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Well, this is awkward.


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I mean, really awkward. I may not have the #2 post count like Tadir still does despite his absence (jeez, man), but still sitting pretty in the Top 20 overall is pretty hilarious considering that until just the other day, I hadn't posted anything since as far back as the end of 2010.


Anyway, yeah! Hello! I stomped around these parts way back during the beta period, and throughout the initial wheezing, coughing, hacking, and otherwise underwhelming introduction of FFXIV 1.0 in to this world before I wound up going on hiatus for a combination of reasons, mainly work and real life responsibilities that had me going all the way over to Japan for half a year. Suffice it to say, by the time I got back I had decided to break from FFXIV, and only played sporadically up until the end, mostly to get my hands on a Legacy Account as well as to be there firsthand for Eorzea's destruction.


Sadly beyond a very small grouping of people (all of whom seem to have gone the way of the dodo in regards to their still playing FFXIV/being around), I never really got to get to know many people and play with them in the actual setting, so I am hoping that whenever I am not off grinding and gaming it up with old FFXI friends on my Aegis Server iteration of Satisiun, that I can finally get myself more involved and active in the role-playing community on Balmung, or wherever the community decides to go once ARR gets closer to release (hopefully sans the issues that occurred in the Besaid vs. Selbina voting way back when ... :lol: ).


And I think that's about it for now! If anyone feels like prodding or poking me, I do have contact information that I placed in my Directory post in regards to play style and self-information about myself. :)

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Welcome back. That post count thing was a bit embarrassing to realize. I spent WAY too much time here before launch. Anyway, welcome back! I'm really stoked about the new version of the game. If you're ever looking for someone to party/rp with, look me up.


Tadir is currently running the family cartography business (good time for it) so he always has an excuse to get pretty much anywhere in the world. I'm sure we can set something up.

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Hi there! Hope to meet your character(s) when ARR comes! :)


Sure! Hopefully we'll bump in to one another! :D


Welcome back. That post count thing was a bit embarrassing to realize. I spent WAY too much time here before launch. Anyway, welcome back! I'm really stoked about the new version of the game. If you're ever looking for someone to party/rp with, look me up.


Tadir is currently running the family cartography business (good time for it) so he always has an excuse to get pretty much anywhere in the world. I'm sure we can set something up.


Haha, I think many of us did to be honest. I at least remember you being one of the only folk who made an effort to greet every new person in the Welcome Desk forum, so not like your post count is a bad thing or anything!


Considering that ARR is going to have both exploration-revealed maps and whole new landscapes and layouts, I'm sure Tadir will have lots to do come release time, huh?


Welcome back~ Hope you're finding what you need through all that old stuff I sent ya xD


I am, thank you! :lol: I'm just glad you still had all of that old stuff I wrote for Sati back when the profiles were all forum post/thread-based and not on the Wikia. Would've been a miserable experience having to start entirely from scratch instead of having all this content to build off of.

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Welcome back~! Saw your wiki being built. YAY!


Thank you! Yes, I'm plodding through the Wikia right now, and still trying to feel out the coding process before I do anything. Trying to think of what I could do to make the profile stand out, and also see what others have done to spruce their own pages up. Definitely a lot more complicated than just using good ol' BBCode on a forum post to make a profile. :lol:

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It is! But it's so much easier to read and navigate. :3 I much prefer the wiki over just forum posts, myself!


You've already spruced up your wiki more than mine has ever been, so kudos. :P Now the fun part.. writing content!

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