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First steps in a new adventure...

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So, I'm new here, and I'm going to be the first to admit that my knowledge of the lore is rather limited, as well as the roleplaying community and game itself. With that in mind, I figured I'd throw out my hat into the ring and see if I can cobble together some connections. I mean, the worst thing that could happen is one of us ends up dead right? Uh, anyway.


Given my inexperience, I decided to whip up a character who is similarly somewhat... hm, ignorant I suppose you could say of the greater climate. He's a recent Highlander arrival to Ul'dah from Ala Mhigan, having taken part in the resistance there for much of his adult life. As a result, he's received his share of scars, he's hardly inexperienced in matters of war, and thus has decided to somewhat hop onto the adventuring bandwagon. Why? Well, he's pretty damn good at killing things, and with a lack of any other noteworthy skills; a chip on his shoulder, a need for coin and a past he may or may not be running away from. It's one way to make a new life, right?




First and foremost, he's a pessimist; being a bit too blunt in the social department, hardly the most trusting individual at the best of times - after all, most people are in it for themselves... right? - and though he lacks for a hot-headed temper, he isn't afraid to display his dominance physically or verbally when he deems it necessary. All in all, he's not great at parties, but he can make a scene you'll remember. With that being said, he's pretty damn loyal to those he deems worthy enough of it, but right now he's lacking for anything short of an acquaintance and a handful of employers. He's quite literally new in town.


At this moment in time, I'm hunting down just about any circumstances; friends, acquaintances, rivals, pickpockets, sparring partners, whatever. Lacking for any real specific ideas until I get further into the meat of the game for inspiration, I am open to suggestions. Whilst nobody likes "oh dude im totally open to w/e XD" I'm more than willing to meet people half-way when it comes to throwing around ideas, even if it's coming up with a convient enough excuse for a pair or more to bump into each other and strike up some sort of conversation.


My directory can be found here.



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Welcome to the RPC and to Balmung. It's good to have you, and I hope you enjoy your time here.


As for connections, Arcian is a former resistance fighter turned sellsword turned hired security for an Ishgardian manufactory. If you're not averse, I'm more than willing to brainstorm possible links there, or just a chance meeting if you'd prefer. Do you mind if I hit you up ingame?

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Welcome to the RPC and to Balmung. It's good to have you, and I hope you enjoy your time here.


As for connections, Arcian is a former resistance fighter turned sellsword turned hired security for an Ishgardian manufactory. If you're not averse, I'm more than willing to brainstorm possible links there, or just a chance meeting if you'd prefer. Do you mind if I hit you up ingame?


Go for it. I'd be happy to brainstorm.

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