kind indeed to offer, but it is after all no great malady. I have left him well provided for, yes? Kishkiyya, and a great deal of water, and some ginger tea for his head."

R'shesha Otharn: "Leih'a!"

Vaughn Antain smiles. "Well, tell him I wish him well. And if you two ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

R'shesha Otharn: "Hey everyone, this is my friend Leih'a"

Leih'a Relanah glances about the unfamiliar faces around Shesha. He'd reach up, and nudge his goggles onto his forehead. "Hey."

J'azhar Tia: "My very many thanks, Miss Vaughn - and you know of course I beg that if you shall have need of any aid which we may render, you had also only to ask."

Vaughn Antain smiles. "Good to know, thank you."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont rushes up, looking a little pale, "Sorry I'm late."

R'shesha Otharn: "How ya doing?"

Vaughn Antain: "Ah! Sir Aioux! I was told you were in bed. Are you alright?"

Leih'a Relanah: "Tired, but nothing the morning's coffee can't fix. If it kicks in."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont laughs sheepishly, "Just a little hung over is all."

J'azhar Tia: " - You live," J'azhar says, looking delighted. "You are well enough to be risen?"

R'shesha Otharn grins and raises one foot like she's gonna kick Leih'a "I can help kick things in"

Nathan Telluride lifts up his hat brim. "The bell approaches..." He cracks his knuckles, stands, and stretches.

Vaughn Antain smirks. "Well, if you need anything... Just ask."

Leih'a Relanah: "Uh- No, I am fine, R'shesha, but thank you."

J'azhar Tia doesn't even wait for an answer, moving over to take Aioux's chin in his hand and turn his head this way and that, inspecting him like a mother hen.

J'azhar Tia: "Hrm," he declares, entirely unselfconscious about the embarrassing display.

Aiouxdaux Beaumont smiles at that, letting himself be manhandled. He looks tired and pale, and there are lines around his eyes showing he could have a mild headache, "I'm fine, I swear."

R'shesha Otharn: "So Leih'a, this is me and Nihka's friend Vaughn"

J'azhar Tia: "You did not drink your ginger tea?" he clucks. "I shall make for you instead some from willow bark when we Mikh'a." Wait, what?

Leih'a Relanah: "Greetings ma'am. Name's Leih'a. Skysteel Machinist."

Vaughn Antain: "A pleasure."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont: ...when we what?

Leih'a Relanah: "Hello sers."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont: ...it IS Mikh'a. Mikh'a, hey! Come over here!

J'azhar Tia spins around, hearing his name. "J'azhar," he agrees, with a bob of his head. And then to Aioux: "No, Mikh- yes." This is confusing.

Nathan Telluride: "Ah, the old tension, back again, that thrill before the crowd assembles and the eyes all focus on one spot... it's palpable, it is."

Jancis Milburga: waves a hand bell in the air, ringing cheerfully. "Welcome Pilgrims! Welcome!"

Aiouxdaux Beaumont: So you decided to show up, huh? It's been a while. Do you know Vaughn?

Vaughn Antain chuckles. "I'm sure you can handle it, Sir Nathan. In fact, I think you revel in it."

Leih'a Relanah: "R'shesha's got friends in all sorts of places, t'would seem."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont nods, "Same... but it's been too long. Stick with us today, I've missed you."


Nathan Telluride winks at Cliodhna. "Have you a fan as shiny as you yourself are today?"

Cliodhna Eoghan Chuckles, passing Nathan a gold one and a metallic pink one for Lottie. "All of them are shiny, more so than my dress..."

Nathan Telluride accepts them, and stows the fans within the coat. "I doubt that, but I accept them nonetheless. Keep shining, my dear!"

Cliodhna Eoghan: Always with the flattery Nathan...


Nathan Telluride: "And speaking of bright souls in the rain..." He offers Vaughn a wide smile.

Vaughn Antain gently raises a hand to Nathan's shoulder. "As lovely as your performance was... I look forward to the next. Safe travels, Sir Nathan."

Nathan Telluride: "Keep leaving hearts afire and the gods favor in your trail as you walk. Are you leaving, then?"

Vaughn Antain chuckles. "I am. The crowds of idle chatter never did much for me, I'm afraid. Always out of place. But seeing friends is always a good thing."

Nathan Telluride nods. "That is and always will be true. Then, as you are determined to leave, I shall wish you all fortune, and watch you as you go, to ensure that no undue ill will follows your path."

Vaughn Antain: "You're very sweet, Sir Nathan, thank you. I wish the same to you and your lovely Lady Lottie."

Nathan Telluride: "Oh, I shall watch there, too."

Vaughn Antain looks over to Jancis and says to Nathan, "Ah, as you tend to stick around through the crowds, wish Lady Jancis well for me?"

Nathan Telluride: "There are not enough well-wishes in Eorzea to be worthy of the Lady Milburga, but I will do so."

Vaughn Antain smiles. "Thank you." She squeezes his arm and starts to head away.

Nathan Telluride offers a final grin, watching the Elezen walk away for a long moment before adjusting his collar, and looking back to the crowd.




Jancis Milburga: "Azeyma's Blessing! A rainbow!"

Chachanji Gegenji: "Aw... now it's gone..."

Nathan Telluride glances up. "Yet, it brought the sun with it. A good portent."

Nathan Telluride looks out upon the vista. "There's a truth here, for certain: even the Cataclysm could not destroy the beauty of this place. It's a fitting lesson even in the wake of the Destroyer's celebration last moon."

Chachanji Gegenji: "I like th' waterfalls a bunch."

Nathan Telluride: "They're exquisite, aren't they?"

Chachanji Gegenji: "Yeah!"

Nathan Telluride: "It's but a shame there are so many hazards between here and Drybone, else more might have the chance to take all of this in."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Well, we can always tell our frands 'n bring 'em here."

Nathan Telluride looks back to the waterfalls. "That is not a bad idea at all. It's been ages since I had the fortune to take in a picnic. Too many nights indoors may be taming me, unduly."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Ah! I had a nice picnic once over by th' floatin' islands'a Nym."

Chachanji Gegenji: "It was nice."

Nathan Telluride nods quite briskly at that. "Wonderful place, isn't it? I once had a meeting with my most beloved there. It was there that she..." He pauses, and adjusts his collar. "Ah, sentiment will be the death of me, I wonder."

Chachanji Gegenji: "A-ah, yeah... I-I was kinda on a date there wit Mel-chan at th' time."

Mina Keatley calls out, "I enjoyed your song, sir."

Locke Fairwind: "Nathan my friend. Quite a view out here, no? Glad I had the chance to catch one last song from ya at one of these."

Nathan Telluride: "It's a most remarkable place for a date..." He looks to Mina. "Ah, I recognize that visage! Thank you for coming out to support the Celebration! I hope to see you perform yourself, sometime."

Mina Keatley smiles and flips back her hair. "Certainly, sometime."

Aryk Rhaal smiles at Nathan. "Th'same man as performed for Clio an' Erik, aye?"

Nathan Telluride looks at those around him. "This is not an end, friends, but simply another auspicious beginning."

Nathan Telluride glances up high. "And so, the Warden slips into slumber for another turn, but perhaps it is that each of those stars may shine as brightly as she, somewhere."

Locke Fairwind: "Aye, I suppose you're right. Try not to be a stranger, yeah? I remember discussing some traveling with ya sometime back. Think you're still up for the offer?"

Nathan Telluride turns to Locke, nodding. "Gods, yes, and I am hoping that Lottie will soon finish her ministrations to her patients. A man does grow restless."

Locke Fairwind: "Sounds like she's been rather busy with her work. We should invite a few more friends while we're at it. The more the merrier, right? I'm so used to traveling alone these days that a few companions are more than a welcome change of pace."

Nathan Telluride glances back to the mountains. "And I care almost not where. I risk becoming something unlike myself if I cling to tightly to the hearth, sir. These feet long to touch new soil."

Locke Fairwind turned his gaze out into the distance. He remained silent for a time as he thought over Nathan's words. "Haven't gone past Western Coerthas yet myself. I'd like to see what lies beyond."

Nathan Telluride glances back to Locke. "No? I can tell you that the northern lands are most extraordinary. The ruins of the Sharlyan city... not even the invading goblins could make that place less of a wonder."

Locke Fairwind: "So I've heard. Though words pale in comparison to seeing it first hand. Perhaps we can leave it as a destination on our list, haha. It'd be one hell of a walk though."

Nathan Telluride: "We can take mounts, if the party insists. Perhaps an airship. Seeing it from the ground does not do those lands justice."

Nathan Telluride: "Just as with these falls."

Locke Fairwind: "Do airships even pass by that area? I did have the luxury of riding one of those black chocobos from Ishgard though. It was an... interesting experience to say the least. Though, a sturdier beast might have been a little less terrifying." He laughed.

Nathan Telluride nods. "There is one or two. Lottie's compatriots once took me on a ride with them." He turns to Leanne. "And there's our victorious reveler, still beloved of the Moogles despite her newfound skills. You were lovely up there, Leanne."

Leanne Delphium grins brightly. "Likewise, Mr. Nathan. Well, actually, I don't know about lovely. Goofy, irreverent, funny...! Just like Manderville man.""

Locke Fairwind: "Aye, quite a view back here. We were just discussing some travels up North. I'd have to agree with the big guy. Your song was lovely. Both of yours were actually. I'm almost sad I won't get to hear them at another one of these events. Perhaps around a campfire in the future though."

Nathan Telluride: "A bard is, rather than does. And we will perform again, even if we must organize our own shows. It has been too long since I have done so."

Leanne Delphium snorts. "If any of you two ever do organize it, I will be there! Promise."

Nathan Telluride clucks his tongue. "I am absolutely counting on it. The Redwinds are having a festival in three quarters of a moon, and there is a challenge there for bards and heralds, if you have a champion you would glorify in words and song."

Leanne Delphium: "Oh. Hm. Wonder if...if I should try..."

Locke Fairwind: "A festival? Where exactly?"

Nathan Telluride: "At the Silver Bazaar, which will greatly enrich the locals there, and bring some needed people and business to that place."

Locke Fairwind: "The Silver Bazaar, now there's a place I haven't stopped by in quite some time. Truth be told, I'm surprised people still go there. The last time I went into the area it was rather empty as I recall."

Nathan Telluride: "All the better to bring life back to it. There is room, a fine layout, and people simply ecstatic to have revelers."

Leanne Delphium: "There's not much to do there, unfortunately. Thoughtful of holding a festival there..."

Nathan Telluride: "As biased as I am to the bardic arts, I am still eager to see the Joust they have planned. I've not seen such a contest before, in all my travels."

Locke Fairwind: "A joust? Now that would be an interesting sight to see. I've only heard stories of those myself."

Nathan Telluride looks left. "Flame Festival indeed.... Elise, yes? I volunteered to assist with the event."

Leanne Delphium grins cheekily, noticing the hesitation, but speaks nothing!

Nathan Telluride: "I'm forming a small panel to proctor the contest of Heralds, and see to it that it is done fairly and pleases the crowd."

Leggerless Hanzou steps closer towards the group on her right, speaking once in place. "You are helping there? Well... I don't know if I'm expected there yet. Mayhaps I'll have to be brought along."

Locke Fairwind: "I must be out of the loop. I haven't even heard of this festival until now. Seems to be gaining quite the following though." He said to the two as he glanced back and forth between them.

Leggerless Hanzou glances down at Locke, then back at Nathan, pointing towards the former. "Is he included on that panel? He dresses nice enough."

Nathan Telluride smirks. "Not as of yet, though you may wish to flatter him further, just because."

