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Character Development?


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Well, I had posted up a profile at one time...but have since taken it down, only because I wasn't sure about it.


I'm not new to RPing, but I am new to doing it in FFXIV. The only other game I've done it in is Ragnarok Online, but beyond that, it's only been forums. My character in game is only about level 20, so...I'm still learning lore.


He is to be a male miqote when 2.0 is released. The most basic of info I had for him (not even a name at this point, the old one I had was unsatisfactory to me), but ANWAY.


He was a healer-esque type and could communicate with the echo/elementals. I know as a catalyst for healing someone else (which, he starts out not very good. No godmodding here!), he takes the wound on himself.


As far as upbringing, he was born and raised in the forest area surrounding Gridania. He's lead a fairly sheltered life, perhaps. I thought of making him a bit more feral in behavior, but I wasn't entirely sure if maybe that didn't fit him or something.


Could anyone help me fashion this character a bit? I figure, he'll likely reign from the 1.0 world and have been sent to the future for 2.0. (I did make him in game (though as a female miqote for obvious reasons).)


I've been dying to RP with people using him, but he just feels so...rough. Or incomplete? I'm not really sure. I just feel this great hesitation about it, like I have some lack of direction. It's admittedly been (socially) terrifying.


...as you can see, I'm kind of all over the board. ;; I apologize. Thank you for reading this.

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Yeah, roleplay, especially out in the open where griefers can possibly stumble in on you, can be a bit daunting sometimes. I've done a lot of roleplay before, and currently head a roleplay linkshell on Siren in Final Fantasy XI, but we kept it all within a linkshell and do relatively no roleplay in /say. It's very much different here, where people for the most part roleplay in /say, at least from what I have seen.


I will say this though, I haven't ever been griefed for roleplaying; actually, when I have RPed in public areas I have gotten compliments from people around who I didn't realize were roleplayers, or whom are interested in roleplay but haven't ever done it before. That's one of the really wonderful benefits that the RPC brought with it; a server where people could all hang out that is for roleplayers.


Personally, I think the best thing for character development and overcoming shyness is to just throw yourself out there. The shyness will fade with time, as for the character... I know from personal experience it takes time to get into a new character's head. You can write out their entire backstory but still not feel them yet, so it is natural for you to feel like your character may be a little rough, as you say.


My character, Blade, was very much the same way. More or less, I drew up a brief outline for him, established a general personality, but it was all very vague, but things that answered some important questions: where he came from, why he's doing what he is doing now, and so on. After that I just started roleplaying with him and over time, I got a little bit more into his head, roleplaying as him became easier, and much more interesting and over time, gradually fleshed out a more definitive backstory for him (which, well, I think is awesome).


So I think in terms of readying your character, getting some roleplay in, whether you count it as canon or just practice roleplay, would help to cement your character a bit more. It might be easier to draw up a backstory though after 2.0 comes out, but if you need some help, send me a PM.

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Afraid I'm not really sure what you're asking for here, are you asking for tips on how to RP or how to fashion a back story out for him? As basis for healing there really isn't a solid deal on that. Generally it would be thought of as using the aether (All living creatures are made up of it, as is the planet itself.) within one's body to speed up the healing process. Realistically though depending on the severity of the wound a simple Cure/Cura spell isn't going to heal it to tip-top shape. I've never really heard of anyone drawing the wound from someone to themselves before but you're free to RP it however you want really.


As for the elementals they are considered to be the protectors of the Twelveswood residing in every plant/animal alive. Those born in the Twelveswood are called Forestborn and are often more in tune with the woods than outsiders. Such example would be if you were to get woodsin, a taint that is accumulated from bringing harm to any living creature that dwells within the woods, or causing general harm to the forest themselves. This can range from burning a tree to just poaching. To Gridanians poaching is a serious crime punishable by death. Anyway, woodsin while I don't have the full details on all of it can apparently be detected on someone who has accumulated it like a stench. Forestborns in particular are capable of detecting it but I'd imagine only those who are deeply involved in their beliefs may have that talent.


