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Crooked Chemist Cat Looking to Make Friends or Fiends!

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Hello, I'm seeking RP or an FC for my character, Queenston!







Queenston or "Q" is a middle aged alchemist specializing in illicit indulgences and a mage of middling mastery who seeks money and some conflict ever so often to shake things up. Q is a mellow man who can be cordial, but self conscious of his growing age and dislikes reminders of this fact. He can be spotted at the Quicksands typically dressed in flashy (read as "gaudy") clothes and smoking.


What are some possible meetings one might have with Q?



Idle chit chat-Need a bar buddy? Q isn't one to reject the company of another. Bored, flirty, or even just curious characters of all kind are always welcome to converse. [/align]



Potential client or employer-Money, it’s the reason anyone would wake up in the mind of this back alley alchemist. If your pockets are heavy then Q will be happy to relief you of some of that cumbersome money.[/align]



Law enforcement-Q has managed to keep his business mostly confidential. His backroom concoctions are regarded as generally no more than hearsay and have yet to lead to any investigation.[/align]


Past associate or enemy-Running with a crime family in Ul'dah pre Calamity, Q starting as a street sorcerer at a young age, eventually securing a position in “product production”.


I’m usually online 6pm - 12pm PST during the current holiday season. During college though my time is less abundant. Just send me a tell in game (@ Royce Queenston maybe alt tabbed but have sound notifications) or PM on here (checked in the mornings) and I’d be happy to meet up.


Thank you for your time!

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Setoh is a skilled contractor in the Victor, nettoyeur variety:




He's got a lot of contacts in the underworld, and a talented chemist would be very useful.

A bit of skullduggery sometime sounds fun...in RP context of course. I'll bother you for some possible RP in the future when I get some more footing with Q. c:

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Our FC is run by researchers/scientists/historians/nutjobs/nice people >>




That or I can throw Ashe in your face >>

I'll definitely check yall out. Been looking everywhere for none merc centric or primarily good aligned FCs. Will also bother you for an RP thing sometime if the FC deal doesn't work out for some reason.

Not one Heisenberg joke yet?


Well, you're a Mi'qote, so I guess you'd have to be Schrödinger.


I have characters that always seem to need some clandestine concoction or another. I'll look you up in game sometime.

Of course, I'm usually available to RP and reluctant to PvE if no one else is so don't be scared to grab my attention. (Also, sorry, never seen Breaking Bad!)

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Our FC is run by researchers/scientists/historians/nutjobs/nice people >>




That or I can throw Ashe in your face >>

I'll definitely check yall out. Been looking everywhere for none merc centric or primarily good aligned FCs. Will also bother you for an RP thing sometime if the FC deal doesn't work out for some reason.

I wouldn't call us "good."

We are more chaotic neutral.

But we're good people!!!  With our own weird way of doing things

We do a lot of IC adventuring for research and artifacts and what not. 

We'll be starting Azys Lla trip next weekend.

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