Locke Fairwind chuckled softly and shook his head. "I'm flattered, but no. I'm no bard, if that's what you two are implying. Bring me up there to sing and I'm more likely to scare off any onlookers."

Leanne Delphium: "Pppft! They would be enchanted with your beautiful, mysterious eyes, Mr. Locke!"

Leanne Delphium: "Too much to notice your singing!"

Leggerless Hanzou gives a small shrug at Locke and Nathan. "Well, at least he'll make the singers sing... better?"

Leggerless Hanzou: "Helps when you have an audience member who you can focus your attention on, I suppose."

Nathan Telluride: "For this event, one need not even sing. It is a contest of endorsement, in a way - competitors will be glorifying their chosen champions in the contests, elevating simple competitors to glorious heroes with word and song as best fits."

Locke Fairwind: "Only if they're not enchanted by that hat of yours first, Leanne." He flashed a broad, cheesy grin her way before shifting his gaze back to the Hyur on his right. "Name's Locke, by the way. It's good to meet ya."

Leggerless Hanzou: "Wait a minute--word -and- song? He doesn't even need to sing!"

Leggerless Hanzou looks over at Locke, spurting out a quick phrase. "Elise."

Nathan Telluride: "That's true, but one has to be very skilled at bragging."

Leanne Delphium sticks her tongue at Locke's way before chuckling. "Hmm...don't know about my braggart skills..."

Leggerless Hanzou cups her hand on her face, thinking to herself. "Or just decent with their words. Like... er. Jancis being a priestess here."

Locke Fairwind: "Huh, that does sound interesting. Though, I still doubt I'd be the right man for the job. I think I'd rather watch the festivities from a far, truth be told. Mmm, it's good to meet ya, Elise."

Nathan Telluride flicks some rainwater from his shoulder. "The audience will be choosing the victor; we will be merely moderating to see that no unfairness or double-dealings creep in. Bragging contests sometimes invite overenthusiasm."

Leggerless Hanzou lets out half a smirk at Nathan before gazing out past the cliff. "Overenthusiasm? Long as they don't draw steel they should fine right?"

Leanne Delphium: "Hmm...don't think it is as simple as that.."

Nathan Telluride chuckles. "It's a contest of charisma, not combat, else we'd simply have it be last soul standing."

Nathan Telluride: "Though, some people are quite brutal with their charisma."

Leggerless Hanzou: "So I've witnessed."

Nathan Telluride: "We'll try to avoid bloodshed, but there may be strained throats and tongues."

Locke Fairwind: "I'll be back in just a bit. Oh, the rain's cleared."

Nathan Telluride: "The Warden continues to tease us."

Leanne Delphium briefly looks at the cliff with a chuckle.

Leggerless Hanzou glances over at Leanne next, with a smile on her face. "You're wearing red and white this time."

Leanne Delphium: "Well...red, white and black! But indeed. Coming to the Keeper of the Sun's pilgrimage clad in black would be..."

Nathan Telluride looks to Leanne. "The lass does dress herself like a champion."

Leggerless Hanzou: "Contradictory?"

Nathan Telluride looks down at himself.

Leanne Delphium: "Unfitting, yes." she smiles at Nathan. "Do I look bardic enough?"

Leanne Delphium snickers. "Like a Bard Champion...!"

Nathan Telluride: "Fit to stand on a high promontory, army before you, playing the march of heroes and leading them to glory."

Leggerless Hanzou looks over at Nathan, then back at Leanne. "...Nate with the perfect phrase. You look nice, Leanne."

Nathan Telluride looks down, at his shoes. "How anyone can dedicate themselves to inquiry in these horribly tight things, though, is beyond my ken."

Leanne Delphium grimaces just slightly. "M-More than I'd imagine, too." she laughs embarrassedly before performing a light, cute curtsy. "Hmm...thinking of letting go of my old clothes and use these, instead." she laughs.

Leanne Delphium: "Is it that bad..."

Leggerless Hanzou: "Well, you looks like an inquisitor. Of Inquiry."

Leggerless Hanzou: "...Yes, that."

Nathan Telluride shifts his step. "Eh, a little bit of personal suffering for the greater glory is normal enough. Still... I prefer boots for a reason."

Leanne Delphium: "Boots are certainly way comfier than these."

Leggerless Hanzou glances down at her own feet. "Shoes for me. Easy to put on, easy to take off."

Leggerless Hanzou: "...And yes, Leanne. Do wear it more often."

Leanne Delphium: "Suppose I will...!"

Nathan Telluride: "Admittedly, that we are simply hemming and hawing about footwear is suggestion enough that this event went superbly well."

Leanne Delphium snickers. "Is that so? I...well, I surely can't argue with that logic...!

Nathan Telluride looks behind him, caught briefly by the words drifting up over the stone.

Nathan Telluride: "Where to, indeed... but we have the entirety of the world to look. The very thought of it is.... stimulating."

Leanne Delphium: "Hmm...now thinking about it...wish we had a pilgrimage within Dravania...the place is marvelously beautiful and stunning..."

Leanne Delphium: "But also has a ton of danger."

Leggerless Hanzou: "Dravania... Yes, it would be dangerous, yet worth the risk. Don't know how many would be willing to go so far north however."

Nathan Telluride: "We could put this vista here to shame, perhaps, with music and cheer to be flung into the firmament... ambitious, perhaps, but... enticing."

Leggerless Hanzou turns her head left, looking out at the view present. "Aye, suppose ye could. Does sound enticing. That said, who all would create such a scene?"

Leanne Delphium pulls her guitar once more, producing a few chords with the instrument. "A simple answer for a simple question."

Nathan Telluride chews his lip. "Perhaps as many as might dare. Surely, there must be a sufficient number of brave and hardy types to make it a reality." He looks to Leanne. "I do think the Wanderer is talking to us."

Leggerless Hanzou shakes her head, letting out a few chuckles. "The elegant Leanne? I would not oppose it."

Leanne Delphium snickers, laying eyes on Locke.

Locke Fairwind: "We're thinking of holding an after party to celebrate the end of the pilgrimage. Think you lot would like to join in?"

Leanne Delphium: "I never say nay to further partying...!"

Leggerless Hanzou: "Alas, Locke, I needs make preparations for -another- event this eve. I will have to pass."

Nathan Telluride arches... both brows. "That sounds magnificent, and greatly needed. I would gladly attend, after finding something less iconic and more myself to wear."

Leanne Delphium: "And more comfortable."

Leanne Delphium quips with a giggle.

Nathan Telluride: "That, too."

Locke Fairwind nodded to the others as a smile spread over his lips. His gaze then shifted toward Elise. "Aye? A shame. At least we'll meet again at the Flame Festival down by the Bazaar, right? Knowing a lovely lady like you will be going is just more incentive to show."

Leggerless Hanzou: "...Ah, I didn't say the event I was going to help prepare. The Grindstone."

Leggerless Hanzou shrugs with the after-thought.

Nathan Telluride: "The Grindstone is not for a number of bells from now, isn't it?"

Leggerless Hanzou: "...It's the -major- thing I must prepare for. Still have minor business til then."

Locke Fairwind: "Jan is still deciding on a spot, but once she figures something out I'm sure we'd have some time to change before meeting up again. The fighting tournament, right? Didn't take ya for a fighter, Elise."

Nathan Telluride: "It seems you have been stood up, sir." He says to Locke.

Leggerless Hanzou lets out a mischievous smirk. "Who said I was fighting, Locke?" She looks at the rest and offers a small bow. "If you'll excuse me then."

Locke Fairwind let out a heavy sigh, though it sounded a tad exaggerated. "So it seems, my friend. Perhaps I will have to drown such sorrows with a bottle later on. Ah, overlooking the fights then? All the same, safe travels, Elise."

Leanne Delphium tips her hat with a sweet expression. "Good evening, Ms. Elise. Enjoy thy day."

Nathan Telluride: "Perhaps one day I will attend the contest, but I am not as entertained by combat as perhaps I might be. However, I wish for all the best spectacle to come to the way of the attendees, tonight."

Leggerless Hanzou nods once at Locke, then glances over at Leanne. "We'll talk later, I'm sure of it." She then looks at Nathan. "They'll be in good enough hands Nate." With one final nod she turns around and starts walking off into the distance.

Locke Fairwind: "Take care, Elise. Catch ya around sometime."

Jancis Milburga calls out to Locke, "Is Wineport too far?"

Nathan Telluride pats his chest. "So, when should we attend to you?" He asks Locke.

Locke Fairwind: "Shame she couldn't tag along, ah well. Hmm?" He then turned when he heard Jancis' voice. "Wineport? No, I doubt distance is a big issue. What say the others?" He asked as he glanced back at those around him.

Nathan Telluride: "There's Wine in it, so I am automatically enthused. And there are some wonderful spots there."

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Ghalleon Helseth: Oh, thank you. I think it's nice, it makes me feel good, anyway. I figured I'd wear vestments since... well, feast day.

Lucky Mewrilah: "I'm glad you could make it. These feast days are always very moving."

Ghalleon Helseth: "Mn. I've wondered if we shouldn't standardize the liturgical year a bit more."

Lucky Mewrilah: "Perhaps that's a task you could work toward..."

Ghalleon Helseth: "I am, in my subtle and very powerless way, haha."

Lucky Mewrilah: "I believe in you," Lucky smiles.


Ghalleon Helseth: "I simply mean that whatever the grandeur of this or that civilization, it's only meet or right that a proper devotion to the gods be at the heart of every civilization."

Ghalleon Helseth nods slightly at the approach of a new face.

Cliodhna Eoghan Scoots to another group of people. "Hope I'm not interrupting but would anyone like a fan?"

Rubisie Grandsalle: "I would, if you're offering, miss."

Barengar Armsbreaker glances over toward Cliodhna, his hand and shaking his head slowly, "I ain't got anythin' ta confess."

Barengar Armsbreaker: Make it a point not ta find myself livin' with that sorta feelin'.

Ghalleon Helseth: "I too need no confession, but I'll take a fan for Her Grace's honor nevertheless."

Cliodhna Eoghan Smiles at Barengar. "You could always take one as a keepsake if you like as well, but that's up to you." Pauses. "It's a good way to live but not everyone is has that much resolve."

Cliodhna Eoghan Turns back to Ghalleon. "Any specific color?"

Ghalleon Helseth: "No. Thank you."

Barengar Armsbreaker lifts his chin slightly before glancing over his shoulder briefly. Once his attention had returned to Cliodhna he gave a low grunt and nodded, hand extending outward.

Rubisie Grandsalle: "If you've any gold, red, or yellow left, I won't mind one of those."

Cliodhna Eoghan Grins and passes a gold fan with silver dusting to Barengar and fishes out a metallic red with gold dust to Rubisie. "I do and here you are."

Cliodhna Eoghan Grabs another gold and silver one and passes it to Ghalleon. "And here you go, I'll leave you back to your conversation, thank you for indulging my interruption." Smiles and gives them all a small wave before looking for the next group to approach

Ghalleon Helseth: "You're very kind. Thank you."

Rubisie Grandsalle: "Thank you."

Barengar Armsbreaker eyes the fan quietly, turning it over in his hand several times before giving a low grunt and collapsing it back down to a manageable size.




Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Hm. Quite a crowd..."

Bexy Amalaryssia shuffles to lean back against the wall. She gives a faint smile, dipping her head to look to the others.

Ayiana Tyata moves off to the side to get out of the way as the crowd grows larger

Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Quite the crowd, hm...?"

Ayiana Tyata nods agreeing "Yes, growing by the minute, Ayiana, nice to meet you"

Bexy Amalaryssia offers a faint smile at that, dipping her head. "Bexy. Such is a pleasure. Of all the times I have visited Her mark, I've never done it with more than a small group. This will be... Different."

