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Siren RP Connections

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Hey ladies and gentleman and all in between. So on my last post i mentioned that i was most likely going to transfer to Balmung... but things have change a bit. I have made a character on Siren thinking that "Oh i'll just do some temporary Rp on this server until i transfer", but it seem that that wasn't the case.


I have decided that I am going to spend the beginning of my FFXIV Roleplay life in siren for quite awhile, and maybe later on transfer a few characters to Balmung.


Anyways, if there are any of you who do indeen Rp on Siren then it would be a pleasure to meet and rp with most or all of you, starting this Friday I will be starting my serious rp career in Siren, so if anyone is interested then please, don't hesitate to leave a reply or even send a PM to me (And why the heck not send me a tell in-game at Qoribucha Mol!)


Thanks to you all and I soooo hope that i can really get into a good relationship with most of you.


Osirus Out! 8-)

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Hey :) welcome. just sent you a PM. Look forward to meeting you!


There's indeed some rplayers on siren! Although at the moment things are a bit slow because people are waiting for the 3.1 patch. But as I know there's still weekly events you can go to and meet people - I believe you can find the events post on the siren rp website. Good luck!

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Hey :) welcome. just sent you a PM. Look forward to meet you!


There's indeed rplayers on siren! Although at the moment things are a bit slow because people are waiting for the 3.1 patch. But as I know there's still weekly events you can go to and meet people and I believe you can find them on the siren rp website.

Wow that sounds really exciting!

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