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SWTOR guild that runs dance parties

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Boyfriend plays SWTOR while I'm doing my homework -- tonight, he happened across this group on his server:




They do regular parties on their home server and can be hired out. They do live radio during the event with a DJ -- oh how I would love to rp with this kind of thing! THE POSSIBILITIES! Makes me a little sad that ffxiv lore wouldn't really work with it, considering that a) ffxiv rp is 20 bajillion times better (no offense to any star wars rpers, but I have a serious lady boner for ff rp) and b) the event organizers here are seriously kickass.


Anyways, check it out! It's really cool stuff! :)

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This reminds me of The Cape, which was an internet radio station for the City of Heroes/Villain's RP server. They were pretty awesome, and showing up at the Pocket D when they were doing a show was a lot of fun.


I could see someone having some kind of "radio" show over a linkpearl, but there's no recorded music in the setting and the only music I could see anyone playing is Final Fantasy soundtrack music. I like The Black Mages as much as the next guy, but I don't think I could listen to them for an extended period.


But damn, it would be awesome to have something like that.

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What are you guys talking about? We have a server full of bards just waiting to be hired for public performances and events! Why not use what is readily available, and can generate RP at the same time?


I'm sure someone could get something going along with accompanying background music etc. ^^

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but there's no recorded music in the setting


There are actually craftable jukeboxes now (GSM), and I'm pretty sure the music in Gold Saucer is both in-universe and recorded. I wouldn't necessarily rule those out lore-wise just yet.


Are they common though? Likely not. A luxury good. My mind jumps to that one exchange from Back to the Future.


"Wow! You must be rich."


"Oh, honey, he's teasing you. Nobody has two television sets."

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but there's no recorded music in the setting


There are actually craftable jukeboxes now (GSM), and I'm pretty sure the music in Gold Saucer is both in-universe and recorded. I wouldn't necessarily rule those out lore-wise just yet.


Are they common though? Likely not. A luxury good. My mind jumps to that one exchange from Back to the Future.


"Wow! You must be rich."


"Oh, honey, he's teasing you. Nobody has two television sets."


Huh! That's a good point! I hadn't really considered that. I guess mostly because it isn't really made a big deal about in game, but you're totally right. Those are good examples of recorded music.


So there's one obstacle down. Anyone wanna branstorm some lore appropriate music possibilities? I'm totally down for taking a shift as an IC DJ.

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