Ayiana Tyata smiles "I visited once with someone" she frowns at the memory "but never in a large group"

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Mm. Such will be... Nice. To meet folk like-minded. I've heard of these... Pilgrimages. But this is the only one I have been able to find the time to attend."

Ayiana Tyata relaxes a bit "oh good, this is your first time as well then. I really have no idea what to expect. I heard word of mouth this was going on today so I thought I would come see what it was about, and possibly learn a little something along the way. If nothing else the fresh air and a walk will do some good to clear my head"

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Indeed. And the scenery is breathtaking, too. And at least you'll have company."

Ayiana Tyata smiles "and met a new friend"

Bexy Amalaryssia smiles warmly, nodding. "Azeyma is my guardian. I am heartened that work has taken... Somewhat of a break, to enable me to visit."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "It truly has been too long..."

Ayiana Tyata: "what is it you do, if I may ask?" she fidgets with her earring

Jancis Milburga: waves a hand bell in the air, ringing cheerfully. "Welcome Pilgrims! Welcome!"

Bexy Amalaryssia gives a faint smile. She pivots on her heel, to rest against the wall. "I.. Oversee relief operations on various parts of Eorzea, from my company. Such work is enj--- Hm?" Her ears flick, attention turned to the voice.


Bexy Amalaryssia nods to Aiswynd once more, shuffling back to her feet. "Ah, is that so? Mine... Own name is... Well.... Uncommon. They wished to distance me from the Tribes, and so... Named me this."

Aiswynd Drakareus smiles a bit at Bexy, "Your parents and mine are...oddly similar...mine just took a more...violent...approach...They wiped out my tribe...using Garleans and another tribe that was seeking food and supplies."

Bexy Amalaryssia frowns at that, dipping her head. "...I am sorry to hear that, truly..." She buries her toes into the dirt, before shifting her gaze to the fans. "...I might need a few of those."

Aiswynd Drakareus nods his head to Bexy and then looks to Jancis, "Just one please." he looks back to Bexy, "They are...a part of my path to truth...I am seeking the truth of them, and their actions."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "...I pray you find the answers you are looking for. Unpleasant though they may be... The truth is not ever coated in honey."

Aiswynd Drakareus chuckles lightly, "The truth has already proven to be painful...I need to know why..."

Bexy Amalaryssia nods once, silently. "...Then I pray that the answers will come to you soon. Pray excuse me? I... Need some fans."

Aiswynd Drakareus shakes his head, "Don't hesitate on my part and thank you."


Bexy Amalaryssia: "Ah... Excuse me? May I have Three fans...?"

Cliodhna Eoghan Turns her attention to Bexy. "Of course" Smiles and passes over a gold, silver and yellow fan

Bexy Amalaryssia dips her head in thanks. "Thankyou, Miss." She smiles faintly, turning on her heel.

Bexy Amalaryssia offers a single fan to Aiswynd. "I saved you the trouble. You wanted one, yes?"

Aiswynd Drakareus smiles at Bexy and nods his head, "Yes, thank you Bexy."

Bexy Amalaryssia glances hesitantly to her fan. She places the red one into her satchel, before keeping the silver one in hand. "...I should confess at home. Away from prying eyes and ears."

Aiswynd Drakareus accepts the fan from Bexy, and attaches it to his belt before he starts stripping off his shirt, "I found the brightest yellow shirt I could but I think it's time to return to my normal attire."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "...I look frighteningly gaudy in yellow. It does -not- suit me."

Bexy Amalaryssia looks the coat up and down, unknowingly giving a nod of approval. "..Such suits you."

Aiswynd Drakareus laughs a little bit, "I prefer more subtle colors myself...my hair stands out enough as it is." he chuckles lightly, "Well...your attire suits you quite well too Bexy." he starts reddening.

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Oh, you flatter me. Thankyou. This.. Garb is actually fairly new. I was thinking red, or... Icy blue..."

Aiswynd Drakareus nods his head slowly, "I would say go with the blue...it would match your eyes and hair better." he chuckles lightly, still blushing, "At least my opinion."

Bexy Amalaryssia opens her mouth to protest a little, before looking away. "...Yes, I... Suppose it would..." She huffs just faintly. "...I've always stuck to darker colours, mind..."

Aiswynd Drakareus smiles a little bit, "Bexy, if you don't want Ice blue, why not something darker, like a Rhotano or Void blue?" he asks, his eyes straying up and down, resulting in a blush again.

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Well... Mayhap. But again... I've so few pieces of clothing in such a colour. Suppose it would just mean id need to buy -more- clothes, but..."

Bexy Amalaryssia shrugs, shaking her head. "...My wardrobes are already full to bursting."

Aiswynd Drakareus nods his head a bit, "I...kind of make due with what I find...it is this or wear armor to social things and...I'm told that's not the best idea..."

Bexy Amalaryssia tilts her head, nods wrinkled. "Whyever not? Armor can look -lovely-. Especially some elegant plate. Have you not seen some of the garb some blades for hire wear? It is -astounding-. I pray it is just as functional as it is beautiful."

Aiswynd Drakareus laughs a little bit, "My armor is...more functional than pretty..." he laughs lightly, "I have seen some armor yes, but...plate does not work with me well...although...I could end up in some still..."

Bexy Amalaryssia tilts her head, raising a brow in inquiry. "Ah? Is that so? Tell me, with what weaponry do you profess in, if you mind not my inquiry...?"

Aiswynd Drakareus nods his head a bit, "For now...Daggers but...recent events have damaged my arm...I can not fight with paired daggers as well as I once could...so I have to seek a new path..."

Bexy Amalaryssia frowns. "... I am sorry to hear that, Aiswynd. Is... there any that has drawn your eye? Swordplay, mayhap? Though it would depend on your dominant arm, and if you'd wish to use a shield..."

Aiswynd Drakareus nods his head, "I have...considered joining the Dark Knights within Ishgard." he comments, "I believe they would give me the strength needed to see my quest through to the rather final end that is going to come of it."

Bexy Amalaryssia gives a slow, almost uncertain nod. "...Mm... I've heard much about them. In good and bad doses both. Dangerous, but... You've gotten this far. Suppose you're not afraid of a little danger, mm...?"

Aiswynd Drakareus sighs a bit, "Likely my path ends in death..." he sighs and runs a hand through his hair, "I will be fighting a pair of experienced and powerful Garlean commanders...that have so far beaten me."

Bexy Amalaryssia sighs faintly. Her ears lower at that. "...Sadly, such is where all our paths will converge, at the last. Some sooner than others. But..." She pauses. "You not have friends you can take? Contacts..?"

Aiswynd Drakareus reaches up and touches a pearl attached to his horn, "I am sorry Bexy...I have another meeting...I joined this...blind date group..." he smiles at Bexy, "Maybe...It's...complicated..."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Pray, go, go! Meet someone special to you, mm? I pray it goes well."

Aiswynd Drakareus: "I pray it goes well too."


Bexy Amalaryssia gazes up to the rain. She gives a refreshed sigh, ears flat to her head.

Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Beautiful..."

Bexy Amalaryssia pans an ear to the others, turning her head. A smile graces her lips.

Bexy Amalaryssia tilts her head in inquiry. The conversation had had her attention for a while, now, but the current subject matter had certainly piqued her interests. That said... She wasn't one to interrupt. She merely remained, and listened.

Chachanji Gegenji: "... This view's a lot nicer wit'out th' rain..."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Oh, I know not. Different, is all..."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "The rain makes a beautiful glow."

Chachanji Gegenji: "But ya can't see th' waterfalls wit all th' rain in th' way!"

Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Suppose I've just seen it, so many times. And--- Hm...?"

Chachanji Gegenji: "See!"

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Wish granted, Ser."

Chachanji Gegenji points.

Chachanji Gegenji: "Lookit that... much nicer."

Bexy Amalaryssia looks around.

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Well, look at that. Such beauty...."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "...I could stay here, all sun.."

Chachanji Gegenji: "I was talkin' ta Mr. Nathan 'bout how nice a picnic up here might be."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Or even jus' bringin' frands up ta see this view."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "...You know. Such is funny you say that."

Chachanji Gegenji: "oh?"

Chachanji Gegenji blinks curiously.

Bexy Amalaryssia: "My Husband- Back afore we were married... He did such a thing for me, up here."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Seems like picnics really are th' way ta go fer places like this..."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Hm."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Mm... I would agree. Depending on the cuisine, in any case. It's been... Nice, to get out. Even if I'm not so social, these suns..."

Chachanji Gegenji: "I like th' sun. So I had ta come out fer this one. I dun feel as... close... ta Azeyma as I is ta Byregot... but I think I can get what she stands fer."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "We've all those closest to our hearts, in terms of worship, and Azeyma is truly close to mine. Mind my asking... Why Byregot? I've seen precious few worship them, for all the cycles I spent watching his stone..."

Chachanji Gegenji: "O-oh, well. I'm a smith. I like ta make things ta halp people. It halps me... protect 'n aid 'em even if'n I ain't there."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Makin' somethin' ta halp people... I think Byregot gets that best. At least outta th' Eorzean dieties."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "...It's a good notion. We're... Not all bred for fighting. Not all suited for battle, or.. Defending others."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "But it is... Warming. To know that you haven't given up."

Chachanji Gegenji: "A-ah. Yeah. I've learned pretty quick that there's tons'a folks better at fightin' than me."

Chachanji Gegenji: "But I just gotta do what I can 'n use what skills I can ta halp people, y'know?"

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Mhm. Many folk know how to fight, but few know how to create the weapons they wield... Such is respectable."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Well, it's what me family's done fer... cycles 'pon cycles. I'm jus' takin' it 'n... tryin' ta do somethin' more wit it, y'know?"

Chachanji Gegenji: "Honor me ancestors AND halp me frands at th' same time."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Two birds with one stone. Smart, as well as ingenuitive.... I'm impressed."

Chachanji Gegenji: "A-ah... it ain't nothin' special... j-jus' doin' me part, 'n all..."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Each and every single thing we do is special, Ser. Regardless of how little or small. Think of it as a cog, within machinery..."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "The big ones cannot work without the little ones in place..."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "And you'll find the little ones do most of the work, too."

Bexy Amalaryssia beams with delight at Chachanji Gegenji.

Chachanji Gegenji: "A-ah. I ain't no good wit cogs."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Nor I. But I've seen more than enough folk working with them."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Was merely a metaphor, is all."

Chachanji Gegenji: "A-ah, r-right right."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "In either case... I do hope you're immensely proud of your work. Half the people who claim to be sell swords could not do such a thing without your trusted tools in their hands, mm?"

Chachanji Gegenji: "I-it's one'a th' few things I think I'm pretty good at, at least."

Chachanji Gegenji scratches at his jade-hued floof.

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Good, good. It is... Beneficial, to be proud of that which you excel in. Mine own is.... Archery, and exploring, mostly. But I can scarce help folk with either of those."

Chachanji Gegenji: "I dunno. I'm sure ya can find a way ta halp people wit almost anythin'... if'n ya put yer mind ta it."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "And put my mind to it I have... With other things. I've mostly been aiding in the Brume... Charity work, and the like. I did extra yestersun, in order to be here. That, and for a rest. It is honest work, but... Ever so tiring..."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Feelin' tired after a day'a hard work is jus' a sign of a job well done."

Chachanji Gegenji: "... That's what me Papa always told me."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "...He sounds like a wise man. Mayhap I'll tell that to myself instead of complaining so. Supplies are heavy, and... By the gods, to they make my arms ache, after a long sun."

Chachanji Gegenji: "But th' supplies're halpin' folks, right?"

