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Who you gonna call?

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​(this discreetly placed advertisement can often be found in the corners of the major city-states. It is neatly printed, slightly torn, loosely flipping the light breezes, or nearly falling to them.)


There something strange in the neighborhood? Who you going to call?


Noa Lanbatal, is a local scholar and investigator of the occult and paranormal. With years of experience in the field, she has dedicated her knowledge to the understanding of the metaphysical, and the exorcising of dark and malicious forces across Eorzea. 


[align=justify]Ms. Lanbatal and her company have tackled amazing feats in the form of breaking curses, repelling malicious spirits, speaking with lost souls, investigating bizarre manifestations, and much more. The services of Ms. Lanbatal are open to the public, and anyone seeking her skill set should contact her via moogle-mail, to commission her work.


You can also visit the office of Ms. Lanbatal at the 'East Mist Athenaeum', Ward 1 Plot 24. Simply check in with the receptionist and then make your way to Room 1.


If you contact Ms. Lanbatal via letter, please provided contact methods. Including your name, and a location with the coordinates where you would like to meet for your free consultation, and payment negotiation.[/align]




Out of Character


Looking for someone to help further your characters story? One of my many hobbies in FFXIV RP is watching the progression of other characters, and unlocking the mysteries surrounding them. Instead of creating my own arcs and consistently pushing my character's personal story, I've created a service and company that is focused around carrying the major plot arcs associated with 'other' characters.


What I'm sortof going for is a whole 'Sherlock Holmes' meet 'Final Fantasy' sort of RP. Trying to focus on resolving weird cases, and mysteries that normally don't get attention from local authorities or the military.


I'm always willing to RP with new people, especially outside of my general social circle. So Reach out to me in-game for questions or concerns, Hope to hear from you soon, I'd love to get to meet some of amazing characters of Balmung really soon! <3

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