Not all forestborn can hear and commune directly with the elementals, specifically only Conjurers can and even then it's rare that one can commune with every elemental or fully understand them. Typically it may be only one kind or certain kinds. Someone who can would have the ability to hear their whispers. The elementals live in things from the ancient trees to the air, the water, metals, and even the dead skins of animals such as leather. A conjurer acts as a medium between the Gridanians and the elementals and are generally thought of as servants to the elementals from what I recall. There's plenty of info you can find on the rest of that stuff.


Now regarding healing, eventually you'll probably unlock White Mage and while I'll spare you the entire details of it all the horned people called Padjal are the ones that came up with and protect the sacred art. Kan-e-Senna, Ray-o-Senna, and several of the head Conjurers (Just look for their horns, they also appear to look like young children almost.) are Padjal.


One of the most important aspects though of being a Gridanian (Depending on how deep you play into it.) is that they are huge believers of never wasting anything. Throw away some slightly bruised fruit, or a ratty old bag, and expect to hear an earful about it. Clothes, especially stuff like leather boots, gloves, etc. are often repaired and carried down through tradition as they feel it would be doing the elementals that sacrificed their lives to remain in that piece of gear a great unjustice.


Now if your Miqo'te male lived in the Twelveswood itself and not in Gridania then that's perfectly fine, my character Mihana is actually a forestborn herself having her tribe living in the Twelveswood since the age of the Endless Frost. But typically Miqo'te tribes that live in the Twelveswood are Keepers of the Moon. For a brief time there were supposedly quarrels between the tribes and Gridanian folk until peace was made. No huge wars or battles, the two just didn't see eye-to-eye, I think.


But as a member of a tribe living in the Twelveswood I'd suggest adopting the following attitude: Let your tribe be devote followers of respecting and worshiping the elementals. By this I mean live by the thought that you never kill more than what you need, you pray to and thank the elementals after a successful hunt and never waste anything. This is a belief Mihana's tribe has, but she didn't which lead her to terrorizing marmots for fun at an early age. It later lead to her accumulating woodsin. Oh and a note about woodsin, it's thought of as kind of an illness that takes place only in the Twelveswood or when you're in it. Basically it would feel as if you're almost suffocating and overexposure could probably lead to rendering you unconscious if not invoke the wrath of the woods itself on you.


There's a little something called greenwrath that comes with it but you can look that stuff up while doing the Gridanian storyline. Whew a lot there but I'm not quite done yet.


Now you won't really need to worry about explaining a Miqo'te male in 2.0 so I'll spare that but by default the males are supposed to be more anti-social and territorial than the females. I don't really expect that has to be followed since it's not a requirement or something but that's kind of how all Miqo'te generally are. Feel free to experiment all you want on your own with this of course. If you want some ideas on backstories just head on over to the wiki page Castiel keeps here for RPers, there's plenty of biographies players have written. Feel free to take a peek at mine too if you like. I've started keeping mine on a different site though but they're still the same regardless.


Mihana Zhralyia (Born in the Twelveswood. I also tried to go into a little more detail as to why there's a Seeker tribe living in the woods too.)



Calzien Gishaborah (A Miqo'te male, or played as one. Is an immigrant to Eorzea coming from an island. He's very shy/skittish too living a sheltered life like your character. I also created his own culture/beliefs being from another place, it's loosely based on a Gaian-type view of the world. Thanks to Aysun Demiir for help on that.)



I kind of think I may have gotten off-track a little but I hope this helps you out!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, I feel horrible for not replying sooner! I could have sworn I'd had an alert set on the thread. Anyways.


Thank you both for your replies. They've both helped a great deal and are very informative and inspiring!


@Mihana: Holy crap the amount of info you have for me here! Haha, it's extremely helpful! It's given me quite a bit to reflect on, considering the qualities of this character.


@Blade: Thank you for your kind words! I am hoping with the start of 2.0, I'll have enough set in stone for me that I'll be able to comfortable RP at least a -little- bit.



And again to Mihana, I'm sorry I wasn't clear. I was asking for help on fashioning a backstory and such. I know some people have told me "don't worry too much about that, just jump in!" But each time I've tried, I have difficulty. Having that background helps me get that feel for who they are, and why they are that way, y'know? But with my lack of knowledge on a good chunk of the lore, it's been giving me issues. I'm definitely going to give those two profiles a good read. Both have qualities similar to my character, so I think it'd be good inspiration.



Any more advice and stuff is still greatly welcomed from everyone! Thank you!

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