Bexy Amalaryssia: "Well, of course. Such is my intention for the company I run... A relief aid, if you will."

Chachanji Gegenji nods. "Sounds like a good cause ta me."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "We're based in the Goblet, but our aid extends to every corner we are able to. But we've found the Ishgardians in dire need of such, as of late..."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Well, I'm hopin' that all yer work is turnin' things 'round fer 'em... if even jus' a little."

Bexy Amalaryssia: "I hope so, too. Even a grain of rice can tip the scale. However insignificant it might seem..."


Rhys Sebastian walks up behind Bexy and stares at the group. The first time he seen so many at the rock. He cracked his jaw dusted himself off, and asked politely. "Something special going on?" ::The old Aure bared a toothy grin.::

Chachanji Gegenji: "I'm sure it will, 'n I'm sure they'll 'ppreciate it."

Bexy Amalaryssia peers behind her. She almost jumps out of her skin, having not heard, or seen the Au Ra.

Bexy Amalaryssia: "A-ah! Well... There was just a large gathering, here. A pilgrimage, if you would...."

Rhys Sebastian: ::Rhys nodded toward Bexy.:: "Then I will leave you to your ceremony... I think I've been asleep under those bushes for a day or so?" ::Rhys nodded:: "What is the pilgrimage about?"

Locke Fairwind: "Aye, though the pilgrimage's festivities have died down by now." He chimed in along with Bexy's explanation.

Bexy Amalaryssia smirks a little. "Azeyma. I'm quite surprised we didn't wake you. There was singing, and... Clapping, and waving.. It was all quite lovely. Such has concluded now, mind."

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Maariya Genhu casts a short glance over Drybone's square, examining everyone present briefly.

Maariya Genhu slowly kneels down before the stone and dips her head lightly. ''May your light forever shine upon Thanalan and all its people.''




Aryk Rhaal looks around at the crowd, leaning comfortably against the barrels.

Mina Keatley smiles at Aryk Rhaal.

Aryk Rhaal smiles and hops to his feet.

Mina Keatley: "It's not even raining yet! I'm so surprised!"

Aryk Rhaal chuckles. "Good t'see you, Mina."

Aryk Rhaal picks up his pack and shrugs into the straps.

Mina Keatley nods, glancing around at the crowd. She has a basket on one arm. "Lots of people."

Aryk Rhaal: "Aye. Sure an' it's goin' t'be quite the showin'."

Mina Keatley: "Good--I'm looking forward to it. How are you?"

Aryk Rhaal looks around at the crowd again before his eyes return to Mina. "Well, aye. I'll have t'tell you about last night here a' some point. You? You're lookin' lovely, a'course. Not that else was t'be expected."

Mina Keatley smiles vainly. Of course she is. "Thank you, sweeting. I'm well enough. But what do you mean 'last night'?" She looks suspicious.

Aryk Rhaal: "I was on patrol, an' Riven called me in ta escort her an' Carth back t'the Hall. Had a scrap on th'way, we did."

Jancis Milburga: waves a hand bell in the air, ringing cheerfully. "Welcome Pilgrims! Welcome!"

Mina Keatley quirks a brow, but then fall silent, her attention shifting.


Mina Keatley approaches the stone, studying the symbol carved into it.

Aryk Rhaal pays more attention to how Mina studies it for a moment, before finally turning towards it himself.

Aryk Rhaal nods to himself after a time, and wanders around to the back of the stone, leaving Mina to reflect in peace.

Mina Keatley turns away after a silent moment, instead moving to inspect the crystal formation.

Aryk Rhaal smiles. "This is what I wanted you to see."


Mina Keatley nods at Jancis.

Aryk Rhaal smiles.

Mina Keatley: "We wanted to thank you for hosting this event, my lady."

Jancis Milburga: "Thank you for coming, Lady. Lord. It means a lot to everyone."

Aryk Rhaal: "Thank y'so much for hostin', aye."

Mina Keatley: "A pleasure. Thank you for the opportunity."

Jancis Milburga bows her head politely, "You are welcome. Very much so. There is a lot to say for taking opportunities, do you have enough to take back with you to your kin?"

Aryk Rhaal: "Sure an' I'm sorry we didn' make it out until the last one, but I'm glad we came th'this one at th'least."

Mina Keatley nods and waves. "Fortune keep you, lady."

Jancis Milburga looks confused, "I do not understand your need to apologize. But thank you. Both of you travel safely, yes?"

Mina Keatley nods again.

Jancis Milburga: "If you could not make it, then there was something important for you to be at instead."

Aryk Rhaal: "Sure an' you do th'same. An' sorry for th'rain." He grins a bit at the last.




John Waterstrike slows Safire to a stop. "You go and stay out of trouble," he said to the chocobo. He dismount and adjust his coat.

John Waterstrike moves over to Cliodhna, waiting until she had finish with her talk with Chachan.

Cliodhna Eoghan Glances around to see who wants a fan next

John Waterstrike raise his hand. "Cliodhna, if I can get five fans from you?"

Cliodhna Eoghan Glances to her left. "Of course John, " Rummages and finds five, managing to get them in different colors, red, pink, gold, orange, yellow and a more silver tint, all metallic.

John Waterstrike takes them. "Thank you, Cliodhna." He smiles. "How was the honeymoon with Sir Erik?"

Cliodhna Eoghan Snicker, giving John a knowing wink. "Like any other honeymoon you can imagine..."Giggles again. "But we enjoyed it and the location."

John Waterstrike folds them up 4 of the fans, placing them in his pack as he hunts for the bottle of ink and quill to write on his. He pinches the bridge of his nose at Clio's words, already feeling the nose bleed trying to come on. "Must you do that. Lady Flower seems to have a good laugh over it." Yet the smile on his face shows that there is not sting in his words. "I am truly happy for both of you. Please give my regards to Sir Erik."

Cliodhna Eoghan "hey I didn't go into detail....."Holds up a hand innocently. "But yes I will, thank you for the well wishes."


John Waterstrike mutters to himself as he finally finds a quill. "Hm, what to write."

John Waterstrike moves closer to the Warden's stone. "Lady Azeyma, please guide my way on finding knowledge but not to lose sight of those that are dear to me, so that I can guard them in my own way," he writes. He folds the fan, placing it with the others next to the stone, before praying before it.

John Waterstrike moves away from the stone to stop beside Jancis. Kit, herself comes over to coon at greeting up at her.

John Waterstrike: Another beautiful performance, Lady Jancis.

Jancis Milburga beams down at the carbuncle, and kneels down to give her a fond reply back. "Thank you, John." She smiles up at the miqo'te, "Very glad you could be here."

John Waterstrike smiles. "I'm glad I was able to make it." Kit nods her head in agreement. "I already left my pray and fans for the goddess. I'll take the other fans to my friends."

Jancis Milburga: "That is good news! Do you have enough? Byregot's bounty there are so many. Even if it is at dinner together or another quiet night, it shall be a good excuse to spend time with kin."

Jancis Milburga gives Kit another scruffle before standing back up.

John Waterstrike nods. "Titor does not believe in the gods but I will still leave one for him. I hope to give one to Howl and Raimy as well." He close his eyes. "I will leave the last next to little brother...for when he wakes up."

Jancis Milburga smiles at John, "All good reasons. It is not so much of a belief as a way to take care of himself so surely he will see your intent behind it."

Jancis Milburga returns the bow to John, giving him a curious look. "Is something else upon your mind?"


John Waterstrike looks around for Chachan and spots him over near Leanne. Begins to make his way over then pause before turning back to Clio. "Cliodhna, can I have two more fans. One for Judge and one for Lady Marisaie."

Cliodhna Eoghan Smiles at John. "Of course. Any specific color for them?"

John Waterstrike thinks for a moment. "Silver for Judge and perhaps Pink for Lady Mari."

Cliodhna Eoghan "Alright......annnnd....Here you go." Passes over the requested colors after a moment of shuffling the fans in the basket.

John Waterstrike smiles and pockets them in his back. "Thanks Cliodhna."

Cliodhna Eoghan: Of course John.

John Waterstrike turns to Kit. "Kit, come on. I want to get these fans to the others." Kit quickly came over.

John Waterstrike pulls out Safire's whistle. "Have a good evening, Cliodhna." He bows to her before stepping back.

Cliodhna Eoghan: You too John, be careful heading home

John Waterstrike: I will and you as well.

John Waterstrike mounts Safire before stopping near Jancis. "I'm heading out, Lady Jancis. Please have a safe travel home." Frowns a moment, feeling like he was forgetting someone. Looks in his pack, "Four...Six...fans...Should I get one more. Think Titor said Sir Kiht'to was back."

John Waterstrike touch the pearl at his ear. "I'm getting ready to leave the Azeyma's event. I have pick up some fans for you Titor, Raimy, and Khuj'a. Does anyone want me to get one for them?"

Jancis Milburga leans back and looks up at John. "Travel safe, John! Be well until I see you once more." She waits for his answer on the pearl for what she can hear.

Jancis Milburga looks back at John once more, then ties up a small envelope full of fans and offers it to him. "Regardless of their answers?"

John Waterstrike frowns as there is no answer. Well, he could still get Kiht'to one. "Nothing but I'll take one more for Sir Kiht'to."

John Waterstrike: I don't think it will matter on what color it is, Lady Jancis.

Jancis Milburga: "All right. Many like the rainbow then Master John."

John Waterstrike: Yes.

Jancis Milburga hands up the envelope, "Travel safely."

John Waterstrike takes the envelope. "You as well." Pats Safire and they both take off at a hard run.



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Y'uraq Tia lets out a whistle. "Damn... quite a crowd."




Jancis Milburga: waves a hand bell in the air, ringing cheerfully. "Welcome Pilgrims! Welcome!"

Chachanji Gegenji rushes in, panting a bit. "M-made it..."

Kaguya Nightsong glanced up seeing the person she feared and just shook her head. Why did she agree to this? She carefully pulled down her goggles to at least try and hide the look of sadness that took her over.

Chachanji Gegenji casts a brief, worried glance Flower's way, but then turns his full attentions back to Jancis as she speaks.


Chachanji Gegenji pokes Barengar Armsbreaker.

Chachanji Gegenji points at Kaguya Nightsong.

Barengar Armsbreaker quirks a brow

Chachanji Gegenji: "... She might need some sunshine from a frand later, Mr. Armsbreaker."

Chachanji Gegenji gives him a timid little nod and then turns his attentions to Ms. Hat!

Barengar Armsbreaker gave a stiff nod before turning his attention back to the performance.




Jancis Milburga: "At this time Lady Cliodhna and I have fans for you. They are for your confessions. For your inquiries, for what you seek in your life. Pray ask her or I for as many as you wish to take home to those who could not come. Or if you wish, you may share your thoughts at Azeyma's stone."

Chachanji Gegenji cants his head at the proclamation. "... Fans?"

Cliodhna Eoghan "Would you like a fan?" Holds out the basket

Chachanji Gegenji: "S-so... what do we do wit th' fans?"

Cliodhna Eoghan: They're for writing confessions or secrets on Chachan

Cliodhna Eoghan Hands him a brighter gold fan.

Chachanji Gegenji: "... Confessions like what?"

Cliodhna Eoghan: Well...If you have a secret about yourself, or something you wanted to share with someone but you were too shy to. Things like that

Chachanji Gegenji: "Um... hm... I'll hafta think, then. I'll let ya hand out fans ta others while I does!"

Cliodhna Eoghan: Of course


Chachanji Gegenji: "Ya look nice in yellow, Ms. Jancis!"

Jancis Milburga: "Thank you Sir Gegenji. Caen showed me how, he always wears happy colors to reflect back to the sun. Azeyma he feels helped him through so much."

