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Raen Ninja - Looking for Contacts

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Hello everyone!


I completely re-did one of my alts and created Yoshirou Ishiku. I've always liked the Doma stuff and I like the Raen, so why not make one a Ninja!?


I am still in the process of fleshing out the character, as I have a habit of doing that along the way. I am however, looking for more contacts that can RP with this character.


Yoshirou is a middle-aged Raen male that obviously comes from Othard and likely from Doma, or one of the villages surrounding it. He can occasionally be quite a solitary type and it might take a while for him to really open up and talk, but on the surface he is a gentle character.


He will be an actual Ninja/Shinobi, but thus far nobody has knowledge of that fact, and I am unsure how I am going to implement that in my roleplay. My character is currently only lvl 40, so I still have a lot of story to see.




Would love to hear from someone soon with advice or just for RP!

My timezone is GMT+1, as I live in western Europe.


And I apologize for any typos and/or grammatical errors!

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