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Looking for friends and contacts

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Hello there dear reader!


I've been rather absent and lacking from the game for a couple of months, and now that I return?  I find that I am without too many people to play with.  I do really try to not disappear like that, but sometimes life happens.  And to be utterly blunt, when life tosses a good deal of drama my way, I tend to retreat over to single player games.


But I have returned, and started to really play once again.  I am looking for people to come rp with me, or maybe even give me that little nudge to level.  Heh.  I'm making the post-50 MSQ slog right now on one character, and I just cannot seem to get enthused about the story.  I really want to unlock the new classes!  But sheesh, that MSQ just takes forever!


Ahh, but I am certain you are curious about my character.  And here she is.


Leindra is my higher level of the two, a conjurer by trade and Hellsguard by birth.  She is always looking for people to talk aetheric studies, or perhaps even go appease a spirit or two.  I roleplay her as a conjurer, and potential field researcher.  If one were to pursue her (and not saying I am looking for that, it is a huge IF there), she is actually rather prickly and can be easily put off by people.  As well, the whole only being interested in ladies thing.  Ultimately though, she really is just looking for friends and contacts, with perhaps a dash of adventure here and there.


Making an edit here, to say to people, please feel free to contact me.  After a few things that have happened in game, Leindra has found herself...  Well, lonely and without anyone to even so much call a friend.  No seriously, she has no friends and almost no rp.  Rp on Balmung is proving to be nearly impossible to break into.

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Welcome back to FFXIV! *confetti*


I'd be happy to RP with you! Your character sounds pretty interesting!


If you'd like, you can check out Rihxo's wiki (in my signature) and see if she's someone you'd be interested in meeting. She's a pretty bubbly girl with a love for chocolate!


Feel free to PM me or send a /tell if you'd like to RP ^^

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Thank you!  Life kinda happened, and we all know how that goes.  Combine with holidays, and things just get busy.  I'm hoping to get the search rolling, so once the new year comes in, I will have some nice folks to rp with!


I'll definitely look you up, and feel free to say hey anytime you see me on.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Making an edit here, to say to people, please feel free to contact me.  After a few things that have happened in game, Leindra has found herself...  Well, lonely and without anyone to even so much call a friend.  No seriously, she has no friends and almost no rp.  Rp on Balmung is proving to be nearly impossible to break into.


If you're interested in aetheric studies, feel free to give me a poke. :) L'yhta's pretty approachable, being an adventuring mage, and the Tower is full of wizarding sorts.

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Hey there! I'm sorry you're having trouble breaking into RP on Balmung. I have five characters, one of which has a wiki linked in my sig, while the others have shorter RP profiles on my tumblr (also linked in my sig). Please let me know if you'd like to meet any of them! Or shoot me a /tell in game. I'm most often on Solenne, Michaux, or Ardenoix these days. (Note that I go AFK sometimes, so if you don't hear back from me after sending a /tell, it's totally because I wandered away from my desk and not at all because I'm ignoring you. Promise!)

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Regarding Liandra,


I've run into her a couple of times.  I can attest to the fact that she is a very amicable roegadame.  You can find her on emerald avenue at the rather less common side of the night.  She likes a bit of witty repartee, doesn't hate music and can tolerate fleas for more minutes than most folks in thanalan.  Also, she's huge, she's hot, and she is smarter than the last suncat you talked to!  



-savo the sewercat

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Regarding Liandra,


I've run into her a couple of times.  I can attest to the fact that she is a very amicable roegadame.  You can find her on emerald avenue at the rather less common side of the night.  She likes a bit of witty repartee, doesn't hate music and can tolerate fleas for more minutes than most folks in thanalan.  Also, she's huge, she's hot, and she is smarter than the last suncat you talked to!  



-savo the sewercat


I tell you, Lei is going to drag Savo to the baths one day!


But seriously, thank you for the vote of confidence!

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