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Long-term RP

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Hey guys,


I'm looking for long-term RP partners. I'm a bit bored of constantly using /tell in order to find RP, and when I do the RP doesn't last very long anyway. I think it'd be cool if we could create a story together and just see where it takes us. I try my best to be as descriptive as possible, but keep in mind I just picked up RPing not too long ago. Anything goes, so let's see what happens.


Let me know if you're interested.


IGN: Chance See



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Hey there, I'm pretty new to the whole thing myself. I haven't really tried an /say stuff yet, just trying to hit level cap so I can glamour what I want without having to constantly replace my gear. Let's hit each other up sometime, see how we gel. I'd love to find a long-term partner while I try to find my feet, myself.


IGN's Honus Himself if you're ever online. My timezone's PST, though I've got kind of an irregular schedule. Hopefully we can work something out.

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