Jancis Milburga tilts her head at Chachanji, "You usually wear bright colors as well."

Chachanji Gegenji: "It's a happy color! Bright like th' sun! All th' more reason I had ta come ta this pilly grammage!"

Chachanji Gegenji: "... Kinda wish it wasn't so rainy, though..."

Jancis Milburga: "I know Byregot is close to you, for all you do. But dare confess you also portray many of the great qualities the Warden represents within us. It is fitting."

Chachanji Gegenji: "I 'spose! I like Ms. Azeyma too. Mr. Byregot jus'... hits closer ta home fer me."

Chachanji Gegenji: "A-anyroad... ya have any ideas fer what I should put on th' fans? I was talkin' ta Ms. Clio 'n she was sayin'... somethin' like secrets or confessions..."

Chachanji Gegenji: "But I dunno what ta put..."

Jancis Milburga: "Oh. Well. I think a confession is something you simply want to say but are not sure how or where to say it. Something you wish for. Something you work towards,... a doubt... something you want to know. A guilt you want to move on from."

Chachanji Gegenji: "O-oh! Um. Hm... I might have somethin', I 'spose..."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Can I has a fan, please?"

Jancis Milburga looks at the fans and gives Chachanji a bright yellow one.

Chachanji Gegenji takes it and plops down right there and starts writing something out in his big, childish handwriting.

Jancis Milburga: "Azeyma's Blessing! A rainbow!"

Chachanji Gegenji: "Aw... now it's gone..."

Chachanji Gegenji returns to scribbling down his message on the bright yellow fan: "I wish ta keep halpin' my frands... especially Virara. Please halp me keep brightening their days, Ms. Azeyma!"

Chachanji Gegenji takes the fan and waves it about, since he figures that's what you're supposed to do.

Chachanji Gegenji: "Even though we ain't tagether no more, it's nice ta remember the good times."

Chachanji Gegenji holds up the fan about continuing to bring light into the lives of his friends. "U-um, I think I'm done, Ms. Jancis! Do I jus' keep wavin' this around or do I put it somewheres?"

Jancis Milburga gives Chachanji a curious look, "You can keep it, or leave it by Her stone, or give it to another. Forgive me, the choice is yours entirely Sir Gegenji."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Oh. Hm. Akay."

Chachanji Gegenji places the fan at the stone, so Azeyma can see it and hopefully help him out!




Leih'a Relanah offers up a flask of water.

Leanne Delphium tips her hat to Leih'a before taking the flask with a curious expression. Ear flick!

Leih'a Relanah: "For the thirst."

Leih'a Relanah was forever parched, darned arid locale.

Jancis Milburga: "At this time Lady Cliodhna and I have fans for you. They are for your confessions. For your inquiries, for what you seek in your life. Pray ask her or I for as many as you wish to take home to those who could not come. Or if you wish, you may share your thoughts at Azeyma's stone."

Leanne Delphium uncorks the flask, taking a few pulls of water before sighing contently. She offers the thing back to Leih'a with a smile. "Thanks...!"

Leih'a Relanah: "What was that instrument?"

Leih'a Relanah: "Was like a cello, but no bow."

Leanne Delphium: "Hm?"

Leanne Delphium tilts her head, curious.

Leih'a Relanah: "The, y'know. That instrument you used?"

Leanne Delphium: "Oh, you mean, my guitar?"

Leih'a Relanah: "Gweetaur."

Leih'a Relanah: "Interesting..."

R'shesha Otharn: "Hi there Leanne"

Leanne Delphium looks over her shoulder. Besides the guitar, there was a bizarre cello bow though, indeed. She chuckles. "Ello, Shesha..!"

Leih'a Relanah: "Love the outfit by the way."

R'shesha Otharn: "I liked the songs"

Leanne Delphium grins. "Thanks! And thanks too! The clothes were custom made. Going here clad in black would feel strange..."

Leih'a Relanah: "How come you've taken to black of late anyroads?"

Leanne Delphium: "Hmm...reasons! Strange ones. Non important, too."

Leanne Delphium nods with a chuckle. "Also the fact I look really good in black."

Leih'a Relanah: "Mmn."

Leanne Delphium shrugs. "It is what it is!"

Leih'a Relanah: "Won't pry. That'd be the lady Warden's task, not mine."

Leanne Delphium giggles. "Perhaps someday I will tell you~"

Leih'a Relanah: "I'll be looking forward to that day. But hey, since we're celebrating the Warden, this might be your only chance to ask me something you really wanted to know, you know..."

Leanne Delphium: "Hmm...something I want to know..."

Leih'a Relanah: "But you only get to ask -one- thing, and -one- thing only!"

Leanne Delphium thinks about it before flashing an evil smirk.

Leih'a Relanah: "...I'm gonna regret it, I bet..."

Leanne Delphium: "Maybe."

Leih'a Relanah takes a swig from his flask.

Leanne Delphium hums. "Should I, or shouldn't I...."

Leanne Delphium shrugs and opens her mouth, stopping to look at the sky. She smiles warmly. "Thank for another beautiful sun, Warden."


Locke Fairwind: "Ms. Beautiful Hat." He flashed a smile toward Leanne and nodded in greeting. "Glad I got to hear you and Nate here singing one last time at these events." He glanced over to Leih'a and nodded toward them as well. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

Leanne Delphium: "Aah...nope! Actually, you saved his skin."

Leih'a Relanah smiled warmly for the ephemeral visage painted across the blue.

Leanne Delphium giggles in mischief.

Locke Fairwind: "Saved his skin?" He quirked a brow and glanced between the two. "Now that these events are over, try not to be too much of a stranger, yeah? You still owe me some stories as I recall."

Leih'a Relanah: "I figured I'd cut Lea a deal. Today she has free reign to ask -one- truth out of me."

Leih'a Relanah: "My mistake."

Locke Fairwind: "Was that really a wise deal to make?" He asked Leih'a, chuckling softly all the while.

Leanne Delphium giggles. "I do own you, don't I? And nope, wasn't a wise deal to make, at all."

Leih'a Relanah: "All in good fun."


Cliodhna Eoghan Makes her way to the group, "Did everyone here get a fan already?"

Leanne Delphium shakes her head. "I didn't..!"

Leih'a Relanah looks to Clio, fan-less. "Might as well have one to bring home to 'Rala."

Locke Fairwind: "No, I haven't yet. Good to see ya by the way, Clio."

Cliodhna Eoghan Grins and digs out three fans. Red for Lock, Pink for Leanne and gold for Leih'a; all metallic. "Here you go!"

Leanne Delphium: "Ooh, pink...!"

Leanne Delphium giggles.

Leih'a Relanah folds it, carefully packing the frail, yet vibrant looking object in his pouch. "Much obliged."

Cliodhna Eoghan Grins. "They're all pretty, aren't' they?"

Locke Fairwind took and fan as he held it out, glancing over it with a grin. "Just my color. Aye, very. Am I supposed to write that confession onto these?"

Leih'a Relanah: "Sides, might be good for me to get it off my chest."

Cliodhna Eoghan "Yes Locke, write down a confession on it. " Replies over her shoulder, searching the basket for the requested colors. Finding at last a blue fan dusted in gold and a silver metallic one. "Ah, here we go!" Passes them over to Asmodean with a smile.

Locke Fairwind: "I'll be back when I think of something then. Thanks, Clio."


Leanne Delphium: "Oh well. How many woman at the Shroudwolf Den got your eye? Will have to tell me the name of each one."

Leih'a Relanah: "Wow."

Leanne Delphium: "I'm play dirty, yes."

Leih'a Relanah: "That... was forward."

Leanne Delphium laughs.

Leih'a Relanah folds his ears back. "Well, I feel strongly for Nihka... I like-"

R'shesha Otharn: "I'm gonna head back to the house Leih'a"

Leih'a Relanah: "Ah! Alright, Warden and Lover guide your path, R'shesha."

R'shesha Otharn: "Yup, hope to see ya soon"

R'shesha Otharn: "Oh, my spear. Can't forget that...again"

Leanne Delphium tips her hat to Shesha with a smile.

Leanne Delphium: "Hmmm?"

R'shesha Otharn: "See you around Leanne. Mebbe come by later"

Leanne Delphium: "See you! Azeyma lighten your road...!"

R'shesha Otharn smiles and nods "Warden light your path"

Leih'a Relanah: "I... I love 'em all, but I'm not deluding myself into thinking I can have 'em either. The most important aspect of love, Leanne, is losing. And accepting loss as a consequence."

Leanne Delphium: "...Well, first of all! You're a pervert." she nods. Blunt! "Second, seems like you've learned it."

Leanne Delphium smiles warmly, rubbing his shoulder.

Leih'a Relanah: "It's probably just in my blood. Nihka, Kiht, and Shesha have my favor the most though."

Leanne Delphium: "Pppft, blood. If it were for blood, I would be in a tribe right now."

Leih'a Relanah cants his head with a wistful sigh. "I like 'em, but I'd rather let them be free than to keep 'em, y'know?"


Leanne Delphium chuckles and takes a step back, ruffling Chachan's hair.

Chachanji Gegenji: "What're ya guys talkin' 'bout?"

Leih'a Relanah idly watches one of the fireflies. "Grown up stuff."

Leanne Delphium: "He was the one who said it this time, not me..."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Aw... don't say that. I jus' came over."

Chachanji Gegenji pouts.

Leih'a Relanah: "...Your turn, Chachanji."

Leih'a Relanah: "Ask me something, and I'll answer truthfully. You get one question and one question only."

Chachanji Gegenji: "H-huh?"

Leih'a Relanah: "Better make it count, cuz you only get this opportunity once."

Leanne Delphium giggles and kneels besides Chachan, hugging him. "We're speaking about Leih'a's love life. Well, was. He's trying to deflect the question right now."

Chachanji Gegenji: "U-um... I dun really have any big questions'r nothin' like that..."

Leih'a Relanah: "Already answered it."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Um... hm."

Chachanji Gegenji: "I guess... I wanna know if'n yer happy, I 'spose."

Chachanji Gegenji: "I like it if'n my frands're happy."

Leih'a Relanah: "Well shite, Lea. He hits harder than you do at this."

Leih'a Relanah: "Hrrrm..."

Leih'a Relanah: "Well."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Huh?"

Leanne Delphium: "That's because I already know the answer for that one, silly."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Was it a bad question?"

Leanne Delphium pats Chachan's back. "I must speak with Nathan and Mr. Locke. And nay. Was a perfect question." she nods with a grin.

Chachanji Gegenji: "Akay."

Leanne Delphium: "Enjoying the vista...?"

Leih'a Relanah: "I'm tired. I get grumbly, sometimes I don't devote the attention to people who deserve it." he rubbed his nose. "Like you, I want to make the dearest folk around me happy, but..."

Chachanji Gegenji: "But?"

Leih'a Relanah bit down on his lower lip. "The most clear and honest answer I can give that is..."

Leih'a Relanah: "If I'm not, then I'm not trying hard enough at it."

Chachanji Gegenji blinks. "A-ah. W-well, if'n there's anythin' I can do ta halp, let me know, akay?"

Leih'a Relanah: "I'm kinda overthinking it. As far as being content, I guess I am."

Chachanji Gegenji pouts at the sky. "Maaaaaan. Third rainfall so far... this is 'sposta be celebratin' th' sun!"

Leih'a Relanah: "Maybe Azeyma is treating this as a day off for her, aye?"


Zazanther Rerenther: "Havn't seen you for a while Chachanji."

Chachanji Gegenji: "O-oh. Maybe." He nods, turning at the greeting. "... Opo."

Leih'a Relanah: "Gonna give Lea my parting regards and head out, Chachan. Menphina guide."

