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Seeking Friendship connections, and contacts.

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I have created one of these threads before, a few months ago. Now I am trying my hand at seeking out people to rp with using this method once more. Due to unfortunate turn of events, my rp experience has been slowly but surely dying down. Some of my friends have either left Balmung or they have left the game entirely, whether it be due to hiatus or because they merely wish to try out other games. I have a few friends who are still on, but have not been able to rp with them much, so I want to expand my circle of rp friends. I am looking for mostly anything, a rp LS or just a few people to hang around with. I currently have three characters who are on the Balmung server, but as of the moment I shall work with two. I almost forgot to mention, I am in the est timezone. 



One of my characters is a Miqo'te by the name of Sairen Lunaris, who is half Seeker and half Keeper. He is a young man who tries his utmost best not to let the little things get to him, such as petty arguments, and pointless fights. However, he tends to slip up without realizing it himself. Sairen is very loyal to those who are close to him, having grew up in a village where loyalty means everything. At times he can be rather stubborn. He loves to hunt, cook, spar, listening to music, and singers, he also loves to travel. He is from a rather small tribe of Miqo's that resided within Eastern Thanalan, close to the Shroud. After losing most of his tribe to an Amalj'aa attack, he developed a personal vendetta against the tempered beastkin. Having relocated to Ul'dah, he began working as a hunter and sellsword.



My second character is a Xaela Au Ra named Amarakuro Loivissa, formerly known as Amara Malaguld. Like many, Amara comes from Othard. he came over to Eorzea to explore what he deemed unfamiliar territory. Since coming to Eorzea he had worked as a sellsword, mostly escorting merchants from one destination to another. One of his most recent jobs had him working for one of the noble houses of Ishgard, after completing the job he relocated to Ul'dah where he offers assistance at a spa. Amara is a man who has a medium yet average muscular build. He is a rather determined individual, whenever he takes on a task he prefers to see it through to the end. Amara enjoy drinking and relaxing whenever he has the chance to do so, often visiting the Quicksand, or any other place that offers good drinks.

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Hiya! I'd love to RP with you! ^^


I have Rihxo here, a bubbly Seeker with a love for chocolate. You can check out her wiki to see if you'd be interested in RPing! PM me or send a /tell if you are! : )


EDIT: what is this spelling you speak of

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Hiya! I'd love to RP with you! ^^


I have Rihxo here, a bubbly Seeker with a love for chocolate. You can check out her wiki to see if you'd be onterested in RPing! PM me or send a /tell if you are!: )

I shall definitely add the booth of you. I have to admit that the bubbly seeker sound like she will be really fun to interact with. ^-^

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I would love to have one of my characters meet your character. I shy character tends to be a amusing person from time to time, meeting her could be very fun.


Also, I had to add my timezone in. Just in case anyone wanted to know. : )

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