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FFXIV Unofficial Active Player Census


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Recently, a reddit user by the name of Lucky Banchos pooled a census of the overall active playerbase. These numbers exclude RMT, though any leveled alts would be accounted for given his criteria (certain mounts/minions people have based on the Lodstone).



A translation can be found here, but for a quick overview: 


- FFXIV presently has 771,103 active players by rough estimation. 

- Only 198,577 have completed the MSQ through to 3.1.

- Balmung is the most popular server at 27,535.

- Only 0.7% of overall players have cleared Alexander Savage in its entirety.

- Of that 0.7%, JP makes up the overwhelming majority at roughly 78%.


A ful discussion of these numbers and further breakdowns were done on: 



Another fun number. In the video, Sly mentions pooling over 60,000 Eternal Bond ceremonies. Not sure where he found that data, but it's interesting nevertheless. Anywho, thought I would share this for those curious.

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