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Commision trade against gold edition of AC Syndicate?


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Hello everyone,


I'm not sure if I can open a thread for this and if it is proper to ask, so if somehow it is not do not hesitate to remove this thread.


I wanted to ask if any artist might be interested in a trade of drawing comission against a digital gold edition of Assassin's Creed Syndicate (including Jack the Ripper DLC through season pass and bonus content), which can be downloaded directly from uplay with a key. It's worth 89euros actually, but as I have already the game I do not have any use of it. I'd gladly discuss all details with you : )


Thank you for reading this :love:

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Thank you :love:


Do you happen to do coloured sketches too?

I was hoping for a coloured drawing of me and my friend's characters, without a precise idea. 








I can add some digital color like the image above! Or I can try traditional media for some color, but I haven't used my colored pencils for years.

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