Chachanji Gegenji is distracted from the head-monkey! "O-oh. R-right. Akay. Take care!"

Chachanji Gegenji gently pats the baby opo-opo.

Leih'a Relanah: "Oi, Lea. Gonna take off."

Zazanther Rerenther laughs. "I see you like the Opo."

Chachanji Gegenji: "It was jus' sittin' on yer head like it was no big deal! Ya had an opo-hat!"

Leanne Delphium: "Okay! Azeyma brighten your road."

Zazanther Rerenther: "Yes, it likes to travel that way, easier for it to keep up. So, did that fire crystal I gave you help?

Leih'a Relanah would offer a hug, but having been branded 'pervert' he decides against it...

Leih'a Relanah: "You too, Lea."

Chachanji Gegenji: "H-huh? Oh. Yeah. Used it ta fashion a pretty nice staff... halped loads in th' fight we needed it fer."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Everythin's jus' 'bout back ta normal now, I 'spoose."

Zazanther Rerenther: "Glad to here that then. Don't be afraid to ask me if you need anything like that again."

Chachanji Gegenji: "A-ah, well... hopefully we won't be in that sorta sit'ation again..."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Dun think me heart could handle it."

Zazanther Rerenther: "Well, were you not learning a trade back when I gave you it?"

Chachanji Gegenji: "Learnin'? Mmm. Hm. Dun think so?"

Zazanther Rerenther: "Maybe I'm thinking of someone else then."

Chachanji Gegenji: "Ah. Mebbe."

Chachanji Gegenji: "S-still, um.... thanks a bunch fer yer halp on that. Dun think I could'a gotten a fire crystal that size on such short notice wit'out yer halp."

Zazanther Rerenther: "Offer still stands, if you need anyting crafting material wise, send me a message."

Chachanji Gegenji: "A-ah. Sure thing. I usually jus' go ta th' smithin' guilds if I'm low on material... but I'll keep ya in mind if'n I need somethin' in a pinch again."

Zazanther Rerenther: "Or low on gil."

Chachanji Gegenji: "A-ah. Or low on gil, yeah."

Zazanther Rerenther: "Well, I supose you have stuff to do. I might hang out here for a while longer."

Chachanji Gegenji: "A-ah, well... I might go hang out wit Ms. Hat s'more, I think. Ya take care'a yerself. 'n thanks again."



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Jancis Milburga: "At this time Lady Cliodhna and I have fans for you. They are for your confessions. For your inquiries, for what you seek in your life. Pray ask her or I for as many as you wish to take home to those who could not come. Or if you wish, you may share your thoughts at Azeyma's stone."

J'azhar Tia eyes the basket with sudden unease, ears tilting back slightly atop his head.

Cliodhna Eoghan "Would you like a fan?" Holds out the basket

Aiouxdaux Beaumont says gently, "Do you wish to get a fan, Jaz? I can fetch you one."

J'azhar Tia: "...No," J'azhar mutters quietly, tail curling in around his knees. "I am I think well enough without."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont pauses, then without warning leans down and tries to scoop J'azhar into his arms, skirts and all, "Hm, alright then. I think perhaps I will carry you about the rest of this event."

J'azhar Tia: "What - J'azhar says, squawking in alarm as he suddenly gains several feet in altitude. "Why - "


Vaughn Antain looks at Aioux and J'azhar with a smile. "It was good to see you two. Again, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont nods, "And you as well, Vaughn. It was excellent to see you." He seems completely at ease carting J'azhar about in his arms.

J'azhar Tia: "It was very pleasant again to see you, Miss Vaughn," J'azhar replies, with as much dignity as he can possibly muster considering the circumstances.

Vaughn Antain chuckles at the two. "You as well. Take care of each other. You're both lovely."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont grins, "As are you. Ah, Jaz... let's say hello to Tau, yes?" He winks at Vaughn and turns away, heading towards the big Roe with Miqo'te in arms, "Tau! Hey there!"


Tausenadel Geispyrsyn cheers Aiouxdaux Beaumont on!

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Ahoy, lad!

J'azhar Tia: "Aioux - no - " J'azhar protests, cheeks rapidly turning a charming Dalamud red.

Aiouxdaux Beaumont grins, "You did so well up there, I loved your story as always."

J'azhar Tia: "I shall take a fan if you will put me d- hello Tausenadel." Dignity.

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Ah, please. Jus' tellin' tales, nothin' special involved! But thank ye for lis'nin'...is the lad alright?

Aiouxdaux Beaumont says with a grin, "Felt like carting him around. He's fine."

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Ah! Well done, lad.

J'azhar Tia: "It is only in consideration for your poor state that I have not yet kicked you somewhere you should not wish me to kick you," J'azhar warns.

Aiouxdaux Beaumont laughs, "...and now he's threatening me with bodily harm. I think you should pat him on the head for being adorable. I will cart him about getting him pats on the head and kisses on the cheek for the ladies. For good luck." He's teasing.

J'azhar Tia: "Ahem," J'azhar says, clearing his throat and attempting to pretend that nothing in the least embarrassing is happening at all. "I liked very much your story, Tausenadel. I had - after those who began, I was pleased then to hear more of stories and songs of Azeyma the Warden, yes? Not only Azeyma the Inquirer."

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Right polite o' ye, J'azhar! I'll leave ye with yer pride an' let ye two get back to yer minglin'.


Aiouxdaux Beaumont grins widely, "You think Jancis would give him a kiss on the cheek?"

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: I think a scritch behind the ear is more likely, but it can't hurt to ask!

J'azhar Tia: "This is - theft. Abduction."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont chuckles, "It is, yes. Abduction. I have abducted you on a magical mystery romp of fun and friendship. We will travel the small area we are in, romping about joyfully and mussing your hair up."

Jancis Milburga: "Azeyma's Blessing! A rainbow!"

J'azhar Tia: "A confession!" J'azhar says triumphantly. "I shall set the Brass Blades upon y- a rainbow."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont looks over, "...ah there was one. Lovely."

J'azhar Tia: "Aioux, put me down. I - while the sun is shining, at the very least, I should like to..."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont gently sets J'azhar down, "Would like to what?"

J'azhar Tia scurries up towards the cliff-edge, turning back to face the setting sun, and spreads his hands in front of him, palms turned up. Eyes closed, he seems - at a loss for words for a moment, before finally muttering something short and quiet beneath his breath.

Aiouxdaux Beaumont: ...so this is your goddess, Jaz? This is who you follow?

J'azhar Tia: "'Follow' is... not quite as who should say..." J'azhar is still poised as though offering something up, eyes closed, and his jaw works silently a moment before he finally drops his hands. When he turns to face Aioux, his eyes are a little - well. "The gods are the gods, yes? They are gods if we follow them or no. They do not require it of us. 'Follow' is not..." He shrugs slightly. "Azeyma is the Warden. The mother. The light."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont says, "That is very much you, to say such a thing. It is true."

J'azhar Tia: "...There is a story," J'azhar says after a moment. "Of how fire was brought from the sky, and how the buzzard made his head bald and how the jackal got her golden eyes. Many lessons to be learned. Yes? But one amongst them is that - it does not matter if you are... small. Or weak, or not beautiful. If you are... if you have done wrong. All things are beautiful in the eyes of a mother. And so Azeyma shines upon you just the same."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont says gently, "And perhaps next year you will speak at this festival, because hearing you say that... makes me think you understand her quite well."

J'azhar Tia looks away a moment, rubbing at his elbow, and then glances back. "I shall tell it tomorrow, if you should wish to hear it."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont nods, "I do, yes."

J'azhar Tia: "Then I shall tell it," J'azhar says simply. "...I am - glad that you came. You do not feel too unwell?"

Aiouxdaux Beaumont pauses, then says, "To be honest, I feel... well. You know what uncomfortable feeling you get when you've been in the sun for hours, without water, and have sweat your clothing through for several days in a row, but know you can't move yet or you'll miss your target?"

J'azhar Tia makes a face, leaning up on his toes to tip Aioux's glasses down and peer critically at the elezen's eyes. "I know it well. You wish to return, kurunbi? A bath, and yet more water, and kishkiyya."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont: I feel like someone took that guy, then took me and shoved me up in all that unwashed, sweaty flesh and yes. I would badly like a bath and water and maybe some coffee.

J'azhar Tia: "...You have a way with words," J'azhar says, swallowing down a bubble of laughter. "Come then." He tugs at the elezen's sleeve. "We shall pay our thanks to Miss Jancis, and return, yes? Unless you wish somewhere that is more close."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont nods, "Yes, we should thank Jancis for this. As always, she does something wonderful."

J'azhar Tia taps Aioux indulgently on the chin, recalling a streak of yellow paint, and then tows the elezen gently over to Jancis. They both look a little the worse for the wear, paler than usual and rather tired - though J'azhar, it must be said, looks in rather a better state than Aioux. Ah, to be young.


Aiouxdaux Beaumont smiles, letting J'azhar tug him around but stopping short of Jancis and the man with her. He gives a small bow, hand on his chest.

J'azhar Tia: "...We shall not long detain you, Miss Jancis," he says, suddenly less keen to interrupt upon recognizing Jancis' companion from last night. "Only to offer our thanks once again for your generosity and your kindness in overseeing such a celebration."

Jancis Milburga turns, the warm smile radiating to the pair. "Thaliak only knows how you both are not still in a bed. Thank you for coming. You are very welcome. I wanted to ask Lord J'azhar, if this was a happy occasion for you."

Barengar Armsbreaker glances between the two as they approached, his brow rising slightly at the apparent stat of the both of them.

J'azhar Tia: "I was pleased very much," J'azhar says quickly. "In particular to hear Tausenadel's tale and Miss Leanne's song; to hear of Azeyma the Warden as more I know her, yes? Just so. I am... It has done me I think well to have come, in some regards. I am very grateful."

Jancis Milburga echoes the grateful look, "That makes me very happy to hear. When you cook or speak of your kin and family I always get a sense of that warm connection. Dare confess it is remarkable to witness."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont says gently, "I enjoyed Nathan's performance, it brought a laugh to my lips. Still, yes. J'azhar seems to have quite a connection to the Mother, to be sure."

J'azhar Tia: " - I have said to Aioux that I shall tomorrow tell a story from my tribe of Azeyma, if it would please you to hear it," he offers, a little shyly.

Jancis Milburga: "It would! Very much so!"

J'azhar Tia flushes a little, inordinately pleased, and ducks his head. "Then I shall be sure to tell it with twice so much relish," he says. "In any case. I - we should no longer of course intrude upon..." he turns and bobs a quick little bow to the imposing highlander, along with offering up a sheepish grin. "My very many apologies."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont smiles, "You both take care."

Barengar Armsbreaker flicks his gaze toward J'azhar as he is referred to. He gives a slight bob of his head and offers a low grunt, "Barengar Armsbreaker."

Jancis Milburga: "We will. Sir Armsbreaker was sure that drink did not burn too badly. Thaliak only knows how you drank so many of them. You both will rest more?"

Jancis Milburga gives Aioux a concerned look.

J'azhar Tia: "J'azhar," he returns, a crooked grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. "We shall leave you then to it, yes? To ensure that poor Aioux does not expire from want of water and qahwa. Barengar; Miss Jancis."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont says dryly, "I'm just a bit of a lightweight. I'll take care, and thank you."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont: ...Jaaaaz. I think coffee sounds best. Strong coffee.

Jancis Milburga: "Hehehe, keep each other safe as always Lord J'azhar."

Barengar Armsbreaker dips his head and provides a deep grunt in way of bidding the pair farewell. "Good meetin' ya proper, I figure."

