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Mercenary seeking employment and long term connections!

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Aruktai - like many of his kind - hails from Othard. Between the ruthlessness of the Dotharl and the encroachment of Garlemald upon his tribe's territory he saw fit to take his leave and seek refuge elsewhere. He is a grim, serious individual who detests wasting time or resources. One of his more notable quirks is his habit of taking statements at face value - a consequence of being an outsider the Eorzean way of life. Years spent hunting prey for sustenance has led him to become quite effective at tracking and dispatching beasts - and so he has come to  embrace the life of a mercenary in order to earn his keep and ensure that he has a roof over his head whenever he requires rest.


I will outline, however, that I am not terribly interested in having him attend parties or get smashed at a tavern. I am also not really looking to have him pursue a relationship - I will not rule it out completely but I've found that more often than not in leads to stagnation or too much focus being placed upon that particular angle. Instead I am desperately seeking meaningful long term role-play with like-minded individuals who value reasonable pacing, character development and most importantly take the initiative to get out into the wider game world instead of sitting in cities and/or houses day in, day out.


I enjoy exploring a variety of different themes such as horror, action, humour and political intrigue. Characters that may not initially get along with my own - or are even slightly racist in their views - are adored. Especially if it leads to them learning from one another over time! I also enjoy making clever use of the game world to forge interesting stories. Perhaps if someone's character seeks to hire Aruktai to clear out a nest of bandits and retrieve some stolen goods then we can head into Sastasha - but consider it to be a generic bandit den rather than what it can be seen as at face value?


It's also worth noting that I live in England. I do boast a flexible schedule - but there are times where I am much busier than usual and real life may, understandably, get in the way from time to time. I do, however, hope that if we do hit it off that we won't simply sit on each other's list of contacts never to interact with one another either at all or beyond once or twice a month.


That may come off as rather harsh but I have struggled immensely to find contacts to interact with on a long term basis outside of my Free Company. Thus the creation of this thread - because I suspect there are others in a similar predicament.


I must also note that I am rather fond of the game's lore and so I expect my partners to approach me with a plausible concept. I will, of course, extend the same courtesy! I expect those to approach me to boast a decent sense of humour and be open to OOC chatter as I feel such a connection greatly boosts the chance of long term role-play becoming a thing.


Thanks for reading and if you have any questions/ideas then feel free to post them in this thread, contact me in-game on Aruktai Olkund or send me a PM!

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