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Hello all,


I have been playing xiv since 1.0. The game has become somewhat boring for me lately and been wanting to try some RP but I can't seem to find anything on my server (Hyperion). I have been thinking of changing over to Sargatanas since a friend start playing around July on that server. But, I have some current friends on Hyperion that I don't want to leave.


So, anyways I thought I try my luck on here finding people or LS and such. Also, can someone point me in the right direction on how to use the wiki? I would like to create a chara page for myself.

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Gag! <3


To my knowledge the largest RP communities are focused on Balmung and Gilgamesh with newer sprouting communities on some of the smaller servers like Siren or Moogle. The Linkshells tab and forum has some of the known communities listed there, maybe you can find one on Sargatanas?

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Hello Sounsyy! Didn't know you where here. So you moved to Balmung than.


I created a chara on Sarga for now to check it out. Maybe I should try Balmung too. I might have to try rp on the forums than.


The character profile i kicking my butt on wiki side. ; ;

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