J'azhar Tia: "Yes," J'azhar says patiently. "Qahwa. Coffee. Come, kurunbi - home? Or to Drybone?" He's already towing Aioux off down the path.

Jancis Milburga smiles in good humor at the pair, "Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after."

Aiouxdaux Beaumont: ...home.

Barengar Armsbreaker turns his attention back toward Jancis after watching the pair wander off back down toward the path, a low rumble filling the air about him, "Suppose that ain't so far from the truth."

Jancis Milburga: "No it is a good saying. Do you like coffee? I never did think to ask before."

Barengar Armsbreaker lifts an upturned hand and bobs his head to the side, "I ain't got anythin' against it."




Jancis Milburga: "At this time Lady Cliodhna and I have fans for you. They are for your confessions. For your inquiries, for what you seek in your life. Pray ask her or I for as many as you wish to take home to those who could not come. Or if you wish, you may share your thoughts at Azeyma's stone."

Zazanther Rerenther: "I will take a fan."

Jancis Milburga bows to Zazanther, giving him a rich gold and brown fan, "By all means, Lord. Thank you"

Zazanther Rerenther takes a fan. "Thank you for this wonderful day as well."

Jancis Milburga: "You are very welcome."


Zazanther Rerenther places his fan by the stone.

Zazanther Rerenther looks up at Jancis. "May I have another fan? Just realized there is something else I want to write."

Jancis Milburga: "Yes of course, Lord. By all means."

Jancis Milburga: "I even have another basket full of them."

Zazanther Rerenther places his first fan down, asking to find the truth behind the necklace he has found and has given him a frustrating experience in finding its secrets.


Vanya Caladhiel silently makes her way and stands beside Cliodhna, masking her foot steps as she stands beside the rock. "I take it the event went well..?"

Cliodhna Eoghan Passes over a folding fan to Vanya, the color metallic pink dusted with gold. "Thought you'd like one. You can write a confession on it and leave it by the rock or you can take it home as a keepsake."

Vanya Caladhiel looks up to Cliodhna and reaches up to take it. she loos to the fan front and back, examining it completely. "A confession..?"

Cliodhna Eoghan Nods lightly. "A secret you wish not to keep secret anymore is another way of thinking it."

Vanya Caladhiel looks to the fan for a moment, her voice low. "Secret, huh.." She snaps it open and observes the coloring. "Maybe it is time I part with some of my past and unload some of the weight.."

Vanya Caladhiel look sup to the rock before slowly making her way to it, writing out her confession while doing so.

Cliodhna Eoghan Gives a small wave to Zazanther

Zazanther Rerenther: "Havn't talked to you for a while."

Cliodhna Eoghan Nods, smiling lightly. "Been a bit busy...." Flashes the large rock on her hand. "Had a lot of work related things going on too lately, how have you been?"

Vanya Caladhiel kneels down and places the fan upon the stone. She stays that way for a few minutes her hand placed upon it as she keeps her eyes closed.

Zazanther Rerenther: "Been busy as well. I've recently started participating in the Runestone here and will be offering healing services to Grindstone tonight."

Cliodhna Eoghan "Oh that's good!" Grins. "I don't really participate much myself but I did watch Grindstone for a little while. They never have enough healers it seems....Glad to hear you've offered help."

Zazanther Rerenther thinks for a moment. "Well, I've started in the Runestone to practice my combat skills in a more controlled environment. I'm finding the need to defend myself in ruins more often as a Scholar. I might fight in Grindstone to practice my melee sometime too, for similar reasons. I'm just needing combat experience in general I guess."

Vanya Caladhiel makes her way back to Cliodhna.

Zazanther Rerenther: "I also won Runestone the first time I participated too."

Cliodhna Eoghan: That's great! I heard it's a hard thing to win.

Cliodhna Eoghan Smiles as Vanya approaches, scooting over and giving her room on the rock with her if she wishes to sit.

Zazanther Rerenther: "I agree, considering I lost in the second round last week after winning the previous week."

Vanya Caladhiel sees the new arrival as she makes her way back. She sees the space given to her and smile slightly before taking a seat on the stone, giving a small nod in appreciation. "thank you.."

Cliodhna Eoghan Glances between the two of them. "Zazanther, this is Vanya my...."Pauses the new word still a bit hard to say considering. "Stepdaughter. Vanya I met Zazanther at Harbinger's tavern one night and we shared a conversation about some of the amazing things he's studied."

Zazanther Rerenther bows. "Please to meet you Vanya."

Vanya Caladhiel looks over to Cliodhna briefly in surprise at the mention of step daughter before smiling lightly and looking down to Zazanther. "A pleasure to meet you, sir.."

Vanya Caladhiel: "If you do not mind, just what is your field of study..?"

Zazanther Rerenther looks at Vanya. "Mostly Belah'dan, but I've been branching out into Nym history as well."

Vanya Caladhiel gains a thoughtful look. "Nym. I have heard the name mentioned in some tomes located in the Arcanist guild, though I am not quite well versed in the topic as I just picked up on it.."

Zazanther Rerenther: "It is an interesting civilization for sure. The harder part is figuring out the language. Though I've had some success. Just recently figured out how to make a potion that they used to restore lost blood to wounded soldiers. I can't make it, and the materials for it are rare now days."

Vanya Caladhiel: "Hmm, that would be quite useful to possess indeed. I Can see how many unnecessary deaths could be avoided on the battlefield with such a potion.."

Zazanther Rerenther nods in agreement. "From what I figured out, one potion works for about 8 uses or so. Sadly it is expensive to make for this day in age. Would take a while to even grow anything useful for it in any amount. Time will tell. I've had one potion made using my own funds and have someone testing it right now to see how effective it really is, or if it was even made right."

Vanya Caladhiel: "Just what herbs or plants are needed to create them..? Maybe I may have heard of them in my travels.."

Zazanther Rerenther: "Well, not sure if there are names for me now. They seem to grow only on the floating rocks of the old city, quite a hassle to get them."

Vanya Caladhiel nods. "I see. I am just curious as I tend to grow various herbs and flowers in the garden located in sable hall, the home of the Red wings. SO I was curious if by chance I may have grown it without knowing.."

Zazanther Rerenther nods. "Will take some work, but getting a few seeder plants will help for sure. The question is, can they be grown anywhere or only in that area."

Vanya Caladhiel: "That is something worth looking into."

Cliodhna Eoghan Speaks up after contently listening. "Seems the party may be moving to Wineport.. Are you two coming as well?"

Vanya Caladhiel looks to Cliodhna for a moment and nods. "Alright... would like to see new environments.."

Zazanther Rerenther: "Ya, now to see if I can get some more from who got the ones I used."

Cliodhna Eoghan Smiles at Vanya. "It's lovely....And Erik and I were just there, so I don't mind going back again."

Zazanther Rerenther shakes his head. "I've got some things to do and prepare for Grindstone here."

Vanya Caladhiel: "Ah should be interesting to see then.."

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Jancis Milburga: "At this time Lady Cliodhna and I have fans for you. They are for your confessions. For your inquiries, for what you seek in your life. Pray ask her or I for as many as you wish to take home to those who could not come. Or if you wish, you may share your thoughts at Azeyma's stone."




Cliodhna Eoghan "Would you like a fan?" Holds out the basket

R'shesha Otharn smiles up at Clio "Could I get two of the fans?"

Cliodhna Eoghan: Of course!

R'shesha Otharn smiles and reaches into the basked for two of them "Thank you"

Cliodhna Eoghan Passes over two gold fans to R'shesha


R'shesha Otharn: "Did ya wanna come back to our place Vaughn?"

Vaughn Antain: "Sure! Just let me say my goodbyes."

R'shesha Otharn nods "When you're ready. Don't gotta right now"


R'shesha Otharn grins and pokes An'nai "And you, where have you been?"

An'nai Tir'atha blinks at the miqo'te woman that just poked him, the dazed look still in his eyes as a sure sign that his mind has not yet fully returned to the present. "Huh?"

R'shesha Otharn looks at him curiously "I hadn't seen ya in a long time An'nai"

An'nai Tir'atha: "Oh, I vas . . . I vas being avay. I leave Eorzea for a vhile."

R'shesha Otharn: "Huh. You'll have to tell me whatcha saw some day. I'm gonna be headed home shortly though"

An'nai Tir'atha absently tilts his head in a barely perceptible nod. His violet eyes are distant, their natural glow faded beneath a haze of distraction. "Oh, all vight. Be taking care, yes? Is good to see zhat you are vell."

R'shesha Otharn: "I will. You could come by some time. We do a story night every sixth night"

An'nai Tir'atha: "Is so? Vhere home is, zhen?"

R'shesha Otharn: "In the Lavender Beds. I can send a moogle with the address later on ok?"

An'nai Tir'atha: "All vight. Zhat vould be appreciated."

R'shesha Otharn smiles "Have a good day huh?"

An'nai Tir'atha inclines his head in yet another absentminded nod, though he does have enough presence of mind to offer a faint smile. "You as vell."


R'shesha Otharn walks up to the large Roe and smiles up at him "Hi, I liked your story. Thanks for sharing it"

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Thank ye kindly, lass! Glad to tell it!

R'shesha Otharn: "My friends do a story night sixth nights. Would you be alright with me sharing it with them?"

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: I have story circles as well! Once a moon or so.

R'shesha Otharn: "Oh! That's neat. Where do you do them?"

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Mostly at the comp'ny house, but iffin' ye wish to tell it, feel free! I'd love to sit in iffin' it's open to the public.

R'shesha Otharn: "It is yeah."

An'nai Tir'atha lifts his left hand to lightly touch the pearl embedded in his earring when it begins to glow, a slight frown creasing his brows.

R'shesha Otharn: "Yeah we have it open to anyone that wants to come and its every sixth night"

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: That's great o' ye lot! Where's it held at?

R'shesha Otharn: "Our house is in the Lavender Beds"

R'shesha Otharn grins and gestures to him to leaned down a little

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn leans forward, putting his ear closer to her level.

An'nai Tir'atha mutters something quietly under his breath as he listens to the voice coming from the pearl; the words, spoken in a rush, seem to be of a tongue not native to Eorzea.

R'shesha Otharn whispers the address to him

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn grins, nodding. "I'll try an' drag me sorry arse there!"

R'shesha Otharn: "Alright, hope to see ya there"

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: For sure!

R'shesha Otharn: "Have a good day yeah?"

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Ye as well!

R'shesha Otharn smiles and waves


R'shesha Otharn walks up to the stone and presses her fingertips to it while whispering something

R'shesha Otharn: "Scuse me Miss Jancis?"

R'shesha Otharn: "Thank you for this. I enjoyed it a lot"

Jancis Milburga turns to R'shesha, "Yes pilgrim? You are quite welcome; I am very glad you enjoyed it and came. Did any of it resonate for you in particular?"

R'shesha Otharn: "Most of it really. Thank you again"

R'shesha Otharn: "Have a good day. Warden light your path"

R'shesha Otharn smiles and bows to Jancis




Cyneler Fenrir: two please.

Jancis Milburga beams and hands over one red-tinted and one bright golden fans to Cyneler.

Cyneler Fenrir hands one of the fans to the moogle.

Cyneler Fenrir: I better start writing.

Cyneler Fenrir: oh right.

Jancis Milburga nods to Cyneler, "Take all the time you need, honesty is more important than the haste."

Cyneler Fenrir: such a wonderful pilgrimage this was.

Cyneler Fenrir: Well its been nice but I must away back to my mission in the northern Lands.

Jancis Milburga nods at Cyneler, "Travel safely. Thank you for coming."


Oscare Iono silently turns on his heels and trots away, waving at Crofte. "Send my regards and thanks to Jancis for me," he spoke to the guard on his way out.

