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Ul'Dah Garden

Ventus Zeruel

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[align=center][uPDATE: Restoring activity as of October 20th]

Story Driven | Academic | Military | Roleplaying LS and FC


The Free Company has been restored and will be starting from scratch.[/align]

[align=center]This post will be changed as the company further updates![/align]



Ul'Dah Garden Website[/align]

[align=center]"Garden will be restored.... 

From the ashes of a phoenix new life is born, as flames of an eternal garden." [/align]

[align=center]~Ventus Zeruel, Headmaster



[align=center]In these times of hardship and strife, many among us know not where to turn for help. People starve, live on the streets, and are preyed upon by those without a sense of humanity. The poor are exploited as laborers, the weak crushed beneath the heel of the strong.



[align=center]We, the men and women of Ul'dah Garden seek to change that. The Garden offers shelter, food, support, and to those so inclined; training. Be you a simple craftsman looking for a safe place to practice your trade, or a young adventurer with dreams of fame and glory, we of the Garden can help you reach your goals.[/align]




[align=center]Those who go above and beyond within the Garden, have the opportunity to become part of "EXiLE", our elite group of soldiers, tasked with taking on the greatest of challenges.[/align]



[align=center]While we are based out of Ul'dah, we accept citizens of any nation and Grand Company within our family.[/align]






Ranks and contact information have been updated as of December 12th[/align]



If you wish to aid in the restoration of garden, contact us in game or via the personal mail system. 


We are looking for those willing to become instructors as well as staff!


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Pasted along Ul'dah street walls and posts are various advertisements for a new company, it reads:

"Heed our call adventurers! Join our company to help create a safe environment for our citizens to learn and grow. Plant the seeds that will flourish and better the land we live in. If you have been lost in a search for purpose in your life to no avail, then please seek us, heed our call.

Do not hesitate to make this choice, for this could be your last chance.


We await you where the sun shines most and the water flows freely."[/align]



[align=center]Contact Ventus Zeruel or Rai Vaara in game to join.

You may also sign up via the Free Company Search. 

Upon contact, we will hold a small rp scene for you and direct you to the proper location for your initiation.[/align]


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Hi! I actually joined not that long ago, but really the people are amazingly nice!!

We're new, yes.

We're low on members, yes...

But every good thing starts small, and every small thing will eventually grow big with enough effort and attention! And I can honestly say that everyone in the FC AND Linkshell give both their effort AND attention to make this Roleplay community grow!


If people who read this aren't sure about wether to join or not; Just try to RolePlay with us! You will see it's fun! ;)


~Yurena Yure

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So although this isn't something I would normally join, I am very grateful I did!


The FC leader is incredibly dedicated to re-building this FC to its previous and probably known reputation and I for one am looking forward to being a part of it!


Even if your character is not a fighter, just perhaps some from a slice of life aspect its doesn't matter, who can still gain friends and be a resident in our FC, make new contacts and perhaps learn new skills or develop your character more!


And obviously if you are a fighter than you are more than welcome to train and fight under our flag, being the first instructor you will probably see me alot, hell if you want to be an instructor aswell you can! Share stories and teach people who wish to become better...and if you do you will be greatly rewarded!


The ranking system is pretty amazing and the people I have already met are also pretty beast, so if you have no where to go...or you don't know where your character belongs, then perhaps then belong in the Garden!


Hope to see you soon! :D:D

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  • 4 weeks later...






[align=center]We have obtained many friends and many allies willing to aid our cause.

Through hard work and perseverance, we were able to obtain a nice meeting hall for our leaders and students who wish to rest and train on their free time.


[align=center]Special thanks to Khallendra Kane and to her sisters for allowing us to claim their estate as our base.


We're on the road to having our small plot for the academy as well!

Keep working hard everyone!


Come visit us at Ward 6, Plot 34 of The Mists!

UPDATE: We have obtained new residence! Read posts below.[/align]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Venty! Yeah, I haven't played in a long while. I tried to come back for the expansion, only to realize that I knew no one and had to slog through like 3 releases worth of stuff to start on the new things. Which would have been okay if I... knew people to drag along for those things! I was really looking forward to the new classes too, especially the gunner thingy :P

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Hi Venty! Yeah, I haven't played in a long while. I tried to come back for the expansion, only to realize that I knew no one and had to slog through like 3 releases worth of stuff to start on the new things. Which would have been okay if I... knew people to drag along for those things! I was really looking forward to the new classes too, especially the gunner thingy :P

Well you're always welcome to come back and join us! We'll help you through content no problem =P

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Hi Venty! Yeah, I haven't played in a long while. I tried to come back for the expansion, only to realize that I knew no one and had to slog through like 3 releases worth of stuff to start on the new things. Which would have been okay if I... knew people to drag along for those things! I was really looking forward to the new classes too, especially the gunner thingy :P

Well you're always welcome to come back and join us! We'll help you through content no problem =P

I may very well take you up on that actually! Though might not go back to S'janna as I'd left her story in a very satisfying spot when last I played her - and I freely admit to a love of dragon-people >_>

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Hi Venty! Yeah, I haven't played in a long while. I tried to come back for the expansion, only to realize that I knew no one and had to slog through like 3 releases worth of stuff to start on the new things. Which would have been okay if I... knew people to drag along for those things! I was really looking forward to the new classes too, especially the gunner thingy :P

Well you're always welcome to come back and join us! We'll help you through content no problem =P

I may very well take you up on that actually! Though might not go back to S'janna as I'd left her story in a very satisfying spot when last I played her - and I freely admit to a love of dragon-people >_>

Of course! You just get in contact with me when you can, dear ^_^.. We'd love to rp with you again.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 5 weeks later...

So im dumb when it comes to fining things via searching in the game but uhhh I came back a few months ago, found a FC that i ended up joining on one my two toons and well im looking for something different with my alt. I love the FC my main is in but a lot of times trying to fin RP is a nightmare as its rather clique-ish. So if you wanted to find Weeping Siren in game or send me an IG letter id totally appreciate it :D

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