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Balmung restriction.


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I have one character in Balmung server and i love the RP and community there. But the agony when i try to get my new ALT in there is just cruel. And i have been reading posts and what not, It's obviosly a problem to whole a lot of folks out there that would like to make alts or have their friends join in the game.


And then there are those afkers that just stand in one place for DAYS!!!


What if we Roleplayers would do something about this? What if we'd every single day LOG OUT! For an hour or so at certain time? So more people could join us in the game without staying up weeks 2am-5am to try sneak in to our server.


Roleplayers and our friends inGame if we would all do this favor to people? I personaly would love to have my friend to join in the awezome RP community in Balmung. He can't pay transfer fee and he works so waking up 2am each morning is impossible.


What you guys think?

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Unfortunately, a mass logout wouldn't really work. THe amount of people who can login to the server is vastly larger than the amount of people who need to be logged in to stop character creation. That's why we have login queues and sometimes instanced copies of maps.


Even when SE puts up the AFK timeout, it's easily exploited and the amount of idle people doesn't make up a big enough gap to trigger an "open" status.


Currently, the easiest method is to make a group of characters on another server, and to transfer them all to Balmung for the one-time $18 server transfer fee, until SE catches on. I think our only saving grace is that bots and gilsellers are too cheap to do that. (But hey, we hardly have to deal with those anyways, because they can't get on the server either! ...not to mention that the moment Balmung would go open, it would receive a flood of bot/seller characters, who sit and spam the server during maitenance to get in).

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Unfortunately, a mass logout wouldn't really work. THe amount of people who can login to the server is vastly larger than the amount of people who need to be logged in to stop character creation. That's why we have login queues and sometimes instanced copies of maps.


Even when SE puts up the AFK timeout, it's easily exploited and the amount of idle people doesn't make up a big enough gap to trigger an "open" status.


Currently, the easiest method is to make a group of characters on another server, and to transfer them all to Balmung for the one-time $18 server transfer fee, until SE catches on. I think our only saving grace is that bots and gilsellers are too cheap to do that. (But hey, we hardly have to deal with those anyways, because they can't get on the server either! ...not to mention that the moment Balmung would go open, it would receive a flood of bot/seller characters, who sit and spam the server during maitenance to get in).


Ouch! I forget the Gil Sellers. Good point.

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