Coatleque Crofte nods once.

Jancis Milburga: "Lady Meli! How many would you like?"

Memeli Meli: I'll take... One fer me, one fer Virara! I'm sure she would've come if she weren't busy training!

Jancis Milburga nods and digs through her basket. She finds one of a rich reddish metallic, then another of a lighter shiny that's almost pink in the right light.

Jancis Milburga: "Surely she would have. Hopefully she can use it to rest some in her trials and training; she never cares to do so."

Memeli Meli has her eyes go wide upon looking at them. "Nyooo! They're so pretty! Thank youuu~ For these and putting on such a lovely pilgrimage again!"

Memeli Meli grins up at her. "I'll let ya take care of the rest of these folks. I'll see you around! ...Oh! A confession! I, uh, well... P-praise the sun...??"

Jancis Milburga: "I will see you soon, too. With extra fans. Surely Lady Syl will like one. Maybe."

Memeli Meli: Nyoo! They better! Ehehe!


Leggerless Hanzou gets up off the ground, looking at the basket before heading over close to the stone.

Leggerless Hanzou looks up at the sky before removing her glasses, pocketing them away within her tabard.

Leggerless Hanzou: "...So fans... and confessions. What kind of confessions?"

Jancis Milburga: "Forgive me. I do not know. Maybe something you would wish to not share? Or wish to share. Seeing a truth in front of your eyes is much like looking up at the sun."

Jancis Milburga offers a little golden fan to Lynx.

Leggerless Hanzou looks over to the stone for a few moments. "...That so. Mayhaps I'll say something." She glances back at Jancis. "Two fans, if you have them. Something for a humble soul."

Jancis Milburga answers as she gets another fan out, "Of course, Lady. As many as you wish." With a grateful smile she hands over the fans.

Leggerless Hanzou takes the fans in her right hand before walking off towards the stone.

Leggerless Hanzou glances around at the stone, examining it closely. She cups her hands together, gives a small bow, and mutters out her confession to herself. She straights herself up and glances at the sky above her for a few moments afterwards.

Leggerless Hanzou smirks as the sun shines down at her. "Seems it's being considered." She says to herself.

Jancis Milburga: "It is my pleasure, Lady. Very much so. And yours."

Leggerless Hanzou looks down at the two fans in her right hand, pondering for a while what to write. With her left hand, she pulls out a small writing utensil and puts a confession on one, soon setting it back down in front of the stone.




Jancis Milburga: "Azeyma's Blessing! A rainbow!"

Cliodhna Eoghan Glances up, seeing the rainbow, soft smile on her features before it dissipated.


Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Jancis! Anoth'r'un down!

Jancis Milburga: "Yes! It is down! Though I feel quite up, truthfully."

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: I can tell! Yer shinin' as bright as the Ward'n herself, lass. Good work, I mean it.

Jancis Milburga smiles up at Tausen, "Is it so obvious?" She bobs her head about and confesses, "There is much to be happy about. This day is more than any story or hope I have had."

Jancis Milburga: "May I ask you to hold still Tausen?"

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: I'm jus' glad to have been 'long for the ride. An' glad to know'un such as yerself. I know I wouldn't have been able to do thi--eh? O' course!

Jancis Milburga smiles and starts taking little paper fans of different hues and tucking them into the side belt Tausen is wearing.

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn chuckles, watching her for a moment. "Fans eh? What shall I do with these, lass?"

Jancis Milburga: "I thought they would make you look brighter, too. They are yours, for whatever you wish. Can write on them. Keep them. Give them away."

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Thank ye, lass. For ev'rythin'. I'll see ye shortly!

Jancis Milburga: "Travel safely, Tausen!"

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn sings aloud as he steps away from the group. "I'm walkin' on suuunshiiine, woooo-oh! An' don't it feel good!"


Cliodhna Eoghan Shuffles through the basket, picking out two red ones dusted in gold. May as well grab one for herself and Erik. After a pause, grabs two pink as well....The girls coming to mind after a moment.

Cliodhna Eoghan Fishes out a inkstick from the basket and scribbles a small note on her fan, snapping it closed.

Cliodhna Eoghan Places her fan in a small pile with the others that were left, the words tucked in the folds reading "IK hou van de mensen nu in mijn leven maar ik ben bang als ik ga en geniet ervan, IK verlies je alles weer opnieuw....."

Cliodhna Eoghan Finds a small spot on a rock and waits, mostly to leave herself approachable for those wanting more fans but also to approach Jancis herself once the crowed thinned a little.




Barengar Armsbreaker steps up toward Jancis, his head bowing low toward her in greeting, "Figure ya did a fine job." he rumbled lowly.

Jancis Milburga covers up the little paper fans before looking up, a smile warming immediately on her face. "Thank you. I saw you speaking with some folks each time I looked over. Everyone really did their best." She takes a deep breath.


Jancis Milburga smiles at Locke, "Did you bring the sunshine?"

Jancis Milburga: "Another rainbow!"

Jancis Milburga points as soon as it already fades away.

Barengar Armsbreaker turns his attention toward Locke as he made his approach, a slight tip of his head in quiet greeting followed by a low grunt.

Locke Fairwind: "Armsbreaker, Jancis. Good to see ya both again. Thought I'd drop by and congratulate you on another fine pilgrimage. The last one, right? I'm sure going to miss these." He chuckled at her comment.

Jancis Milburga regards him quietly for a second before nodding with a small bashful smile, "Afraid so. Less by my hand. Surely the Sanctum will find someone else to ask people to come together and walk places. You, ah, you are very good at walking. It did allow me to make better acquaintance with you. More than that. We will have to take it better from here without the excuse, Locke."

Locke Fairwind: "You've done a fine job hosting these up to this point, Jan. Whoever decides to take over has some big shoes to fill, that's for sure. Er, what's this about an excuse now?" He raised a brow in confusion.

Barengar Armsbreaker lifted his brow slightly, glancing between Locke and Jancis.

Jancis Milburga: "Oh. Worry not Locke my shoes are not so big."

Jancis Milburga looks at her feet, holding one out.

Barengar Armsbreaker glances down at Jancis holds out a foot, a slight snort escaping the mercenary.

Jancis Milburga: "Well. We will need another reason to spend time together. Like at the springs."

Locke Fairwind couldn't help but laugh too as he covered his mouth to muffle the noise. "A figure of speech, Jan." Unable to hold it in any longer, he burst out laughing. "Never thought I'd hear Armsbreaker here laughing either."

Jancis Milburga looks curious before awkwardly laughing and putting her foot down. "I thought it might have to do with walking many places..." She confesses, "Ah! Where do you go now Locke? We can start a new tradition if you wish."

Locke Fairwind: "Haha, but you're right. A little time together with friends is always welcome. Hmm? I didn't have a clear destination in mind after this. Thought I might wander Ul'dah, if anything."

Jancis Milburga nods in understanding, "We are close to the Jewel."

Locke Fairwind: "Sorry, the Jewel?" He glanced over to Armsbreaker to see if he knew what she was talking about.

Barengar Armsbreaker grunted, "Ul'dah."

Jancis Milburga murmurs an apology as she nods in agreement.

Locke Fairwind: "Ohhhh, right." He nodded, thinking over her words. "Well, perhaps we can get everyone together for a little celebration somewhere. There are already a few friends of ours lingering about. Though considering this was your last time hosting one of these, I feel it's only right if Jan here chose a proper place to hold our celebration."

Jancis Milburga looks a bit perplexed as the words sink in. She's quiet for a few minutes.

Barengar Armsbreaker flicks his attention back over to Jancis, brow rising slightly.

Jancis Milburga: "Proper place. I am not sure what would be improper."

Locke Fairwind: "After the end of our pilgrimage to the Wanderer, we held a little party with some friends of ours out in Bronze Lake. It was nice. A little get together before we all parted ways for a time once Ishgard decided to open its gates to outsiders." He said to Armsbreaker.

Locke Fairwind: "Well, if you want suggestions on an improper place, I suppose the graveyard by Drybone would be the last place to hold one." He laughed. "Any place where ya think we can all relax and have some fun would do."

Jancis Milburga squeezes her hands together as she ponders. "Relax and have some fun... ah..."

Locke Fairwind: "While you think on that, I'm going to go ask the others if they'd be up for it too. I'll be back shortly."

Jancis Milburga nods.

Locke Fairwind waves.

Jancis Milburga turns to Barengar, "The bright Gold Saucer has games. That is fun?"

Barengar Armsbreaker glances over at Locke as he steps away, attention falling back upon Jancis as she speaks, "Figure he's askin' where -yer- thinkin' ya'd rather be." he rumbled.

Jancis Milburga: "Hm, he surely has a curious way of saying it. Still I want everyone else to be happy."

Barengar Armsbreaker lifts his left shoulder up in a noncommittal expression, "Figure Saucer could do, if yer lookin' fer energy."

Jancis Milburga: "More just a nice meal at this rate, I would care for. Stew of some sort."

Jancis Milburga adds, "And fruit."

Barengar Armsbreaker bobbed his head toward Jancis, "Figure a home is more suited ta somethin' like that."

Jancis Milburga looks deep in thought as she considers Barengar's counsel. "That is too much to ask for people to travel. Mayhaps near a dock or river."

Barengar Armsbreaker quirks his brow slightly, hand coming up to scratch at the stubble at his chin, "I ain't so sure folks are too worried about distance."

Jancis Milburga: "If that is the case. I would like to go to Wineport."

Barengar Armsbreaker gives a slow, firm nod, "Then I figure that's were it'll be."




Nathan Telluride lifts his voice. "We have forgotten one thing, I think: to thank Lady Milburga for her unceasing excellence in calling together pilgrims and performers alike, and being the greatest gift of the Gods for this long cycle!"

Vaughn Antain cheers!

Locke Fairwind cheers you on!

Aiswynd Drakareus cheers you on!

Jancis Milburga: "Ah! Thank you! And you are welcome too."

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[align=center]((Thank you again for all the fun times!))[/align]







Barengar Armsbreaker gives Lucky Mewrilah a big hug.

Lucky Mewrilah gives Barengar Armsbreaker a big hug.

Barengar Armsbreaker gives Ghalleon Helseth a big hug.



Vaughn Antain has become the cat lady.))


Y'uraq Tia lets out a whistle. "Damn... quite a crowd."


Azreal Kass >> is this group for an S rank or somethin' or is this the RP grind stone? also pardon my intrudin'

>> Azreal Kass: RP sorry

Azreal Kass is utterly disappointed.

Azreal Kass >> thanks!


Memeli Meli: .sit

Memeli Meli is a failure.


Tausenadel Geispyrsyn sings aloud as he steps away from the group. "I'm walkin' on suuunshiiine, woooo-oh! An' don't it feel good!"


Leih'a Relanah: ((It's like the FF version of the Mall of America!))


What Locke was really thinking at the end of Nathan's Song

Nathan Telluride: ♪ Now I'm endin' this song, like only Mandervilles can, come on and dance for truth like a Manderville man! ♪

Locke Fairwind slaps Nathan Telluride.

Locke Fairwind: Whoops, I typed slap instead of clap]]






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[align=center]((Thank you again for all the fun times!))[/align]



What Locke was really thinking at the end of Nathan's Song

Nathan Telluride: ♪ Now I'm endin' this song, like only Mandervilles can, come on and dance for truth like a Manderville man! ♪

Locke Fairwind slaps Nathan Telluride.

Locke Fairwind: Whoops, I typed slap instead of clap]]






Behind those shades of his, Locke is a beast waiting for his chance to spring upon the unwary.


Which, apparently, is why the ladies like him so much, so he gets a :thumbsup: for that.

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