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Hello! I'm Sinjo, Preferably pronounced Sin-Jo!


I've played a lot of MMOs since I started playing games. Lots long since past, many I still wish were around. I hop and skip from here and there. I usually spend my MMO time on EVE, but as of late I've found it starting to drag on.


Much like MMOs I've played, Roleplaying has been something I've done for years as well. Starting out in Forums and moving to Chat rooms, back when they were popular. And eventually onto the bare bones MUCKS and MUDS. Moved onto Secondlife and MMOs from there.



All that aside, I'm pretty easy going! I love to play games, doesn't usually matter what. Anything from cards, to a boardgame all the way to videogames. Hoping to make some new friends and enjoy my self on the way!

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I tried to play EVE several times, but even with an automatic in to goon squad and free starting stuff I could never get into it. Just not my thing, I guess. Too much micromanagement.


Which server will you be playing on? Have you decided on a character?


I had to start on another server, but I intend to get a transfer to Balmung as soon as I can. Unfortunately the character limit has been pretty packed since I decided to get back into the game.


And I'm currently Working on a miqo'te Pugilist, Looking to end up as a rogue.

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My first 15 minutes in EVE felt like a drag:thumbsup:


Welcome to the RPC!


It takes a lot to really get into it. But the lack of class system and actual levels makes for an interesting system!






Heyhey, a fellow New Edenite. Careful with the free intel! :P


Welcome to Hydaelyn!



Thank you!

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