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Searching for Doctor, medic, and healer types.

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Just looking for something for my char and his IC wife. They need a more active rp fc.So if you are in need of a full time Smithy and Doctor/ healer. Please let me know. We would love ooc end game but is not required at all.


Edit: The type of RP we are interested in is a bit of work for our characters as well as slice of life events. So if you want this couple patchin your armor and wounds holler. Also not lookin for a merc fc.


Edit: I added a post down below but I am looking for Medic, Doctor, healer types for Swyg to meet as he has few of those in his life.

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I am going to copy this from an earlier post to get the merc part out of the way and elaborate on it:


"Wayfarers of Eorzea is technically a mercenary company even if they don't prefer to use that title. The members take jobs from either other players or we create them from an NPC. This can include IC dungeons with plot, investigation, silliness, escorting a NPC, etc etc. The FC created jobs usually consist of a DnD style Roleplay where it's up to your character to act and react to their surroundings and events.


Also, aside from the company board jobs, we have an ongoing plot throughout the FC as a whole. If you would like a teaser on what this consists of Stroud has posted a little something here.


Aside from adventuring, we run an IC tavern that is in the works before being opened to the public. Most of our casual RP happens in the tavern where the members talk, argue,drink, and have their slice of life RP. There is no standard for who can join so there are many people from different walks of life involved; even a family with children. We aren't military, we are a family bound by the struggles of life that we share together."


Now, as stated, we are sort of a Merc FC by the definition; we do take jobs and work at them to give our members a form of income, exercise, to help other people, and to form bonds through adventure. I want to note that these jobs aren't always combat or 'hunts'. Sometimes they are going to a battlefield to treat the injured, sometimes it is finding a lost child that has wandered away from the village, or even gathering ingredients for a local farm. It is up to the group who does the job on how they handle it. Wayfarers is made up of many different people from different walks of life and different varying opinions. Rini is a simple, normal, soft spoken girl who's goal out of any of this is to give people a home and make them happy. It's this aspect that makes us unique. There's not really many rules or code of conduct. We only ask that members treat other members with respect as if they were your family. We aren't military, we aren't an organized club of fighters who look for the jobs with the biggest pay, we aren't politicians who debate on how we can make the world better, but we are Au Ras who are learning to live in a new and strange land, we are the children who grew up without parents or any concrete home life, we are the kidnapped, the tortured, the ones who did what we had to in life to keep living, we are husbands, wives, families with children who run up and down the steps with foam swords dreaming of being heroes one day, we are the ones who are only looking to find a place to be ourselves and can be happily accepted, we are the exiles from Ishgard or any other nation whom would brand us unfit for their country, we are brothers, sisters, people. We do not form ourselves to the mold of status quo, we are Wayfarers!


Lol, I might have went overboard with that, but it's that passion for the underdog that drove me to start this. If you would like to see if we would be a nice fit for you and you wife please feel free to stop by. Despite my speech, we do have rules for OOC behavior as we don't condone drama of the OOC sort. If any of this finds interest to you please don;t hesitate to PM.


Take care!

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Hello there! :D Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested. We've got a weekly tavern event and slice of like RP around the house, along with more plot-based or action-based FC missions.

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"Wayfarers of Eorzea is technically a mercenary company even if they don't prefer to use that title. The members take jobs from either other players or we create them from an NPC. This can include IC dungeons with plot, investigation, silliness, escorting a NPC, etc etc. The FC created jobs usually consist of a DnD style Roleplay where it's up to your character to act and react to their surroundings and events.

Alright Ill talk to her and we will see. :) we mostly would like the work around the fc house. As Swyg isnt a fighter and Lori is a smith.

Where the hells were you two like.. a week ago when I desperately needed medics?! Damn...


If you guys ever need a temp home, you can come find Kasumi in-game for some RP story/drama/slice of life goodness. :love:

Well Id be happy too. :)


Onyx Cross is also currently recruiting, We are without a house till christmas but we are an active heavy RP FC 


Here is out link http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=14052&pid=227329#pid227329




We also employ a Non-Drama Policy and are a lovely group looking for more.

Sadly house is a must for us since Swyg needs his clinic as thats why he needs a move.


Hello there! :D Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested. We've got a weekly tavern event and slice of like RP around the house, along with more plot-based or action-based FC missions.

This sounds like something we would enjoy I shall pass it along to Lori and look at your site.


*cough* Dread Wyrms Linkshell Page *cough*

I will take a look.

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